Sunday, November 29, 2009

Managing Your Self-Care!

“Self-love is about self-care, making your health a priority.  Self-love is revealed in your willingness to stay focused on the things you say are important.  It’s about having the courage to set boundaries and protect them.” – Francine Ward

C.H.A.R.G.E. #024

Up to this point we have discussed the importance of self-care in the form of exercise, stress management, dietary habits, attending to your health needs, and proper amounts of water intake and sleep.  But self-care, in and of itself, is so much more.  According to WellCoaches, self-care, “… can include activities such as improving your physical surroundings, developing a practice that exercises your mind and your soul, or balancing your family, social, and work demands with time to unwind by spending time in nature, soaking in a hot bubble bath, watching a beautiful sunrise, or listening to your favorite music.”

Standing by boundaries that you set for yourself can go a long way in preserving your health.  Once you have established what is acceptable behavior and what is not, make sure those around you are aware of your boundaries.  Next, let them know what your expectations are with the boundaries you have set.  Finally, inform them of the consequences of their unacceptable behavior around you, and then follow through with those consequences.

Managing burnout is another way of taking care of yourself.  According to Herbert J. Freudenberger, PhD., “… burnout is a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by a devotion to a cause, a way of life, or a relationship that failed to produce the expected reward.” 

Several signs and symptoms include:

  1. Tired, fatigued
  2. Melancholy
  3. Ambivalence
  4. Lack of interest
  5. Short term memory loss
  6. Dreading the event
  7. Health issues
  8. Difficulty making decisions
  9. Impatience
  10. Not caring

Here are a few ways to prevent burnout:

  1. Set and maintain boundaries
  2. Follow your wellness program
  3. Take time off
  4. Continue learning
  5. Have a support system

It may sound a bit selfish, but you can’t be a help to others when you haven’t taken care of yourself first.  What kind of motivator are you when it’s clear you are not practicing self-care?  I’m reminded of a flight attendant on an airplane when they instruct you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then help your child with their mask.  You can’t help someone else if you are panicked and struggling for air.

C.H.A.R.G.E. Questions:  Where do you fall short on self-care?  What activities could you engage in to better your self-care?  What boundaries would you like to set?  Who would you like to inform of these boundaries?  What burnout symptoms do you experience?  What are some ways you could employ to prevent burnout?

* Information adapted from WellCoaches Manual, Lesson 12, 2006.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do you have lachanophobia?

There are excuses, and there are reasons. More often than not, regarding exercise and nutrition, what people think is a ‘reason’ is actually an ‘excuse’.

For example: I don’t exercise because I don’t have time….or I don’t eat well because I don’t know how to prepare healthy meals.

But occasionally you come across something that sounds like an excuse that is actually a reason:  I don’t eat vegetables because I am afraid of them.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

getting muddy is good for you and could prevent allergies!

I’ve always believed that being exposed to the element’s and getting muddy is good for you and your bodily systems, it’s what our immune system has been designed to cope with over the the course of our evolution and a recent BBC article here also agrees with this.

I also believe that the reason there are so many allergy sufferer’s and a general immune system over reaction to much of the environment around us is a direct result of not being exposed to these at a young age when our body is developing it’s immune system. We know clearly for example that when we inject a small amount of a virus into the body, the immune system will respond with antibodies in sufficient amount that we can become much better at attacking the virus the next time. For this same reason I believe it is a good idea to be exposed to the environment at a young age and throughout life in order to build a good immune system and perhaps prevent the onset of allergy conditions.

Of course some of the rise in allergy’s seen across the world, especially in developed countries can be attributed to the rise in pollution, but the general more ‘pampered’ way in which people live in modern times looks like it could be a major reason for these rises.

The article goes on to say “By studying mice and human cells, they found the harmless bacteria did this by making a molecule called lipoteichoic acid or LTA, which acted on keratinocytes – the main cell types found in the outer layer of the skin.

The LTA keeps the keratinocytes in check, stopping them from mounting an aggressive inflammatory response. “

So get out in the cold, rain and dirt unless you didn’t have enough reasons to already, have a shower when you get back though because smelling of BO hasn’t yet been linked with a healthy immune system, nor helping your chances with the opposite sex!


Perder peso sin flacidez

Cuando alguien pierde peso muy rápido, a veces sufre porque queda “flojo” o siente que todo le cuelga y no sabe qué hacer con eso. Esto pasa principalmente cuando se han utilizado pastillas para adelgazar o procedimientos más “violentos” que hacen que el cuerpo se deshaga de la grasa en forma antinatural. Si la persona no tiene una buena alimentación, no va a tener las herramientas para evitar que la piel cuelgue o corregir estos problemas, porque la raíz del problema (una nutrición desbalanceada que fue lo que causó el sobrepeso en un principio) no se está atacando.

Pero cuando se pierde peso de la manera correcta, esto no tiene que suceder.

Un buen programa de nutrición para control de peso está diseñado para evitar que este tipo de problemas se den porque le provee al cuerpo lo necesario para que el proceso sea totalmente natural:

- La dosis necesaria de Proteína: La flacidez de la piel por pérdida de peso resulta por el vacío que queda donde había grasa que se eliminó rápidamente. Lo ideal es que parte de ese “vacío” se rellene con músculo (no todo el vacío, obvio!). La sustitución de grasa por músculo hace igual que la persona se vea delgada, y es saludable! Suplementos de proteína aislada de soya nos pueden ayudar a darle el impulso proteico que el cuerpo necesita para producir masa muscular, incluso la que se puede haber perdido por falta de actividad y buena nutrición.

- Vitaminas y nutrientes para la elasticidad de la piel: Con un programa nutricional adecuado se suplen todas las necesidades del cuerpo para funcionar bien. No sólo se trata de perder peso, sino de hacerlo en forma sana y natural. Si estamos ingiriendo los nutrientes correctos (vitamina A, C, E, aceites y ácidos grasos esenciales), la piel va a tener la elasticidad que necesita para recogerse conforme el exceso de grasa se va perdiendo.

Si a esta nutrición correcta le agregamos ejercicio, aún mejor porque nos tonificamos más! Pero a final de cuentas no se trata de perder peso ya, sino de perder peso bien.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random Personality Tuesday

Running Short! – Pam and I got about two blocks into our three mile run this morning before it started raining on us.  Sheesh!  I looked at the radar when we got up and everything in sight looked far away.  By the time we got out there it had turned into the same light rain/heavy drizzle that plagued us last week.  We cut our run short at 2 miles because we were getting soaked through and Pam grabbed the last mile on the treadmill.  I went ahead and rode to work, and by the time I got there it had pretty much quit.

Grind ‘em baby! – The last time I rode my road bike, I noticed the brakes grinding pretty badly.  I attributed it to grit from the constant rain and drizzle I was riding through but last night I went down to clean that bike and discovered that I had worn the pads to the point where I could see metal showing through.  Got new ones ordered and on their way.

Speaking of Crud! – I’m amazed that those brakes were even still functional.  I pretty much had to completely disassemble, clean and lube them to get them working smoothly again. 

Doh! – I took off work yesterday afternoon to run some errands.  When I got home, I stopped in the garage to tweak the saddle position on the Surly, then merrily went about my business.  This morning as I was leaving for work I couldn’t find the gloves I had home yesterday and realized I had probably left them laying on the back of the Jeep and driven off with them still there.  Darn…that was a nice pair of warm-weather full-fingered gloves!

