Monday, August 31, 2009

A sad day

Last night I got everything prepped to make some juice, (carrot, apple, grape, spinach and beet – such a wonderful combination!) I turned on the juicer and it sounded kind of funny, like the blade was not tight enough. So I turned it off and opened it up. The part where the blade screws into the plastic had broken off and was stuck inside the blade. Little bits of the hard plastic were everywhere. My Jack Lalanne Power juicer is garbage.

I am devastated. So I tried to put everything into a smoothie, but beets, I’m afraid are meant to be juiced. I choked some of it down last night and today, mixing it with OJ. It still did not have the zip I was craving from the juice. To pulpy and not sweet enough from the carrot juice. A new juicer will have to be purchased STAT. On the upside… I feel great after 1 week of drinking a green smoothie every day. I was surprised to hop on the scale and see 124! Must have cleared out a lot of toxins. I have never felt better and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen that number on the scale.

We spent the weekend running errands and making delicious healthy foods. Smoothies, chia seeds, juice (before juicer died) and homemade wheat crust pizza. I am more than half packed for Alaska, with just the things I am going to need for the next few days not packed. We also went to Trader Joes and stocked up on some trail mixes and dried fruit to bring on the trip. I am sure that food on the island will not be cheap and we can survive on trail mix, chia and fish. Not to mention wild berries!

I went ahead and bought the gaiters. They are so easy to put on, and combined with my waterproof shoes and pants, should provide a great seal against puddles. The goal is to avoid puddles in the first place though. I can’t believe we leave in 4 days. I am so looking forward to escaping for so long. I fantasize about getting lost out in the Alaskan Wilderness Ala: Christopher McCandless.

If I decide not to come back, don’t worry. I’ll stay away from the white berries.


Nutrition Series 1 : know your Apple

The old saying “An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away” has been justified by its many health-rich properties. Apple contains certain substances that help to maintain healthy bodies.


  • Apples are rich sources of fibres of which most of it is present in skin. These fibers aid in digestion and promote weight loss. Apple is often considered one of the best fuit for weight loss.
  • Apples are rich sources of phytochemicals (compounds found in plants, fruits, and vegetables that can act as anti-oxidants).
  • Apples and apple juices are the best source for mineral boron which helps to promote bone growth.
  • The high fibre content in Apple (5 Gms per apple) helps in slow release of sugars into the body, thereby helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level.
  • Quercetin, a flavonoid abundant in apples has been found to help prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells
  • Compound named procyanidin B-2 present in apples help in ageing and reduce wrinkles formations
  • Apples are rich in anti-oxidants like Flavonoids and Phytochemicals especially present in skin of apples help to prevent colon cancer and lung cancer
  • Flavonoids such as catechins in apples could improve lung function and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


  • Fresh apples float on water since 25% of their volume is air.
  • The apple fruit itself is covered with a natural layer of wax to protect its high water content. Hence, fresh apples are always crisp.
  • Apples are best eaten with the peel since most of the fiber and antioxidants are found in the apple’s peel.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Ultimate Free Workout Plan Resource

Over the last few years, I have been working hard to create the best free workout plan resource on the internet, and now I need your help.

Geared to both those that want to burn fat and those that want to build muscle, we have more than 30 Middle Management created workouts and 16 user generated workouts.

I have tried to focus on quality rather than quantity. After all, there is a near infinite combination of exercises out there that can be combined into a free workout plan.

Check it out at the link below, and then let me know what you want to see in the comments section of this blog…

Free Workout Plan

Here is what I need to know… what’s missing? What will make it better? What will make you come back for more? Do you have a free workout plan that should be included here?

Thank you for your help, and we’ll talk again soon!


No desistir

Después de ausentar mí contacto con las mancuernas, las barras y las pesas. He decidido volver a comenzar este asiduo viaje que me ha hecho sudar la gota abatida por el insolente cansancio.

