Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Weekly Workout Tip

The Core X System was developed by Alex McKechnie, trainer to professional atheletes. His muscle rehabilitative system used for top atheletes was reinvented to strengthen and beautify the bodies of everyday people. The Home Fitness System is designed to change your body by losing inches in your waist, hips, buns, and thighs, by strengthening and toning your upper body, abs and core, and lower body. The use of “X effects” resistance powerfully shapes lean muscles yet is easy and gentle on the body (joints and muscles). It provides a full body workout in just minutes a day.The Core X System has long been the fitness secret of the exercise elite. The basic neutral position and athletic posture is key to success with any exercise and workout program.

The Core X System is the only system that emphasizes and allows this to be accomplished. The system keeps the body in perfect form. One perfectly performed muscle toning movement is better than 10 moves performed incorrectly. Stance is the only body position that allows full engagement of all the major muscles. The Core X System acts like a muscle toning magnifier-small moves with maximum results,  I love it and so will you!

[Via http://kmonti.wordpress.com]

"Nope, they're still broken..."

Back in September, I decided to become a runner. I’ve always watched the skinny girls at the Y running on the treadmill and wanted to join them, but never had the guts. Mostly, I was sure I would be “that person” who biffed it big time while attempting to pick up speed. I had horrible visions of myself flying thru the air after bouncing off the moving belt. Ultimately however, I decided that the plateau I’d reached in my weight loss wasn’t going to budge unless I got on the machine and attempted running. Not walking fast, not climbing up with the ramp hiked up at an obscene angle – actual running.

So, I began. But, being the person I am, I couldn’t just try to run. No, I had to set a goal. What did I choose? A half marathon. Simple enough right? But, to add additional motivation – I actually signed up for one…scheduled at the end of November. I thought surely 12 weeks was plenty of time to transition from 60 minutes of cardio daily to running 13 miles in one shot. No problem. Everything went fantastically well the first few weeks. Actually, in hindsight, I sure was icing my shins a lot…and making good use of my heating pad. But at the time, I thought that was totally normal and I was progressing just fine. I ran a 10K as a training run in the middle of October – halfway thru my 12 week schedule. I felt exhilarated afterward. I was sure that if I could conquer the never-running-to-6-miles portion of my prep, the 6-miles-to-12-miles would be just more of the same. WRONG. A week after my success at the 10K, I ran 10 miles. At the end, I could not walk. The next day I still couldn’t move unassisted. By the fourth day of crawling up my stairs I realized I’d seriously hurt myself. Yes, I know what you’re thinking “It took you four whole days of inability to walk for you to figure you were injured?”. What can I say – I’m really quick on the draw. It took 5 weeks, several doctor visits, many conversations with nurse friends, x-rays and then bone scans to finally get the diagnosis I’d assumed from the beginning. I had tibial stress fractures in both legs. No wonder I’d been in pain. Two broken legs! The treatment was even more devastating than the injury. No running. No elliptical machine. No weight-bearing exercise of any kind for at least 6 weeks. I figured I should get credit for time served since I hadn’t been to the gym since my disastrous 10 mile run. But no dice. The orthopedic surgeon I visited said I was banned from putting any unnecessary pressure on my legs – the more time I could spend on the couch, the better, and if I over-did it, he was going to put me on crutches. My three-year old would have loved that.

For the past 4 weeks I have been anxiously awaiting my follow-up scans. After being away from the gym for two months, in the past two weeks I’ve slowly built back up to a full cardio workout. Still nothing on the treadmill though. Today, at last I thought I would get the all clear to start running again. But I was sorely disappointed. My doctor recommended an additional 4 weeks away from my friend, the treadmill.  My legs are healing fine, “great” in fact was the word he used. But, I’ve only been pain free about three weeks and that’s not long enough to start with major stress to the bones again.

I’ve been in a funk all evening at this news. I didn’t really expect to just pick right back up where I left off and go run a few miles tomorrow morning, but being at the gym and not running is torture. I’ve never experienced an exercise that I loved so much. There is something incredibly freeing about getting on a treadmill, cranking up the speed and just letting yourself run. A friend of my husband’s (who is a marathon runner) said it best I think, “Running is what our bodies were designed to do”.  I fell in love with that feeling – that my body was doing exactly what it was supposed to do. I sure never had that sense of appropriate function while doing squats or lunges.