Magnetic Presence! – I forgot to turn on my Spoke-Lights this morning, so I stopped to do so at the stoplight at Sunshine and Eastgate.  When I looked up, I had a green light…and there were no cars anywhere to have triggered it for me.  I guess the Surly has enough steel and mass to trigger that light.  That’s pretty cool, because it’s one I usually resort to running.

Spoke-Lights Rock! – No, I said Spoke-Lights, not Spook Lights!   The Nite Ize SpokeLit is an awesome little device that clips to the spokes of your wheel and emits a nice spinning glow as you ride.  I use one on both wheels, and they definately add a little bling to the bike!  For dark commutes, these things do more to command respect from motorists than anything I’ve seen or tried.  I couldn’t use them on the Giant because of the low spoke count wheels, but they fit the Surly just fine.  I noticed the first ride with them that cars were doing a lot more sitting and waiting for me to pass rather than pulling out and going.  It’s funny to watch their eyes follow your wheels as you pass them!  If you’re a commuter who rides in the dark, you need to get some of these things!

God bless…



Tervis ja meditsiin: Articles about Pharmacy, kirurgia, teraapia ning Fitness

Kas soov on ethernal noored, täiuslik ilu, tugev tervis ja pikk eluiga, võib öelda, et meditsiini-, kirurgia-ja ravib, erinevates vormides ja erinevate prioriteetidega, on alati olnud oluline, sest distsipliin ja oskus, mis puudutab iga tsivilisatsiooni. Muistsed kultuurid on edastanud meile tohutu pärandi traditsiooniliste teadmiste maitsetaimi, massaaže, salvid ja muud füüsilised abinõud (millest osa jääb muljetavaldav potentsiaal). Need vahendid on endiselt populaarne, oluline kohaldada ja imetlevad suured inimrühmad on paljudes riikides, tulemused, et mõnikord tundub väga positiivne isegi tänapäevaste teaduslike standarditega. Muidugi, tänapäeva scientifical lähenemine probleemidele tervishoiu ja heaolu on märgatavalt arenenud ja tohutult suurem võim, mõju, tõhusust ja prestiiži meditsiinitöötajate ja arstide inimühiskonna tänu nende võimele pikendab eluiga, eemaldada laastab , et võidelda haiguste ja ravi infektsioonide piirata valu ja tagasi vigor.

References: plaster, pharmaceutical, myweight, addiction, dentalplan, tanningbed, madness, insane, nurse, antibiotics, lotions, hairloss, patient, drugrehab, diabetes, prevention, protection, sight, pharmaceutical, medicalinsurance, nursing, healthcareplan, healthplan,

Vanus antibiootikumid, valuvaigistid, laser-kirurgia, geeniuuringute ja chemiotherapy tõotab imet parandamise keskmine inimeste elukvaliteet: seega ilmselt suuri pealinnades suured vahendid on investeeritud igal aastal teadlik valitsuste ja suurte rahvusvaheliste ettevõtete valdkonnas teadus-ja arendustegevust vaktsiinide, teraapiaid ja pharmacons. Isegi informatsiooniline aspekte meditsiin ja tervishoid on iseenesest tohutu turg, kus inimesed soovivad teada, millised on head tavad ennast paremini tundma ja mis lahendused aitavad elada kauem, pärast viimaseid avastusi ning kaasaegseid lahendusi. Kuna tekst on teema, oleme kokku rikaste grupi veebilehed esitatud ja (koos DNS teenuseid ); nende eesmärk on, muidugi, esitades väärtuslikke materjale plastiline kirurgia, hormoonraviga, ravimite väljakirjutamise ja arstiabile.

References: dentalinsurance, analcancer, bladder, blood, breastcancer, breastimplants, calculus, cardiac, cervicalcancer, cervix, cystectomy, davincicystectomy, denture, endoscopy, erectiledysfunction, fracture, genitals, genitalwarts, heartattack


Sunday, November 22, 2009

SAVE $301 - Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP 556 Home Pilates Reformer Complete Package w/FREE Pilates Ring,Wobble Board + Heart Monitor Watch & FREE Shipping $899.00

SAVE $301 – Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP 556 Home Pilates Reformer Complete Package w/FREE Pilates Ring,Wobble Board + Heart Monitor Watch & FREE Shipping $899.00

SAVE $301 - Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP 556 Home Pilates Reformer Complete Package w/FREE Pilates Ring,Wobble Board + Heart Monitor Watch & FREE Shipping $899.00

Price: $1,200.00 Now: $899.00 You save: $301

The Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP 556 takes the traditional Pilates workout to the next level for a fun, safe, and comfortable Pilates workout with the addition of cardio training. With the AeroPilates Pro you will achieve the long, lean Pilates body as you improve your cardiovascular fitness with the Free-Form Rebounder. You'll lose weight and tone the hips, thighs, and abdominals! Using the AeroPilates Pro is the safest, most effective way to perform Pilates exercises without a licensed instructor, and with the included videos, anyone can learn to use the machine. Heavy-steel frame and oak-finished wood construction give the AeroPilates Pro the quality and look of upscale commercial reformers, but it is more affordable and sized to fit your home. Adjustable ropes, straps, and handgrips are designed to fit any user. Footrest adjusts to three positions, and the rails are five inches longer than standard reformers, to accommodate taller users. Commercial grade wheels provide the smoothest carriage glide available. Specifications: Assembled size: 94 x 23.5 x 15 inches (LxWxH) Free-Form Rebounder measures: 14 x 14 inches Rails are five inches longer than standard reformer, to accommodate taller users Reformer is elevated about 15 inches to allow for more advanced exercises and better range of motion Four heavy-duty, elastic cords provide 4 levels of workout resistance Quiet, ultra-smooth rollers and gliders for a safe, effective workout Performs over 100 exercises to tone and shape the entire body Adjustable headrest and oversized high-density foam shoulder pads offer additional support and comfort Heavy-steel frame and oak-finished wood construction Adjustable ropes, straps, and hand grips to fit any user Commercial grade wheels for smoothest carriage glide Footbar adjusts to three positions Comes with AeroPilates Level 1 Workout DVD, AeroPilates 20 minute Cardio Workout DVD, and AeroPilates full-color workout wall chart More info »

Last updated: November 22, 2009, 10:15 am

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Rowing Machine - Stamina ATS 1400 Air Rower

SHIPPING INCLUDED The Stamina ATS Air Rowing Machine is designed with an over-sized chrome seat rail and metal pull-chain for extra strength and durability. The molded seat is comfortable for all users, especially beneficial for those who enjoy a longer rowing workout. When you’re not using the ATS Air Rowing Machine, simply fold it and wheel it away on its convenient, built-in casters. Foldable For extra convenience, especially for use in apartments and offices, the Stamina ATS Air Rowing Machine folds for storage. The built-in casters allow you to easily move the ATS Air Rowing Machine out of the way when it’s not in use. Multi-function Monitor The multi-function monitor on the Stamina ATS Air Rowing Machine helps to keep you motivated and informed during your workout. Track your progress with these display features – Distance, Energy consumption (calories), Speed, Time, Number of strokes and Strokes per minute. Molded Seat For the ultimate comfort during your workout, the Stamina ATS Air Rowing Machine is designed with a molded seat. All body types will be well-supported on the ATS Air Rowing Machine, even during those longer workout sessions. Over-sized Rail For extra durability and strength, the Stamina ATS Air Rowing Machine is designed with an over-sized chrome seat rail. Suited for regular home use, you can feel completely secure and safe each time you row on the ATS Air Rowing Machine. Features: Efficient wind resistance  Multi-function monitor  Comfortable molded seat  Over-sized chrome seat rail  Folds for storage  Wheels for portability  Sturdy steel construction Size (L x W x H): 78 in. x 17.75 in. x 30.5 in. Folded Size (L x W x H): 57.5 in. x 17.5 in. x 33.5 in.  Weight: 68 lbs Max User Weight: 250 lb Warranty: 5 Years Frame, 90 Days Parts