La prueba es siempre constante y el reto su meta final. Cada quien va a retarse asimismo a la vez que lo hace con los demás. El hombre encuentra que su fuerza surge de la voluntad y que la resistencia esta determinada por el musculo de su marca abdominal.

Es la insignia del compromiso la cual nombra el deber que es contagiado por los asiduos integrantes de un equipo desigual. Aunque el silencio reine en la voz del ajeno y sean la sorpresa, la vanidad o el encomio la única fortaleza. Resultara vencedor quien demuestre gallardía en su obediencia*.

*meta personal


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fighting Against Lazy: Weeks Four and Five

The past two weeks have proven to be the most difficult yet.  Balancing the desire to run with the death of a family member is a daunting task.  For the first time in four weeks of training I could not muster the energy to complete my workout.  I ended up passing on two more training sessions before finally regaining my stride.  I am positive that my grandmother would not want me to quit my goal of running a marathon.  Therefore, with a heavy heart, I will push on.

Week 4, Day 3:

While gaining the motivation to run when times are tough is not an easy proposition, once attained, running can be incredibly therapeutic.  That is precisely the situation in which I ran further than I had ever run.  Upon hearing of the dire circumstances of my grandmother’s health, I set out to jog in order to clear my head.  My training schedule for the day prescribed a light 2mile run.  I knew that would not be enough to gain perspective, so I set out to run until I was ready to stop.  Six contemplative miles later, my body’s lack of stamina finally got through to my brain and I headed back.  Something about running with no goals or time limits is an invigorating experience that can enlighten to human psyche.  I found no answers to my questions and solved exactly zero universal mysteries.  What I did come to terms with, however, was not needing the answers.  I also learned that after running six miles, my legs couldn’t walk up stairs.  Whether walking or running, getting outside and moving is an unmatched way to reduce stress.

Week 4, Day 5:

Amidst a whirlwind of grief, I actually found the time to drive myself to run the fastest mile yet. To the average runner, 7 minutes and 20 seconds is a cakewalk.  But to a lumbering novice like me, it might as well have been a world record.  Following the completion of this epic mile, I could barely breathe and my legs had become useless.  Rallying the strength necessary to walk/army crawl back to my home was a feat not soon to be forgotten.  Still, in spite of the exhaustion, it was a good hurt.  That mildly impressive mile uplifted my spirits and helped get my jogging back on the right track.  The first week under the stopwatch, I clocked in at a disturbingly pathetic 11 minutes and 37 seconds.  It felt tremendous to shave over four minutes off in only four weeks of training.

Week Four and Five Summary

Heading to my hometown can often be a double-edged sword.  I love going home, but the abundance of great food and sweet iced tea can wreak havoc on my diet.  I am a sucker for delicious food and will pretty much eat until everything within reach is gone.  Still, turning down good home cooking is not something I will ever do, regardless of what is at stake.  After struggling through weeks four and five, I plan to once again hit the grindstone come Monday.  Week six is shaping up to be a make or break segment in my journey to 26.2.


not much today

Not much to report on today.  I was at work for quite a while.  When I got home the wife and kids wanted to go to the Souplanation.  Ok – so we went.  Didn’t workout today.  I am going to check out to see what new exercise I can do tomorrow!  Cool!

I didn’t think I did too much yesterday.  As I stated before, I was strong enough, but no stamina.  Still, getting in and out of a chair still took effort.  No aspirin or advil though.  Unless I have to, I am going to avoid those.  I have stretched a few times and that has helped but I recognize that time is the best choice to stop the pain.

By the way, thanks everyone who gave me some tips on increasing my stamina (except for the person who said Viagra… you know who you are). I will try them all and see which one works best!

Oh one last thing.  Got on the scale today.  256.  Now that IS significant. Today is not the official weigh in day so it does not count. Never the less, it was nice feedback.

I hope everyone one has a fantastic weekend!!

Until next time!


P.S. Ok – just checked out some Vid’s on  I am sweating just by watching these things.  (maybe I need to turn up the A/C? – that or else I am staring at a world of hurt tomorrow). Anyone what to take odds?