I’m sure there’s a lesson (or two) I’m supposed to be learning with all this waiting around for something I desire so much. Patience has never been my strong suit, and although I know it’s virtue and all that, it’s no fun figuring it out. So, for right now, I guess I have to stand firm on the knowledge that God knows what he’s doing with me – which is something I should always do, but is pretty much required right now. Cause I can’t stand on my own legs…they’re still broken.

[Via http://bakerlady.wordpress.com]

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Trials,tribulations and good friends

Just as I was feeling good and strong, trouble struck. Well it had been coming and I had been trying to ignore, which is always a mistake. A few weeks ago the Thai boxing instructor persuaded me to partner another woman in his class after my workout. I said yes but forgot to put on hand wraps. Later that evening I felt some tingling in my fingers and an old elbow injury flared up a little. Thought nothing of it and this would probably not have become a great problem but for the repetitive nature of this month’s challenge…

I’ve been learning how to do TGU with more emphasis on the bridge. This has also meant for me that I spend longer balancing on one hand as the leg goes through. On my healthy side this was not a problem but on the weak side it was and the tingling got worse, I also started to get other symptoms asscociated with carpel tunnel syndrome. By this time I was up to 24 TGU on the right and 24 on the left, I’d been breaking them up with swings but that is a lot of repetition.When I was woken on Christmas night with a painful hand I decided that I should take a break and give up on the challenge. I sadly posted a comment on the kettlebell inc site at 4am and went back to bed.

With nothing better to do on Christmas day (us vegetarians don’t have to mess about stuffing turkey) I went back to kettlebellinc for a short look to see if anyone had been able to offer any helpful suggestions and sure enough both Jim and Lisa were straight there. Had I thought about double TGU? No need to put pressure on my wrist and I could do these in a variety of ways. Suddenly I was feeling better. I googled double TGU and got a few videos so that I could get the move generally right and disappeared for a quick practise- could I even do this? My partner did think I was nuts but then called me down to watch Dr Who. We are two of a kind!

So, with the help of friends, I am happily back on track. Double TGU can be performed in so many ways that the variety is making the challenge less mind numbing. My 27 TGU today (left and right because you still get up on 1 leg and so need to do both sides) included body weight versions, double 4kg(the biggest double weight so far, double 8kg next week?) and single bell options , holding by the horns, (8/12/16kg). Plus 300 16kg swings makes a respectable, if eccentric, workout. My right side is feeling better and the symptons of carpel tunnel are slowly going away. Thanks to all at Kettlebell inc and merry Christmas!

[Via http://kettlebellqueen.wordpress.com]

Fast and Easy Weight Loss tips you can start Right Now

Fast and Easy Weight Loss tips you can start Right Now

I must get this call and this statement from busy moms, executives, students, all the time “I just don’t have time to eat right and exercise!” No one seems to be able to find the time to lose weight. With all of the responsibilities and events packed into our busy days how are we to keep ourselves healthy and maintain an optimal weight?

When people think weight loss, they think diet and exercise, both of which already sound time consuming. Well after 10 years of seeing clients I will tell you with 100% certainty that if a client follows their nutrition plan without exercise they always lose weight but if they don’t follow their nutrition plan but are consistent with their workouts, there is no weight loss. Anyone who has ever attempted to lose weight without changing to healthier eating alternatives knows this is true. Trust me, I’ll be the first one to tell you all the reasons why exercise is so important but following a healthy eating regimen must be priority number 1!

So if nothing else, the following easy adjustments in your nutrition plan will help to take off, at the very least, an initial 5-10 lbs to get you well on your way to your health and weight loss goals:

1. Only drink water as your beverage (with the occasional unsweetened tea or black coffee).

Eliminating all sugar drinks, “diet” drinks and sodas will automatically cause a dramatic weight loss. Studies have shown, when all else is kept constant, people lose up to 10lbs just by giving up diet coke. But it has no calories you say? Equal (Aspartame) and all other artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Sweet and Low are toxins to your body and cause weight gain, even more so than sugar!

Squeeze fresh lemon in your water or make flavored herbal teas and cool them to make ice tea to make water drinking much easier. Always consume ½ of your body weight in ounces of water per day to experience adequate hydration and weight loss (ex. If you weigh 150lbs, you must drink 75 ounces of water each day).