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Heavy Hands 8 Lb Add On Weights

SHIPPING INCLUDED Each end weight set contains four add-on weights (two pair) to be added to 1-lb. Heavyhands® handles. By purchasing additional add-on weights seperately you can create various increments of weight. Heavyhands® adjustable hand weight system allows you to easily customize your workout by varying use of your add-on end weights, so you burn more fat and build more lean muscle. Add-on Weight Example: 1 lb. handle + two 3.5 lb. end weights = 8 lb. total weight

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Why Aren’t We F**king Anymore?

Well I was the one who opened my big mouth and said I had all the answers and oh em gee was I put the test. Someone asked me, “Hottywood, why is it that people stop having sex once they’ve gotten into a committed, monogamous relationship?”

Not only was I left dumbfounded by this astonishing news that makes absolutely no sense, I also broke the golden rule of answering a question with a question – “What the…???”

I went back and forth in my mind on how I would approach this. I decided to start by giving some statistics: Research indicates that over 55% of partners are not interested in having sex once a relationship has been set in motion.

I’ve spoken with a ton of men and women and have learned that the problem is generally not a lack of sexual desire – it’s that they are not interested in sex with their partner for one reason or another.  Though there is no definite answer to this question, I’m going to give you a few ideas of what the hell the problem is with these idiots who want to give up the most fun part of being in a relationship.

To put it in simpler terms, one of the partners in the relationship is lazy mutha – SHUT YOUR MOUTH!

Before I break it down and kick some knowledge to you, let me begin by telling you the school-book definition of two fools who are determined to sleep back to back every night. Yes, there is an actual definition for this bullsh*t.

The technical term is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD); defined by the American Psychological Association as “a deficiency or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity, producing marked personal or interpersonal distress, but not the result of alcoholism, a general medical condition or substance use (medication) or abuse (street drugs).”

Sexuality in long term relationships is the result of loving energy flowing between two people. If something is blocking this energy, the sexual energy between them often gets blocked as well. 

There are a few reasons why the well has gone dry, and these reasons are not as complicated as you may think.  Follow along and learn something:

One of the partners in the relationship is one lazy mutha SHUT YOUR MOUTH!  Get off your ass and clean up.  Help with the dishes.  Put away your dirty underwear.  Take out the trash.  Put down those chocolates.  Get off the damn phone.  Pick up the kids once in while. 

You’re making your partner angry by being so lazy.  It’s good to have some skills under the sheets, but if you can’t do a damn thing else but f*ck, then your ass need to be demoted to booty call. There is a reason why people say, “I can do bad all by myself.” 

No affection.  Believe it or not, people actually appreciate conversation.  It’d be nice to have a little small talk before you start stripping.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the right away get down, but people, especially women would like for someone to get into their mind before you discover Victoria’s secrets.  Cuddling, or as I like call it – “spooning”, could also earn a few brownie points.  It’s okay to go the extra mile.  No one will know besides the person you’re humping.   

Lack of Communication.  Communication is key!  If you don’t talk to each other, and ask the real questions why the bed is so cold, then you’re going to continue masturbating while you’re partner is not home or taking a long, cold shower.  Get to the bottom of this nonsense and do it quickly.  CHEATING is on both of your minds, and trust me, that’s a whole nother problem you probably aren’t ready to deal with.   

Too needy.  The bottom line is that this is a turn off for anyone.  Most women are turned on to a man when he is in his power and feeling good about himself. Neediness is not a turn-on. Men, too, are often not turned on to a needy woman; a woman who needs him to make love to her for her to feel safe, worthy and lovable. 

Man, woman, gay or straight…get this sh*t together.  Chances are you weren’t a needy prick before things became official.  So now you’re going to add “liar” to your list of reasons why you aren’t getting any?  If you really are needy, then you need to check that quickly or else you’ll never get laid again.   

You are now too comfortable.  Ut oh…you and your partner have become so comfortable with each that you are no longer “get it” material.  You’re more like siblings. 

Unless you’re into incest, you can pretty much hang it up.  You’d better invest in a blow up doll, a dildo or a paid escort.   

You’ve let yourself go.  Face it, you’re not going to get any if you stop making the same effort it took to bag your partner in the first place.  Men, shave your wolfed out beard.  Ladies, shave your armpits.  Try not to get 40lbs heavier than you were before your relationship became official.  Personal hygiene is a plus and a nice outfit won’t kill you.  Let your partner know that he/she is worth you getting all jiggied up for.   

Boredom.  It isn’t uncommon for sex to become routine.  This is a sure way to lose interest.  You don’t want to know what to expect each time you lay down for the grown-up.  Explore new positions and places to be intimate.  Hell, if you have to, invite someone to watch or join in.  No, I’m not promoting infidelity or orgies, but if you aren’t getting laid right now, are you really going to rule out all the options? 

Poor self esteem – If you don’t feel good about yourself you’ll find it difficult to see yourself as a sexual person. Your partner will be seeing a very private side of you and that takes confidence.  Get a backbone and stop being such a wuss.  Up the prescription meds on your wacked out self esteem issues and stop holding out.  You can’t expect anyone else to feel good about you if you don’t feel good about yourself.  This is worse than being needy.  

Someone can do it better.  I’m going to say these phrases once and let it marinate: ‘For every one person who’s good at something, there’s always someone better’ AND ‘Someone is always willing to do to/with your partner what are you aren’t willing to do.’  POW!   

Your partner just isn’t into you anymore.  You could be as sweet as grandma’s apple pie, but it could be terribly possible that you just aren’t attractive your mate any more.  There’s not much you can do to fix that.  Once someone is turned off by you, they won’t miss you until you’re gone.  And IF they miss you and reconnect, chances are you’ll remind them why they stopped being attracted to you in the first place.  It’s harsh, I know, but it’s also reality.  Deal with it.   

To put it mildly, you or your partner are f*cked up and you really need to get your sh*t together.  You may get some ass every now and then if you’re lucky, but it’ll be more like a chore than a privilege.  And that one or two times you get that horse shoe out of your ass will not solidify a lengthy relationship.

Sex is too much of a beautiful thing to be deprived of it.  Meet your lover half way and talk about what your real issues are. 