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Autumn Is Creeping

I can not believe that Fall is coming so soon. Next Tuesday is September the first and the death rattle of summer has already begun here in the Northwest. Before I know it all the trees will be bare and my flops will be flipped for boots. But we ain’t there yet. I am going to make a promise this year. I am going to enjoy this Autumn and embrace the coming holidays, unlike my last couple of years. This time I am really going to do it right because I love this season. You know it’s magic when it’s magical and that my friends, is a statement to live by.

The List

  1. Annual Fall beer review (haven’t decided which one yet. Suggestions?)
  2. Probably a puppetry art blog with more candy
  3. Going to bake something. (send recipies)
  4. Octoberfest review in Levenworth, WA
  5. The half Marathon in Levenworth (See Macabre Fitness for that one)
  6. Tribute to Halloween 3
  7. VHS Horror Night (brought to you by the local VHS rental store)
  8. Annual carving of something
  9. Jones Soda review
  10. Memories of Holiday-past blog (for sure)

I always cheat my way out. Corn should have had thorns.

 I will be adding to this list but I think I can at least come through on these. I have a new and much larger place with a neat little office to work from so my creativity has no excuse to go tits-up like I have been doing these past months. I find writing has been all about atmosphere as of late and now that I can look at my Tom Atkin’s picture for creative inspiration, I know that good things are to come.

I have finally finished my “Where did You Go?” post but before I post I want to check some conflicting facts. A while ago I recieved an email from a star (?) with a correction. I am not sure if it is legit but regardless, I want to be truthful and not hurt anyones feelings.



What Women Want Event

Hi ladies,

The next What Women Want event is this Sunday the 16th of August.

Location: Pheasant Creek Fitness Centre, Corner of Watson rd and Jorgenson rd Pheasant Creek

Time: 6:30-8pm

Please Bring: Comfortable clothes, gym shoes and a friend.

Please note: Have an early dinner to avoid stomach aches.


Build score strength.

We are very lucky indeed. We have been given access to the Pheasant Creek Fitness Centre for our very own What Women Want Pilates night. Pilates here is normally charged at $3 a session. You would be lucky to get access to a class off the mountain due to its popularity and the cost would be much higher. The lovely Dr Justine Boscaglia (pilates instructor, Osteopath and Kinglake Ranges resident) has been jet setting and has returned just in time to offer this night free of charge.

Refreshments will be available for purchase.

Feel like a stretch and some relaxation?

Then come along for this introduction to the very popular Pilates.

We will be given a tour of the Gym and Dr Boscaglia will be giving advice on how to look after our backs.

The details on the next event will be emailed to you ASAP. (watch for this email, a performer is lined up)

We are very excited to say that we have locked in the details for the September 13th event. This event is at the St Andrews pub with our sisters at “the Women of the Black Belt” St Andrews women’s group. Numbers are limited so please RSVP to secure your place.

We look forward to seeing you,

Keep thinking about what you want. We are always open to ideas and will strive to make What Women Want everything you want it to be.

Arwyn, Kate and Jemima.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Men's pole fitness

Here’s an article from

Men’s pole fitness is here, yesterday, today, and even more so tomorrow.

Men on poles aren’t new. Chinese pole dancing, mainly done by men in China and Japan, has long been part of acrobatic acts, done in circus shows. More recently Cirque De Soleil has incorporated a variety of pole acts in there shows. Mainly Chinese pole acts, and swinging poles which are mostly performed by men. Chinese poles are vertical steel poles that are generally between 3 and 9 meters in height and approximately 3 to 4 inches in diameter. They are often covered by rubber to improve grip. Some of the poles are rotating, which allows the performer to spin, while performing. Not an easy task while performing gravity defying moves up in the air. Often times, the men wear special flat thin shoes to help them climb and stay on the poles. This type of pole acrobatics requires extreme upper body and core strength,  and agility, similar to that of an Olympic gymnast, as demonstrated in the videos listed below.

