Monday, August 31, 2009

Nutrition Series 1 : know your Apple

The old saying “An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away” has been justified by its many health-rich properties. Apple contains certain substances that help to maintain healthy bodies.


  • Apples are rich sources of fibres of which most of it is present in skin. These fibers aid in digestion and promote weight loss. Apple is often considered one of the best fuit for weight loss.
  • Apples are rich sources of phytochemicals (compounds found in plants, fruits, and vegetables that can act as anti-oxidants).
  • Apples and apple juices are the best source for mineral boron which helps to promote bone growth.
  • The high fibre content in Apple (5 Gms per apple) helps in slow release of sugars into the body, thereby helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level.
  • Quercetin, a flavonoid abundant in apples has been found to help prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells
  • Compound named procyanidin B-2 present in apples help in ageing and reduce wrinkles formations
  • Apples are rich in anti-oxidants like Flavonoids and Phytochemicals especially present in skin of apples help to prevent colon cancer and lung cancer
  • Flavonoids such as catechins in apples could improve lung function and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


  • Fresh apples float on water since 25% of their volume is air.
  • The apple fruit itself is covered with a natural layer of wax to protect its high water content. Hence, fresh apples are always crisp.
  • Apples are best eaten with the peel since most of the fiber and antioxidants are found in the apple’s peel.


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