Meanwhile, here a few tips for increasing sexual desire:

  • Relax. This is the most important thing you can do. Have a bath, use deep-breathing techniques or buy a relaxation tape, and drink PLENTY of alcohol. 
  • Check your environment. Be sure there are no distractions to you becoming aroused and that the atmosphere suits your mood.
  • Enjoy being sensual before you’re sexual. Take your time and allow your body to focus on the pleasurable sensations of touch.  In other words, masturbate.  This may even turn your partner on…it’d be even better if you’re doing it for each other.  When all else fails, oral sex is a total winner!!!
  • Change your view. Get sex into the forefront of your mind by reading or watching something more raunchy than you’d normally choose. PORN PORN PORN!  Hey, it’s a form art. 
  • Focus on positives. If there’s something about your partner or yourself you don’t like, don’t think about it. Force yourself to look at and think about the positives, instead.  Basically what I’m saying here is picture yourself with someone else.  This may be crude, but if you aren’t willing to grow some balls and end the relationship all together, then you can get a fantasy going inside that warped out brain of yours. 
  • Stimulate your sympathetic nervous system. Exercise, watch a scary movie, go on a roller coaster – anything that will speed up your heart rate. Research suggests that 15 to 30 minutes later your body is more sexually responsive.

Here’s a little humor for all you married women who just aren’t into it right now. Raise your hand if you can relate:

“I give birth to your kids and you complain we don’t have sex? How do you think they were born, osmosis? Who takes care of them, drives them to school, picks them up for after school activities, drives them to sports, takes them to their friends houses, plays chauffeur, cleans, cooks, goes to PTA meetings and then caters to your sorry whiney ass when you get home. To top it off after you eat, fart and burp, you walk out the door to go out with your buddies.

You want sex? Go  f*ck yourself!  I’m too tired.”

Well kids, 90% of any effort is getting started.  So hop to it! 


Quote of the week:       “In the sex war, thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male and the vindictiveness of the female.”

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Body Solid Free Standing Dip Station

SHIPPING INCLUDED Build awesome pecs, thicker delts and killer triceps on our freestanding Dip Station. This upper body developer gets its stability from its wide and extended base that eliminates rocking. The 3″ wide heavy-gauge steel uprights are perfectly angled for all size users. Oversized 13/4″ diameter bars with extra-thick and slip-proof rubber grips provide excellent comfort and allow multiple hand grip positions. Features Oversized 1 3/4″ diameter handle bars. Extra-thick, slip proof rubber grips. Easy access and step-up design. Perfectly angled for all size users. Dimensions: 53″H x 27″W x 38″L Warranty: In-Home Lifetime

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Of Lumps, Bumps And Breast Cancer

You feel a mild soreness in the breast so you checked for lumps. You felt a little bump. The next best step is to consult a doctor, you might have breast cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts from the cells of the breast. Breast cancer occurs mainly in women but this does not mean that men are safe from this disease.

A woman’s breast is made up of lobules, which are glands that make the milk; ducts, which connect lobules to the nipples; fat and connective tissues; blood vessels; and lymph vessels. Most breast cancers begin in the ducts. It may also begin in the lobules then spread to other tissues.

When one feels a lump in the breast, there is really no virtual worry because most lumps are benign which means that they are not cancerous. In fact, benign breast tumors are abnormal growths but do not really pose threats because they do not spread outside of the breast. However, some benign lumps increase the risk in having breast cancer.

Then there are lumps that are not really tumors at all which are often caused by fibrocystic changes — cysts are fluid-filled sacs while fibrosis is the formation of scar-like tissue. These changes can cause swelling of the breasts resulting to being lumpy and sometimes a fluid discharge from the nipples.

There are different types of breast cancer and knowing them will greatly help in assessing the disease.

Carcinoma in situ is a term used for early stage of breast cancer where the cancer cells are still confined to the place where it started. In particular, the cancer cells are confined in the lobules or the ducts, depending on where it started. The cancer cells have not gone into the fatty tissues in the breast nor spread to other organs of the body.

Ductal carcinoma in situ is the most common type of noninvasive breast cancer. Similar with Carcinoma in situ, the cancer cells have spread through the walls of the duct into the fatty tissue of the breasts. Almost all women with breast cancer at this stage can be cured and the best way to find is through the use of mammogram.

Lobular carcinoma in situ is the condition which begins in the milk-making glands but does not go through the walls of the lobules. This is not a true cancer but this can increase the risk of a woman to have breast cancer later. For this very reason, it is of utmost importance for women with this type of condition to follow the guidelines for breast cancer.

Infiltrating (or invasive) ductal carcinoma is a type of breast cancer that starts in the milk passage, breaks through the duct walls, invades the fatty tissue of the breast then spread to other parts of the body. This is the most common type of breast cancer.

Infiltrating lobular carcinoma starts in the milk glands then travel to the other parts of the body.

As of now, there is no exact cause for breast cancer but there are certain factors that are linked to the disease. Some factors that cannot be controlled are age, gender, family history, personal history of breast cancer, and race. Factors such as not having children, birth control pills, diet, exercise, and alcohol are some of the factors that can be controlled which may lessen or heighten the risk of a woman to have breast cancer.

There are several tests that may confirm and disconfirm if you suspect breast cancer such as imaging tests which includes mammography, breast ultrasound, and ductogram and biopsy which includes fine needle aspiration biopsy, stereotactic core needle biopsy, and surgical biopsy.

Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about cancer, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Long Time, No Posts...

Hey Ya’ll,

So sorry for the delay in postings! Last week was a crazy week. School was crazy and we got ready for my sons “fake” birthday party. Cameron was born on Christmas Eve, so it makes it hard for parties that involve his school friends. My aunt that we haven’t seen in almost 4 years came out for the weekend, so needless to say I was a little busy. So busy that I didn’t get much chance to do my work outs. But over the weekend I got caught up on Biggest Loser episodes, and boy did it motivate me! First thing Monday morning I turned on my Wii and did an hour workout burning 255 calories. I got out my food log and planned out what I was going to do for the day. I bagged up some carrots, pickled beets and a pickle to snack on during my day. I ran to the store before class and picked up some humus, light and fit yogurt, a fruit cup in natural juices and a big thing of water.  I ate the carrots with the humus… YUM! I really enjoyed the healthier choices I made, and I didn’t feel too hungry when I arrived home. Monday’s are my night classes so I try to eat dinner before I leave so I’m not tempted to drive through a fast food place on my way there or back. I had a turkey hot dog and a sugar-free chocolate pudding. I brewed up some coffee to sip on during class, and I was feeling real good about the day.

I don’t know if any of you have this problem, but usually my body revolts against me making drastic diet changes like I did yesterday. Towards the end of the night I started realizing a migraine was coming on. Almost like my body was real pissed off that I didn’t eat one bad thing. By 11pm it was full-blown and I couldn’t even close my eyes and get it to go away. I ended up having to take some migraine meds to kill it and once the sweet relief came I was out like a light. I’m hoping today my body has gone through its shock and I will not have to deal with any headaches. I got up bright and early this morning and hit the Wii again. I did my hour and burned the desired calories for the day, packed my snacks and headed off to class. I feel good today. I have an overall feeling of being lighter and cleaner. I have no more excuses. I can’t stand feeling sluggish and uncomfortable all the time. I watch tv and look at the women (even thought it’s not a good representative of healthy weight) and i realize there’s no reason why I can’t achieve the goal I’ve set for myself.

I will do this, whatever it takes… just watch me!