Seeing men on poles doing awe inspiring tricks (ok well some just having fun on the pole) is the wave of the future in the good ole US of A. It will be slow to catch on, compared to Europe, but it is already climbing in our direction. Pole fitness can be an alternative way to lift weights and gain strength, since it requires using ones own body weight to lift oneself up on a pole.

Considering how much strength and agility is needed to perform the largely gymnastics oriented pole tricks similar to what gymnasts do in the Olympics, more men will eventually participate. They already are in the UK, other parts of Europe and in selected studios around  America.  One such studio is this Salt Lake City, studio in Utah (yes, Utah) Studio Soiree. These are every day men who proclaim that pole dancing helps them with rock climbing. Upper body strength certainly lends itself to hanging on to, well, anything really, and definitely helps with endurance.

Not to mention that pole dancing is just pure fun regardless of gender. A shinning example of this is Poledancerfan of youtube. He is a middle aged father, who regularly posts youtube videos of himself attempting and doing different pole tricks, while his wife is upstairs making a pot roast. He often pokes fun at himself, and entertains his audience at the same time as seen by one of his youtube videos pasted below.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

MOMs More Than Fitness

MOMs More Than Fitness

Simple, Fun, and Effective Fat-Shredding, Muscle-Building Total Body Workouts to make YOU a WARRIOR!

Warrior fitness is based on the simple principal that you lose more fat and get into shape faster when you train in intervals. Not just for a few weeks at a time, but that short high intesity burst of energy creates a stronger, leaner, and better you.

My name is Mark McGee, and as a former soldier and paratrooper, I’ve had to stay in tip top shape to protect myself and my fellow soldiers from harm. I currently own one of the top rated martial arts schools in the country and have helped hundreds of families reach thier fitness dreams.

“Master McGee I just wanted to let you know that Brianna has lost one whole size in her clothes this summer. She looks and feels great. Thanks for everything.”– Mindy Casseslman, McKinney

I’m extremely proud of Brianna and this happened in about 16 sessions this past summer. All of my black belts have to work out this way to become the best of the best.

Here’s a few other results: Alec, whose 12, gained 10 pounds of muscle, his sister (9), gained 5. Scott, who wanted to start high school and NOT be the 98 pound weakling, gained and enormous 25 pounds of muscle.

“But I don’t want to gain any more weight!!!”

Most people, especially women, want to lose weight, tone muscle, and get into better shape. That’s exactly what I want you to do. A great fitness program, strips the fat to show you the muscle underneath. That muscle is then toned and sculpted to give you the body shape you want. Will you gain muscle, yes, but muscle burns calories faster and longer (for about 12 hours after your workout) giving you the ability to lose up to 3 pounds of fat per week.

With proper diet (we’ll help you with that too), you can drop you body fat percentage, increase your muscle tone, increase your stamina, and increase your confidence.

The process is very simple.

We’ll give all the first-time particpants a free technique class before they get started. How you do the excercises properly, to get the best result is going to be a key factor in getting the results you want.

Each day of class is focused on every body section: arms, legs, chest/back and core muscles. Lengthening the muscles to prevent injury and moving your body into the carb-burning zone. Strength exercises & speed drills develop power, discipline, and confidence in yourself.

At the end of the 4 weeks, we head to Allen High School and do your physical fitness test. 1.5 mile run, 1 minute of push ups and sit ups, and pull or chin ups. These are timed and you will pass the test.

Start Dates:

August 31, 2009- Sept 25, 2009


5 day- Monday – Friday

3 Day- Monday-wednesday-friday

2 Day- Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday

Time: Early AM 5:30 AM to 6:30 AM

Morning 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM

Lunch 11:30 to 12:00 and 12:00 – 12:30 (30 minutes workouts)

Evening 7:15 to 8:15

Attendance Requirements:

80% of all classes must be attended. You must be on time- Your team depends on you to be on time and ready to go. If you show up late then you cause someone to lose a partner.