2. Eliminate the 4 white devils

White Flour, Refined Salt, White Sugar, and Dairy. If you just stay away from these 4 things, you will automatically see a drastic drop in weight and will instantly feel more energetic throughout the day. Most people are well aware of the harmful effects of flour, refined salt and sugar but dairy? Doesn’t it do a body good? Definitely not! Dairy is one of the number 1 reasons people have such a hard time losing weight. It causes inflammation in the body, digestive problems, clogged arteries, and weight gain. Get your calcium from leafy greens and avoid dairy at all costs. When moms bring in their children to see me with weight and health problems one of the first things I do is take them off dairy. The results are miraculous! Chronically sick kids are now automatically better. And those who have had such a hard time losing weight experience automatic weight loss without dairy.

3. Know exactly where to find the healthy food!

It is honestly just as easy to run in to the local supermarket and get a bag of carrots and some almonds as it is to run into a Quickie-Mart and buy some harmful processed food. You can go absolutely anywhere now and find healthy meal options but you must know what you are looking for. Stay away from most packaged foods as the label indicates more of a science experiment than anything that would be close to food. No one needs all of those toxins in their body. Labels should have 2 – 3 items, at most. And the best foods don’t have labels.

Don’t let time be your excuse. If you stop to eat 2-3 times per day and snack in between it is just as easy to find something healthy as it is to find something harmful. Don’t let your body come to a shrieking halt before you decide to do anything about your weight and your health. You know what will be a huge impediment on your time? If you or a family member becomes ill due to poor nutrition and lifestyle habits. So tackle the problem now before it really does begin to affect your time and your life! You can replace cars, homes and all material items, but you only get one body! Take good care of it.

Be well on your way to achieving your own Fat Loss and Health Goals with these Simple and Easy Fat Burning Meal Plans.

Back to the articles Table of Contents

[Via http://burnfat4u.wordpress.com]

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Better Business of the week - ClaWrite, El Paso TX

Better Business

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Better Business of the Week: ClaWrite, El Paso TX, Writing and Editing.

Owner: Clarence Giles.

Clarence Giles, Owner ClaWrite

submit your nominations. for the Build a Better Business and a Better world Business of the week, for a featured profile on our site.

Clarence has eight years freelance journalism experience spread over a 30 year period while operating his industrial sales company, www.claco-industrial-sales.biz

Recently, he has written for newspapers and magazines primarily on health and fitness. His extended writing interests include: science, medicine, natural history, business, and personality profiles.

Clarence has a degree in English, a focus in Creative Writing and a minor in Philosophy. He worked as a general assignment reporter for the El Paso Times after graduating in 1974. Also worked as journalist/editor for a community newspaper and a chamber of commerce newspaper.

He received a Chicago Tribune Fellowship from Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), Inc., the National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting (NICAR), in 1996 while working for The Rio Grande Gazette as reporter/editor.


Investigative reporting, health, fitness, business, science and proposal writing.

Creative writer of prose and poetry. I was published in “Passing Through,” (1974) an anthology of contemporary southwest literature. The anthology was used in English classes at the University of Texas at El Paso, and the El Paso Community College for several years. Also, recently published in “Mezcla,” by Mouthfeel Press (2009), an Art and Writing organization supported by the Tumblewords Project which features my short story about Buffalo Soldiers stationed in the U.S. southwest.

Clarence can be contacted at: clarencegiles@clawrite.biz

[Via http://eurigiles.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Creatine good or bad

MDs do not recommend it, but it is unclear why. It stimulates muscle growth and even escalates intelligence. The nitty griity can be found in numerous articles which can be easily Googled.

Interestingly what one reads is decidedly far more positive than negative. Like anything there is always the unwanted side effect after prolonged usage. But there doesn’t seem to me anything too glaring in doses which the writer would never even consider, namely twenty grams in dose. The standard is five grams per day, which works quite nicely.

Creatine is found mostly in meat, which is possibly why meat has always been part of the  the body builders diet. This was a large part of what the ancient Greeks consumed, possibly accounting for their extra-ordinary development if the sculptures are any real indication of the way that they actually were.

There have been studies done with older people, using Creatine as a way of correcting arthritis and of building muscle mass. Perhaps this will begin impacting longevity studies in the not too distant future.

For those on higher carb or vegetarian diets, creatine may well be a boon. There just is not enough of the muscle building that comes from substances  like rice, and vegetables to satisfy many Westerners. We are generally made most happy by an attractive muscularity, the result of athletic commitment and presumably a higher protein diet. This is true nowadays for women as well as men. Creatine can supplement one’s diet to attain these ends–ones which might not other wise have been achieved by mere exercise alone.