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  • Available in a 3.4-ounce eau de toilette spray

Due to the personal nature of this product we do not accept returns.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Twelve Tips and Tools for the Holiday Season, Part II

“Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.” – Ray Knight

C.H.A.R.G.E. #022

Hopefully, you have had the opportunity to read last week’s C.H.A.R.G.E. and have started to develop a plan to get you through the holidays.  C.H.A.R.G.E.’s #021, #022, and #023 are only suggestions to help you prepare.  If you already have an idea of what you want to do, consider some of these tips and tools so that you can customize the best possible plan of attack this holiday season.

1.  Have an exit plan in place.  Having a “Plan B” in place for high risk situations is a good idea.  However, actually practicing a scenario that could lead to a lapse, or even worse a relapse, is a GREAT idea.  It has been said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Knowing what you’re going to do in advance, regardless of the circumstances, significantly reduces your chances of a lapse.

2.  Become a role model for another person.  Our sense of responsibility increases as people follow our lead.  You can see that even when you recommend a restaurant, movie, or hotel to a friend.  You want their experience to be as good as yours, in part, because your recommendation reputation is at stake.  The same is true with wellness.  If someone looks to you as a role model for the behavior they want to practice, then you feel that sense of responsibility to adhere to your goals.   Therefore, creating accountability for you to help that person adhere to their goals.

3.  Celebrate your victories.  Whether big or small, celebrate your victories during the holiday season.  Having something to look forward to when you reach a goal or set a personal record will only enhance your experience with your wellness program.  At this time of the year, sticking with your program may be a goal in and of itself.  Whatever it is, celebrate your success.

4.  Post your motivators so that you see them regularly.  Post-it notes reminding you of why your wellness program is important to you will help you stay on track.  With the threat of lapsing during the holidays, reading your motivators daily will create a sense of obligation on your part.  Unfortunately, lapses with your program can lead to relapses.  A relapse is a total halt in your program where you lose the benefits you have worked so hard to gain.

Next week we will take a look at the last four tips and tools to help you survive the holiday season.

C.H.A.R.G.E. Questions:  Where do you see possible stumbling blocks during the holidays?  What is your back-up plan?  For whom could you act as a role model?  How can you celebrate your victories over the next six weeks?  What makes your wellness program important to you?  Where can you post those reasons?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Je-diet Mind Tricks

Hi, friends. It’s the weekend. Woo hoo! Finally some time to catch my breath. It’s been a busy week. Let me catch you up in a hurry. Oh, and the photo at the top is a teaser. I’ll tell you about it in a minute. Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  • I’ve just finished 10 days of level of one Jillian’s notorious 30 day shred workouts. So far so good. I’m trying to shock my body a bit with some new tricks in my weekly routine, so I’m replacing 20 minutes of my usual cardio with 20 minutes of shredding. I’m still working out with my trainer, and I’m not shredding on those days. I haven’t worked out without resting days in between in a long time, and I’m only planning to do it for a few weeks. I’m not out to create any overuse injuries, but I am trying to shake things up a bit. So far, I feel stronger and I have more energy. The workouts are tough, but I like a challenge. Have you shredded?? What did you think?
  • I just finished the second week of participation in a stair climbing contest at work. One of my favorite co-workers organized us into teams of five, and, each week, we compete to be the team to log the most flights (only ascending flights count). Prizes are awarded weekly. Last week, my team won the contest with nearly 700 flights!! This week, I wasn’t a very useful team member since I was out for training on Thursday and Friday, but I’m sure my team rocked it again this week anyway! They are awesome. Getting a little exercise throughout the day has given me a real boost. It has also made me realize how easy it is to park in front of the computer for hours at a time without moving. Honestly, I’ve also realized that it’s pretty easy to get up and move around too. I hope I can keep it up when the contest is over. 
  • Last Sunday, I went to the Metropolitan Cooking and Entertaining Show here in D.C. I attended Tyler’s Ultimate Food and Wine pairing, and had some very tasty nibbles.

Ok. So, Tyler wasn’t a nibble, but he is rather tasty. Yes? We were also treated to a visit by another Food Network favorite…

Tyler has started making wine, and he was giving Paula a little sample of his wares. I had a great time at the show, and I sampled a ton of stuff at the expo too. I’m definitely going to try to go again next year!

Now that I’ve given you the quick catch up, I want to talk a bit about the title of this post “Je-diet Mind Tricks.” Over the past few years, I’ve looked for ways to make my food more enjoyable without piling on lots of extra calories. I’ve learned a number of tricks. For example, I’d always heard that serving your food on a smaller plate or in a smaller bowl would make you think you were having more. I’m sure I’d read that in magazines in the past and dismissed it with an “Oh please!! I’m way too smart for that” kind of attitude. The thing is, it does work. I have lots of small bowls, and I use them often. I like eating smaller meals off of smaller plates, and I tend to eat ice cream out of tiny little heart shaped bowls I picked up at Crate & Barrel.

One fourth of  a cup of ice cream really does look like a lot more when it fills up my small bowl than it would if it were sitting in a little blob in the middle of one of my big oat bran bowls. These bowls are also great for little nibbles of granola, trail mix, almonds and that sort of thing. I’m a fan!

Another trick I’ve learned comes into play in my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cakelettes. I could just call them muffins, but they are much sweeter and more like cake. Truth in advertising, right? Have you ever made a lightened up recipe involving chocolate chips? Often, these just seem to involve using a smaller portion of the chips you might use in a regular recipe. That’s not a bad strategy, but it can lead to a treasure hunt type scenario for the three little chips that might have made their way into your muffin. There is an easy solution to this, and I think it makes a huge difference with regard to the satisfaction factor– mini-chips!

Look inside this muffin. See all those brown specks?

Those are the mini-chocolate chips. There are several bits of chocolate in each bite, and a great deal of satisfaction. Employing another je-diet mind trick, I also used turbinado sugar in the topping because the crystals are bigger and add a nice crunch. I’ve made this with granulated sugar in the topping, and it doesn’t maintain its character nearly as well. It certainly seems like a bigger treat when I see the sweet little crystals and feel them crunch in my teeth. Tricky? You bet!!

I started with a recipe I’ve used for a long time, and I gave it some pretty significant tweaks. I love remaking an old favorite. The cinnamon and chocolate combo gives it a slightly Viennese twist, and the pumpkin just tastes like fall. Here’s the recipe:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cakelettes


Dry Team:

1/2 cup all purpose flour

1/4 cup whole wheat flour and 1/4 cup teff flour (or 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour) 

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

Wet Team:

1/2 cup egg beaters (or two eggs, beaten)

8 ounces (1 3/4 cups) of canned pumpkin

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. canola oil

Team Chocolate:

1/2 cup semi-sweet mini-morsels


1 Tbsp. turbinado sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and coat a 12 unit muffin tin with cooking spray. 

In a large bowl, whisk together the ingredients in the “dry team.” Make a well in the center.

In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the ingredients in the “wet team.” Pour the wet mixture into the well in the center of the dry mixture, and mix until the dry ingredients are moistened. Stir in the chocolate chips.

Divide the mixture evenly among the 12 muffin cups. 

Mix the turbinado sugar and cinnamon together to form the topping, and sprinkle the mixture evenly over the top of the muffins.

Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until the muffins spring back when pressed lightly in the center. Remove the muffins from the pan and allow them to cool on a wire rack.

Based on my calculations, these come out just below 150 calories a piece. Not bad for a sweet treat in my opinion!