Running Shoes (good ones), water bottle, towel, Resistance bands (green, or higher), and bag gloves. You can get Bands and Gloves directly from us and at a substantial discount.


Got back in to the swing of things

Today I got back into the workout.  1 hour of Krav followed by about 45 minutes of CF.  Since I can’t currently join the level 2 CF which follows my Krav, I made up my own routine.  Not sure if it was easier.  It took about 21 – 22 minutes to complete 3 full rounds.  Here is what I did.  10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 20 box jumps, run around the complex with 20 pounds of weights over my head and finally, attach the punching bag first with form then for power.

Given that I was running solo on this, I felt I put in a good effort.  There were times that I needed to pause in the activities, and on the runs, sometimes they were walks and even then I found it difficult to keep the weights over my head all the time.  I kept pushing though.  I can’t drop the weight off of me if I do the lightweight stuff.  The goals don’t change.  If I want a change, I need to do it.  The change won’t just happen on its own.

On the positive side, I did eat differently for lunch and I think that helped.  I had soup and salad; not too filling but enough so I could work throughout the day without hunger and Uncle Pukie was no where in sight.   I did need a small snack near the end of the day, so I had some granola/trail mix.  It was not gussied up with addition sugar or other coatings.  It was mostly just nuts and raisins.   When I got home, I had some juice (apple and cranberry), salad, tortilla with a little cheese, beans and some ground turkey (very little).  I also had some pasta, meatballs and sauce.  And LOTS of beverages, 2 or 3 glasses of sun tea, 2 cans of diet grapefruit soda, 3 glasses of water. I slosh when I walk.  However, silly me… I forgot to take a water bottle in to the gym.  My bad. probably why I was so thirsty.

I was unable to do any workouts on Thursday or Saturday so I am a little behind.  However, I was given an opportunity to weight myself.   Scales lie.  Not in the way you might be thinking.  The one I was on Thursday showed me at 250.  Sorry but I simply don’t believe that.  When I had a chance to weigh myself at my house, with my regular scale, I was back to 260.  So which one to believe?  Personally I am sticking with the one that was at 260.  It may or may not be accuracy but it is consistent.  That is important.

I am still reading The Zone.  I know a lot of CF’ers like to follow the Zone principles, but I need to do a full reading of the book first before I go forward with that.  I ‘ll get to it.

That’s it for today.  I shouldn’t hurt too much but I will feel something.

Until next time!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Where, oh where has my energy gone?

Some questions that I get frequently from people are 1) I want to lose weight, but it never seems to work, why? 2) what do I eat? and 3) I never seem to have any energy, what can I do?  Well, there are a lot of answers to all these questions and the simple (and annoying) answer is “it depends”.   Annoying, but true.  It depends on your situation.  Let’s focus on the main reasons:

1) you have no energy because you don’t eat well, don’t know really what eating well means, don’t exercise, or you exercise too much.  Lots of different variables here.  If you want to break it down into what you should eat, let’s keep it simple: eat things without packaging and labels.  Eat lots of high quality protein.  High quality protein is a chicken breast, pork tenderloin, lean sirloin, etc.  Low quality would be a Special K protein bar.  Things with lots of ingredients (and I don’t mean as part of a recipe) should NOT be a staple in your every day diet.  A sample balanced simple meal?  Chicken breast, kidney beans, steamed broccoli with olive oil.  Not a lot of calories there, but a lot of nutrients.  If you would like help setting up a plan and have no idea where to start, please see my webpage, because I’d be happy to help you meet your goals!

On a second note about energy, if you don’t exercise, well, food is used for fuel and if you don’t use it, you store it.  So you may have lots of stored energy but no circulating energy.  There is nothing more rewarding than building your body and taking care of your muscles and joints.  Even if you just start with walking every day and maybe doing some pushups or bodyweight squats, you’ll notice an increase in energy and ease of breathing and joint mobility.

