Monday, August 31, 2009

A sad day

Last night I got everything prepped to make some juice, (carrot, apple, grape, spinach and beet – such a wonderful combination!) I turned on the juicer and it sounded kind of funny, like the blade was not tight enough. So I turned it off and opened it up. The part where the blade screws into the plastic had broken off and was stuck inside the blade. Little bits of the hard plastic were everywhere. My Jack Lalanne Power juicer is garbage.

I am devastated. So I tried to put everything into a smoothie, but beets, I’m afraid are meant to be juiced. I choked some of it down last night and today, mixing it with OJ. It still did not have the zip I was craving from the juice. To pulpy and not sweet enough from the carrot juice. A new juicer will have to be purchased STAT. On the upside… I feel great after 1 week of drinking a green smoothie every day. I was surprised to hop on the scale and see 124! Must have cleared out a lot of toxins. I have never felt better and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen that number on the scale.

We spent the weekend running errands and making delicious healthy foods. Smoothies, chia seeds, juice (before juicer died) and homemade wheat crust pizza. I am more than half packed for Alaska, with just the things I am going to need for the next few days not packed. We also went to Trader Joes and stocked up on some trail mixes and dried fruit to bring on the trip. I am sure that food on the island will not be cheap and we can survive on trail mix, chia and fish. Not to mention wild berries!

I went ahead and bought the gaiters. They are so easy to put on, and combined with my waterproof shoes and pants, should provide a great seal against puddles. The goal is to avoid puddles in the first place though. I can’t believe we leave in 4 days. I am so looking forward to escaping for so long. I fantasize about getting lost out in the Alaskan Wilderness Ala: Christopher McCandless.

If I decide not to come back, don’t worry. I’ll stay away from the white berries.


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