The rebuilding potential of creatine can never be stressed enough. Even for those not aspiring to look like Arnold Schwazennegar there is always the need to recover after their daily workouts. These truly do cause a break down of muscle fiber and do require daily attention. Creatine may be the cost effective (it’s relatively cheap) answer. It is decidedly less than all of the chicken turkey you would need to consume (and digest) to attain the same effect.

[Via http://4everfitness.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Tuesday ramblings

The last week or so, I’ve been hearing a lot of wildlife in the morning as I get my bike out of the garage and get mounted up to leave.   Coyote’s are pretty common, with an occasional appearance of the great horned owl that lives over on the ridge.  The other morning, though, the turkeys were making quite a bit of noise.  Not just the scratches and clucks that we usually hear, but lots of outright gobbling.  I knew there was a pretty good flock out in the woods behind the subdivision, but we hadn’t seen more than one or two at a time lately.  That is, until Sunday morning….when we saw ten of them up in the subdivision!

Wild Turkeys

Pam and I had a real good run this morning.  About half-way through our 5K, I commented to Pam that it was really nice to be out running and not being overly cold.  It seems like it’s been abnormally cold for this time of year, so to get a morning above freezing was nice. 

After running, I ended up making some adjustments to what I had planned to wear on the bike this morning.  When I looked at the temperature on Weather.com’s mobile edition, it said 32 degrees.  Based on that, I had originally planned to wear my cycling tights and a pair of outer pants.  Our backyard thermometer read 36 degrees, and it felt at least that warm if not warmer while we were running so I decided to forgo the outer layer.  Not a good move….I was kind of chilly most of the way to work, and my feet got cold through my booties.  I think my feet would have been warmer had I keep my core warmer with that second pair of pants.  Oh well.  You win some and lose some.

The little traffic I did see.....

I did notice that there was hardly any traffic this morning.  I guess enough people are already taking off for Christmas that I almost felt like I had the roads to myself.  It’s a shame I had to drive yesterday for an appointment.  It was probably about the same then.  Hopefully the storms they’re predicting will hold off and let me get in another commute by bike tomorrow. 

God bless….



[Via http://springfieldcyclist.com]

Swimming on Solstice

Solstice means the shortest day of the year, so naturally the stars are still present when I rip myself from my sheets and stumble through the motions of stretching on my swimsuit. My vision is still foggy as my car lumbers out of the parking spot and I drive towards the pool with thoughts of the warm boyfriend that kissed me through a haze of dreams before I left the house.

Clarity does not reach my wandering mind until I sink into the water and push off the wall. Suddenly there is order where there had been chaos, and my arms pulse in a succinct rhythm, my brain meticulously counting the number of strokes between breaths and the number of laps between it all. There is no room for rambling thoughts during my warm-up, just the quiet movement of water being displaced in an orderly fashion.

Eventually the order feels like soft white noise in the background, and I’m able to reign in on my thoughts. People do yoga because it clears their head, however that’s the precise reason I do not enjoy the zen-inspired practice. I swim because pulling the thoughts out of my head is impossible, and it is the only way to have a strong sense of control within my mind’s wanderlust. I can go anywhere and still be in one place when I return. Swimming is the closest thing to meditation I know.

The hardest part of the morning is leaving the pool. The water droplets curl down the backs of my knees, and I’m instantly a frozen cube of person when my skin hits the air. With a jolt of adrenaline, I look up and notice the sky is lightened and the sun is on her way up (though today, not for long). It’s time to go home and start the day.

[Via http://runnersdelight.wordpress.com]

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Benefits of just swings and get ups

Three weeks into the Kettlebell inc challenge and I’m feeling the benefit even though I have not always had time to complete it. When I introduced an 8kg weight back into the TGU earlier this week I only managed a few and my form wobbled. But persistance paid off and am now managing half and half ,10 with weight, 10 without- not because I can’t lift but because I’m trying to train my body to keep form even with the weight. My get ups are now smoother and I am hoping to move up a weight sometime towards the end of December.

As I’m doing less with the TGU, I’m pushing the swings. I’ve used 16kg consistently(20kg and 24kg on one day) and am managing 200-300 swings per session. Today I moved up to 20kg and managed 10 sets of 20 swings easily. If I can get to the gym this week (only 16kg and 12kg at home) I’ll continue with the 20kg. This is a big improvement.