2) If you have been dieting for any longer length of time without a break, then your metabolism has reset to your lower caloric intake.  If you have hit a plateau, and you WERE losing weights, one of the best things you can do is to take a while and eat at maintenance calories, thus resetting your metabolism to burn calories back at a higher rate, so that when you do resume dieting, you will make progress again.  If you continually drop your calories, and when that doesn’t work, you increase your output (exercise/move more) eventually, your metabolism will bottom out and have no where to go.  By continually resetting your metabolism, you will have a steady drop.  If you over exercise you are likely to experience a myriad of symptoms: tiredness, fatigue, muscle pain/weakness, slight depression, racing heart in the morning, decreased interest in the gym, stalled weight loss, injury, etc.

My quick suggestions?

  • Focus your meals around high quality lean protein (the less packaging the better), fresh vegetables and healthy fats.
  • Take a dieting and workout break every 8-12 weeks.  Bring your calories back up and stay out of the gym for a whole week.  Do nothing besides normal activities, and instead, get a massage, foam roll, stretch, visit the spa and take care of yourself.
  • SLEEP.  It’s underrated and highly needed.  Get at least 8 hours of sleep a few nights a week, until you can stretch that to every night and from then on, listen to your body.  Don’t set your alarm clock and see how many hours you sleep until you wake up naturally.  This will naturally give you more energy (baring any kind of other health issues).
  • Drink water, LOTS!  You can be amazed how much water makes a difference.  Replace your juice, energy drinks or coffee with water and see what a difference it makes.  If you drink enough water you won’t have the caffeine withdrawal headaches.

There are a lot more variables here, but this is a quick over view.  If you would like help setting up your nutrition or workout plan, please check out my webpage for packages, I’d love to help you achieve a vibrant life!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

3 hour dieting

3 Hour Dieting When it comes to the world of dieting you will find that there are many diet, weight loss, and fitness plans on the market. It takes years for some to become a contender and others remain a best-kept secret of sorts. One such ‘best kept’ secret would be the 3 Hour Diet that was designed by Jorge Cruise. I am sure that there are many reading along and chuckling under your breath that there is no way one can lose weight by eating every three hours however the science behind the theory is fairly common and Jorge Cruise is a mainstay in the fitness industry. The long and short of this diet operates with the knowledge that if you do not feed your body accurately and regularly your body will go into what is called ’starvation mode’. In this mode your body holds onto the fat rather than burning it up and consuming it for use. This means that your body is burning muscle rather than fat to take the energy it needs in order to function.

With the 3 Hour Diet you will not feel hungry all the time, in fact, there are many who claim they are constantly setting alarms and reminding themselves to eat. You will also learn the proper foods to eat in order to achieve the best possible results. The key is in learning which foods are right for you when dieting with this plan. You can purchase the book The 3-Hour Diet by Jorge Cruise and you can sign up online for more information about the weight plan itself and how to incorporate it into your busy routine. I do recommend purchasing the book if you are seriously considering this as your method of dieting as there are many wonderful hints, tips, and tricks that are mentioned in the book to help you keep things going no matter how busy and hectic your lifestyle may be. One thing you need to keep in mind is that dieting with a program such as this is no small commitment.

If you aren’t willing to eat every three hours then this plan really may not be the plan for you. Otherwise, if this is something you would be interested in, I highly recommend it. There are special considerations based on the amount you weight currently and the amount of weight you are hoping to lose. It is best if you are honest throughout the process in order to achieve the best possible and most immediate results. The claim is that you can lose as many as 10 pounds in the first two weeks and there are those that have claimed to do just that over and over again. This is a over weight that even many celebrities endorse for quick and immediate results. The good and the bad about 3 hour dieting is that it is effective but takes a very real commitment on the part of the one that is dieting.

This health is one that is taking the world by storm. If you haven’t heard of it before now, please take the time to check it out and see if this is something you could incorporate into your life. The results that have been reported as a result of this diet as nothing short of phenomenal. If there were one diet I would recommend above others for those who hate feeling hungry, it would be this atkins diet.