You could bake the batter in a 9×9 inch baking pan for 20-25 minutes if you would prefer to serve it like a cake. I kind of like the built in portion control I get by using a muffin pan, but I’ve made this as a cake many times. I’m also positive that cream cheese icing would be great on top if you were feeling more decadent or serving these to a festive crowd. 

Do you have a favorite pumpkin recipe? Do you love pumpkin as much as I do?

Now, it’s time for me to take my first run at doing level two of Jillian’s shred. Wish me luck! I may need it!! Ciao for now, y’all!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Metabolic Density Training with Derrick Price of NASM!

I was able to spend the last several days in Calabasas California at one of NASM headquarters sitting on a board to come up with standards for personal trainers.  I was able to spend some time with one of my fellow master instructors Derrick Price.  I always love catching up with the other instructors because it is a great time for me to learn something new from some of the most talented fitness professionals in the United States and Internationally!  So after a day of sitting in meetings it was time for Derrick and I to hit the workout.  I eagerly asked Derrick to take me through a workout.  SO let me just tell you it was INTENSE!  It reminds me of Metabolic Density Training on Steriods! We went thru so many compound movements.  It was so great that I made Derrick do a video of his creative program design.  So enjoy the video, experiment with some new movement patterns in the gym, and most of all have fun!  Grab a co-worker or workout partner to push you thru this one!


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Did Isabel today and I was disappointed in my results.  Not because my time was bad, but because after the workout, even though I was sweatin’ something good, I still have a good amount of energy left.  Clearly I didn’t push myself, although I thought I was at the time.  I was doing Isabel at 70# (rx = 135#).  Since I didn’t feel I was doing enough, I tested weights afterwards and I believe I should in the 95#.  So I started to scale up to 80# and I didn’t have much issue.  That is why I am dissapointed. Afterwards I know I could have gone higher.

Never fear though.  To make up for it.  I did 4 rounds of 10 burpees, 10 deck squats, and 20 situps.  Then I did 20 sit ups and 20 push ups.  Did those until I was tired.  Let’s see what the weigh in is in the AM.  ONe funny about these.  Chuma and James were going to do something similar, but they hadn’t started yet.  I wanted to get home, so I started before them.  At one point, James, who was helping out the class, turns to me and says, “Steve, grunt softer!”  Now how the heck am I supposed to focus on that!

Dinner was ok.  Nice salad, 3 small home made tacos (shredded chicken, a little cheese, corn torilla, salsa, lettuce, onion and of course tabasco).  Low fat Ice cream sandwich afterwards.  I didn’t feel full at the end, which is good.

Until next time!

Never, ever give up!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A New Day

The sky is mostly gray but the sun is attempting to come out and spread a little warmth.  The Fall is here and the leaves are turning, dropping and dancing in the Oklahoma wind.  I do enjoy Fall but I’m still mourning the loss of Summer, just can’t help myself.  This weather of late has been so beautiful though, so I’m going to enjoy it, for what it is and quit lamenting that I can’t stop the rotation of the earth, for my own purposes.

Today is a new day for me.  It marks the first day that I feel alive again and on my way to recovery.  My surgeon did his follow up, from my surgery and told me that I did not have to EVER go back to the house of pain again.  That would be the physical therapy center and the Nazi’s that run it.  I’m a little bitter, can you tell?  I needed therapy but talk about overkill, they hurt me in ways I don’t want to ever think about again.  I won’t bore you with the details, I’ll just say I’m now under my own rehab program and one that my surgeon feels will work just fine.

I’ve had a few steroid injections which are never fun but again, I welcomed them and if I was cussing like a Quentin Tarantino movie in my head, that’s OK, I asked for forgiveness and smiled through the whole process.  I was worried he’d be reluctant to give me another injection but when he pulled out that huge needle filled with that liquid lava, I smiled and welcomed the burn.  Nurse Cindy asked if I needed a gown first but I was way ahead of her.  I didn’t wait for them to leave while I changed and possibly had him change his mind.  Nope, I dropped my bad shoulder down, then wrenched it back up and through the neck of my shirt, exposing my shoulder and arm for his convenience.  Not the classiest move ever but you’d have to be me of late to understand that some pain is worth feeling, to alleviate a pain that is unrelenting.

My shoulder feels a little worse today than usual but that’s OK, I am still in the early stages of recovery and only my hard work will pull me through it.  I’m now down to only 1 hour each day of rehabbing.  The Nazi’s had me doing 2 hours plus the 1 1/2 hours of torture that they put me through.  See what I mean?  This started less than 24 hours after my surgery, while my arm was screaming inside from being torn apart.  Maybe I should add a little bitter management to my rehab, to get over the bad thoughts I have of them.  I know they meant well but I also know I was a piece of meat and nothing more.  When I called to cancel all the P.T. I had scheduled, in the upcoming weeks, I found myself on the phone with Maegan instead, asking “How are you?”  She just found out that she lost a victim, from her den of torture and wanted to know why.  Now that I think about it, asking me “How are you,” should have come at the beginning of my therapy.  If I was going to inflict pain on someone, even for their own good, I’d introduce myself and at least tell the patient that it would be OK and we’d work through it together.  Maegan’s way was to say, “Yeah, that lady is a walking zombie over there, she’s totally out of it!”  This was me, less than 24 hours after surgery, an arm that was still blocked, pain meds coursing through me and so incoherent that my Mother was following behind, answering for me and possibly even wiping drool from my mouth.

When I met Maegan in a more coherent state, the following day, she still had nothing to say to me.  When she put her hands on me and started truly hurting me, there was no explanation of it and no concern.  The strange thing is, the whole room was like that.  The walking wounded were everywhere around me, in various stages of pain and recovery and we were ALL just waiting to be helped, into a better life.  Instead we were very nonchalantly being told what to do, how to do it and with little or no communication.  I think that is what kept getting to me the most.  There was no talking between the patient and the therapy team.  It’s a very isolating feeling to be in a roomful of people but the only communication is between the workers, with each other.  There are no smiles and I’m not kidding on this.  I get that now and yet I know people and their personalities.  You’ll always have the bubbly person that will do whatever it takes, with a smile on their face because it’s their nature.  Not here, this was the exception.

I really liked the therapist that I consulted with and he was more of a hands on person but still, removed somehow.  A moment connected would get cut quickly and it just felt wrong.  Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t there to make friends and have a good time and I knew that.  I was there to get my life back and I expected pain and I expected  a lot of it.  To give credit, Andy did explain himself and tried to be gentle and caring.  I think my only objection would be that the medical profession always seems to want to treat the illness or disease the same, not taking into account the uniqueness of the individual.  I kept trying to explain that there were other considerations going on inside my shoulder, to no avail.

I won’t give Maegan the same consideration since I think she gave me none.  I was meat and nothing more.  When she enlisted the aid of her assistant in pushing me beyond my limits, it was the assistant that told her to stop, that I couldn’t go further.  Am I wrong?  Shouldn’t there be some kind of personal involvement with a person you’re going to so intimately touch and cause pain to?  Is that why there isn’t, because of guilt or something?  They say surgeons are like that but on the whole, that has not been my experience.  Mine have all been caring individuals and although they have to hurt you, they also try to help you through it.

I will put this behind me and in blogging about it, I suppose that is what I’m attempting to do.  I’ve just come to realize that it isn’t just the pain but the unfortunate circumstances of last week that didn’t have to happen, that I’m trying to put to rest.  It’s definitely a live it, learn it thing.  If ever I need P.T. again, I will probably fear it but I will go in armed with more knowledge and I won’t expect to meet another Maegan, but if I do, she’ll have a hard time getting anywhere near me.

Through all of this, I’ve had my most beloved man beside me.  I could wax on about his perfection, because he is perfect and I could list all the amazing things he’s done, because he has done them all and I could tell you my incredible love for him, ad nauseam and that too would all be true but you’d either think me exaggerating in the extreme or simply not believe me.  If I read something like that, I’d probably be skeptical too because I know I’m the only one on earth that has such perfection, right?  He is life and he is mine and I will spend my life trying to be worthy of him.

I have also had the loving arms of my Mom.  She doesn’t really believe it when I tell her that her hugs are healing and make me feel better.  Even when I’m not hurting, they make me feel whole and happier.  She has fed me and loved me through this time, but even more, she’s listened and cared about every step I’ve taken.

My girls.  Oh my girls, who make me prouder than I have any right to be.  As if I have anything to do with their perfection.  They have grown up and though they have always been my friends, as well as my daughters, they’ve become even more so now.  It’s a mother’s nature to try and not worry her children and I attempted to do just that but I failed many times and let my fear and pain show through and they let me.  I will reward them with me, being whole for them and that will be enough for them.  Since it will not be enough for me, I will reward them with all my love, holiday feasts and the best Christmas ever.  It’s a start.


Relieve Some Stress - Exercise!

In a post from Lifehacker, stress is relieved in a myriad of fashion.  Listening to music was #1 for the 2nd year in a row, closely followed by….exercise.

Does this really surprise anyone?  According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise benefits you in the following ways:

  1. Exercise improves your mood
  2. Exercise combats chronic disease
  3. Exercise helps you manage your weight
  4. Exercise boosts your energy levels
  5. Exercise promotes better sleep
  6. Exercise can put the spark back in your sex life
  7. Exercise can be – gasp – fun!

I’d be the first to admit I don’t always have enough helium in my balloon, but it’s nice to know that medical experts at an internationally recognized healthcare facility back up what I’ve known for years.  Exercise not only relieves stress, but it improves your quality of life.

If you are in need of a push to get off the couch, look no further than here.  In this economy, we all need something to relieve stress.  Not only does exercise get you in better shape, but you end up feeling pretty damn good about yourself.  If time is a factor or gym memberships scare you away, click here for some great ideas on how you can get going in the privacy of your own home.

Oh, by the way – the 8th Benefit to Exercise (according to Moi) – you can listen to music while you exercise.  Talk about multi-tasking!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lucky Race Outfit


I ran my half and not only hit goal time, I now really feel like I’m ready for a marathon. Having a decent time will do that to ya!

I beat my previous half time of 2:15:48 by almost 5 minutes!

I was SO HAPPY with my time, mainly because my long runs lately just haven’t been that great. It helps so much to have the support of a huge crowd and everyone having the same common goal.

I found out that they offer preview runs for my marathon for the next two weeks, so I immediately signed up. They are both just half distances, but having company for at least part of the way on my 18 and 20 milers will make a huge difference!

Excited this morning, I was up at 5:30 am and ready to go!

It was freezing outside! If you call 34 degrees freezing that is. I am aware that most people do not. But those people probably also do not live in Charlotte.

I had a quick breakfast of PB toast + coffee to warm me up.

The race fuel of champions.

And I packed my Sharkies:

Then I was off!

I got to the race site around 6:45, so after I picked up my chip I had about an hour to kill, wherein I occupied myself on facebook and twitter. Thank you guys SO much for your support. I cannot even begin to express how much it means to me. You are all so awesome!

The race started at 7:40, and I was toward the back of the pack, so I lost about a minute or so in start time. Miles 1-6 flew by! Before I knew it, we were crossing the 10k split and I was pacing 9:30 miles the whole way. I honestly felt SO GOOD!

Mile 7 started to wear on me though, and I slowed to a steady 10 minute mile for the next 3 miles or so. Mile 9 was continuously uphill, but I hit the 10 mile mark still holding a steady 10 minute pace, and I could feel myself slowing. That’s when I took the Sharkies, and I swear that’s what powered me through to the end!

The last 3 miles were the longest, mainly because the last water station was at mile 10, so there were no breaks for that last stretch. I kept passing people walking on that part of the course, and I was SO TEMPTED. I kept plugging along though, although my time had probably slowed to an 11 or 12 minute mile.

The last 1/2 mile or so was ALL uphill. Apparently that’s the trend around here though, as you may remember the Komen race I ran was the same way. At that point though, there were other racers that had finished already cheering us on. It was awesome, and gave me the strength I need to push through to the finish line. I was SO HAPPY to see the 2:11 over my head as I went across the line.

I immediately called my parents to let them know I’d just PRed, but I don’t think it was quite as important to them as it was me.

Secondly I headed over to the Expo area for a little refreshment. Great Harvest was there!

I grabbed a slice of Cinnamon Crunch bread w/ honey + an unpictured 1/2 banana and Powerade that I wolfed down.

All in all it was a GREAT RACE complete with a cute little medal…

If you were to ask me would I run this race again, the answer would be a resounding YES! [Who knows, maybe I’ll PR again next year…]

With my lucky race outfit, you never know.

4:30 marathon, I’m coming for you!

How to Burn Body Fat Effectively

Do you want to learn how to burn fat effectively the natural way? You should be aware of the two things you need to focus on to get lean. These things are diet and exercise. I am sure you have heard of these two things before. But why do most people ignore them? That’s simple, having a healthy diet and exercising regularly is hard to do. Fortunately, I will talk about how to make things easy for you in this article. In general, it all comes down to getting back to the basics. Read on to learn about it. By the time you finish reading this article, you will be able lose fat smoothly.

One of the things you need to work on if you want to loose fat is to have a healthy diet. Most people do not change their eating habits because it is not easy to do. Fortunately you have two options to change your diet easily. One is to learn how to burn fat and keep more by clicking on this text. Next is to make a few easy to do changes in your meals. You should stay away from taking foods that are fatty and sweet. These are the types of food that can make you gain fat. To help improve your metabolism, you should include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your meals. Have you been experiencing food cravings? You should eat foods that are rich in fiber. These foods include brown rice, oats, we read and wheat crackers. These foods can make you feel full for a long time.

Once you got your diet down, it is time for you to exercise. Working out should be done on a regular basis. Experts suggest that you should exercise for at least three times in a week. To start losing fat as early as possible, you should do some cardiovascular exercises. These exercises include jogging, swimming, rope jumping and cycling. You can also get into exercise programs such as Pilates. Your workout should last for at least 35 to 45 minutes. To get the full benefit of exercising, you can include some strength exercises such as push ups, pull ups, sit ups, leg raises and squats.

Sticking with your new diet and exercising regularly can be difficult at first but after a week or two, everything will be easy and you will start experiencing obvious results.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mario Lopez (via @beinglatino)

by @beinglatino

Mario Lopez, Jr. (born October 10, 1973) is an American actor of Mexican descent who has appeared on several television series, in films and on Broadway. He is best-known for his portrayal of the character Albert Clifford A.C. Slater on Saved By The Bell from 1989-1994.


He has appeared in numerous projects since including the 2006-2007 season of Dancing with the Stars and as a celebrity guest host for the syndicated entertainment news magazine show Extra.


Lopez was born in San Diego, the son of Elvia, a telephone clerk, and Mario Lopez Sr., who worked for the municipality of National City. Lopez was a high school wrestler, and graduated from Chula Vista High School in 1992. Lopez’ parents are from Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico.


Lopez’s professional career began in 1985 when he appeared as younger brother Tomás in the short-lived ABC comedy series a.k.a. Pablo. That same year, he was cast as a drummer and dancer on Kids Incorporated. In March 1987. he was cast as a guest star on the popular sitcom Golden Girls as a Mexican boy named Mario who faces deportation. In 1989, Lopez was cast as A.C. Slater in the popular television sitcom Saved by the Bell, a role which lasted five years. Lopez’s character was a masculine, athletic student, helping to garner the actor a sizeable teenage-girl fan base. After Saved by the Bell ended in 1993, Lopez went on to reprise his role as A.C. Slater in the short-lived spin-off series Saved by the Bell: The College Years.


In 1997, Lopez starred as Olympic diver Greg Louganis in the television movie Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story. The following year, he was cast as Bobby Cruz in the USA Network series Pacific Blue. Lopez left the series after two seasons and went on to guest star on Resurrection Blvd., Eve, and The Bad Girl’s Guide. In March 2006, Lopez joined the cast of the daytime soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful playing the role of Dr. Christian Ramirez. On July 18, 2006, he was released from his B&B contract. Later that year, he guest-starred as a plastic surgeon who drives Christian Troy to jealousy when he sees him naked in the shower in an episode of FX Network’s Nip/Tuck during the show’s fourth season, which began in Fall 2006.


In the fall of 2006, Lopez signed on as a contestant on the third season of Dancing with the Stars on ABC with professional partner Karina Smirnoff who was making her series debut. They finished in second place, losing to the team of Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke, despite scoring higher than them on average and despite “breaking all the rules” when he broke the hold on both his 2nd and 3rd week during his Quickstep and Tango.


Lopez met Miss USA (1996), Ali Landry, when he emceed the 1998 Miss Teen USA pageant and she was a commentator. They were engaged during the summer of 2003 and married on April 24, 2004, but two weeks later she had the marriage annulled over alleged infidelities committed by Lopez during the relationship.


In 2007, Lopez became an official supporter of Ronald McDonald House Charities and is a member of their celebrity board, called the Friends of RMHC. Lopez was named People magazine’s “Hottest Bachelor” in June 2008.


Mario admits to enjoying an occasional cigar. His drink of choice when in Rome or Mexico are margaritas, in the States his preference is vodka.

"Ideal Shape" Profile: Mark Martin, 50, Is A NASCAR Racing Champion Who Credit Diet And Fitness For Continued Success

Martin is a 50-year-old Sprint Cup driver/fitness fanatic whose four-times-a-week workout routine would bring tears and a whimper to men half his age.


(From a Star-Telegram article)  The person least obsessed by Mark Martin’s age is Mark Martin.

So, please, dispense with the antique jokes, the AARP barbs and the Methuselah references. This senior citizen of NASCAR is far too busy defying logic in the fast lane to keep up with geezer humor.

He wears a brush cut and sports six-pack abs. He needs reading glasses, but he also needs his iPod to listen to his favorite rap music.

He guzzles thick protein shakes with low-fat peanut butter and banana. He lives in Daytona Beach, Fla., rather than the Charlotte, N.C., area, where most NASCAR folks call home.

And, oh, one more thing: He’s not afraid of Jimmie Johnson.

“I think Jimmie Johnson is Superman, but that doesn’t mean he’s unbeatable,” Martin recently wrote in his “Chase Diary” on Yahoo Sports. “I think the more times someone wins the championship, the less likely you are to win it the next year.”

This mind-set makes the 5-foot-6, 135-pound Martin a monster in the cockpit of a race car.

Johnson — Martin’s Hendrick Motorsports teammate — is the Chase for the Sprint Cup leader with three races to go, starting next with Sunday’s Dickies 500 at Texas Motor Speedway.

Johnson is the three-time defending champion. By Martin’s way of thinking, he’s really due to lose some year.

Staying fit at 50

Martin, who led the Chase through the first three weeks, is now in second place, trailing Johnson by 184 points.

Time perhaps has run out on his attempt to become the oldest Cup champ in NASCAR history.

He has been runner-up four times — finishing second to Tony Stewart (2002), Jeff Gordon (’98) and twice to Dale Earnhardt (’94 and ’90). He also has had three career third-place finishes.

Martin tried to “semi-retire” three years ago, he really did, but his competitive drive wouldn’t let him. You see, his secret to life is to keep moving.

He pilots his own airplane. And while he’s not an easy man to sum up in a paragraph or two, what he is not is a novelty act. His 90-minute workout regimen four days a week is serious business.

“I never miss a workout,” Martin blogged. “I’ve been lifting for nearly 22 years now. I could be a personal trainer.”

Actually, he’s his own personal trainer. He works out alone.

A few pro athletes who have been able to achieve greatness late in their careers, and many of those have shown a penchant for fitness. Brett Favre is a good example, although he’s 10 years younger than the driver of the No. 5 Chevrolet.

Martin grew up during the ’60s in Batesville, Ark. He applies Bible verse to his everyday life. He has been married to the same woman (Arlene) for 25 years, so he’s pretty much in for the long haul in whatever he does.

But he doesn’t always act his age.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It is now November and it is easy to fall out of our daily routines. There are holidays coming up as well as cold weather and darkness. In order to stay healthy and moving, do not skimp on your fitness goals. Once you get out of it, it is easy to stay out. Make it your goal to keep up with your daily fitness and nutrition goals and you’ll make sure this holiday season is happy and healthy. Happy November,


strength goals

So far I’ve been doing squats, bench presses, and deadlifts in poor form so I’ll have to lower my working weights so that I get better ranges of motion. From there I will go up slowly until I achieve my goals of:

  • 2 × 7 × 150 squats
  • 2 × 7 × 110 bench presses
  • 2 × 7 × 210 deadlifts
  • 2 × 7 × 75 presses

… all in good form. Right now I’m doing:

  • 2 × 7 × 145 squats
  • 2 × 7 × 80 bench presses
  • 2 × 7 × 150 deadlifts
  • 2 × 7 × 50 presses

… most in poor form, however. I cannot honestly increase intensity further because of that, but then again I cannot discount the strength I’ve gained from working out in admittedly poor form. The solution, I think, would be to lower the weights slightly so that I could go back to increasing intensity, this time with good form.

My new workout plan for the next round of exercising would then be:

  • 2 × 7 × 130 squats (poor form correction)
  • 2 × 7 × 85 bench presses (good form already)
  • 2 × 7 × 150 deadlifts (good form practice)
  • 2 × 7 × 50 presses (good form practice)

To reach the 210 deadlifts mark, I’ll need to acquire some weight hooks (or whatever they’re called) since gloves don’t do it for me anymore and foam makes my grip weaken.

With a 5-lb per week progression, squat goals will take 4 weeks to achieve, bench press and press goals will take 5 weeks, deadlift goals will take 12 weeks (possibly less, as I’ll attempt to get an accelerated head-start with better grip).