Even though my diet has been awful due to Christmas festivities and general lack of will power I’ve lost weight and my shape is more defined. I’m hardly out of breath after 20 swings and barely breaking sweat, even with the bigger weight, I think I’ll add more swings next week.  Despite its simplicty this challenge is having a really positive effect on my levels of fitness and strength. Onwards and upwards…

[Via http://kettlebellqueen.wordpress.com]

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Regular guy lifts car off girl

Like something out of the excellent movie, Unbreakable, an ordinary guy lifted a car off a little girl today.

Anatomical trivia time. Humans are born with every muscle fiber they will ever have. Massive body builders have no more muscle fibers than they had when they were regular sized people. Muscle fibers thicken themselves through use so that they won’t break when they’re called upon. Big muscles don’t equate to strength. They pretty much equate to a central nervous system that’s not afraid to use those muscles. So in theory, enough adrenaline (chemical will-power, if you will) or just plain will-power is “all” that’s needed for a regular guy to lift as much or more as your average body builder.

The fitness nerd in me wonders if this guy tore anything, seeing as how his muscles weren’t large (ie: weren’t conditioned for lifting heavy loads). He might still be too pumped up to know if he tore anything. LOL

[Via http://mshanecrowe.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 17, 2009


My goal weight to reach by December 31, 2009… has been achieved! In fact I am 2 pounds below it! This is the weight that I was 7 years ago after I graduated from high school and spent the summer teaching in South Carolina. (Ever since then, I have consistently been up in weight) Kinda surreal, but incredible!

Total weight loss to date: 47.5 pounds

You know, a couple of weeks ago I was internally discouraged that it has taken me almost 12 months to lose 45-ish pounds. My journey started in January, with “The Biggest Loser” competition that the mission organization I had been working for at that time- Pioneers, was putting on to promote health among their employees! During the competition I lost 16 pounds. Then, that spring, I began seeing the best doctor I have ever had in my life, Dr. Scott Van Lue, with Everything Well. I started his weight management program and also began treating my recently discovered thyroid and progesterone deficiencies! Then, life got crazy that summer with beginning my internship and I got off track for a couple of months (where I also managed to put on 10-15 pounds… however, still not at my original weigh in…thank God, didn’t gain it all back!) The fall, I refocused on my goals, took up running and continued to be deeply encouraged by the staff of Everything Well and my cheerleading friends and family.

Now, do I really have any reason to have felt discouraged because I “only” lost 45 pounds in 12 months? Not really, it stems from a completely irrational thought process and belief structure. Nonetheless, it was there and I was aware of it. My latest appointment with Dr. Van Lue bridged the gap and disconnect in my brain for me. He celebrated my weight loss of 45 pounds and initially I felt he was more excited than I was in that moment. Then he told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. Moments later he came back to the room and placed a 45 pound weight in my arms. It was HEAVY (and I am a strong girl!)! He basically told me, ”THAT is the weight you are no longer carrying around with you on your body!” It was such a crazy moment for me because I felt this connection between my cognitions and emotions- they finally got on the same page and I celebrated as a whole person! It was the connector that I needed and I am committed to continuing to move toward health so that as much as is within my realm of responsibility, I am not hindered in the work the Lord has called me to.

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:12-14

[Via http://jennifergraham.wordpress.com]

Medicina e Salute: articoli su Farmacia, Chirurgia, Terapia e Fitness

Se l’ambizione è la giovinezza Eterna, perfetta bellezza, salute solidi o lunga durata, possiamo affermare che la medicina, chirurgia e cure, in forme diverse e con diverse priorità, sono sempre stati centrali, come disciplina e come capacità, nelle preoccupazioni di ogni civiltà. Le antiche culture hanno trasmesso a noi un immenso patrimonio di conoscenze tradizionali sulle erbe, massaggi, unguenti e altri rimedi naturali (alcuni dei quali conservano potenziale impressionante). Questi rimedi sono ancora popolari, importante, l’applicazione e ammirato da grandi gruppi di persone in molti paesi, con risultati che a volte sembrano molto positive anche per i moderni standard scientifici. Naturalmente, l’approccio contemporaneo scientifici ai problemi della sanità e del benessere ha drasticamente sviluppato e migliorato enormemente il potere, l’influenza, l’efficienza e il prestigio dei medici e dei medici nella società umana, grazie alla loro capacità di allungare la durata della vita, per rimuovere piaghe , per sconfiggere le malattie e curare le infezioni, limitare il dolore e il recupero di vigore.

References: plaster, pharmaceutical, myweight, addiction, dentalplan, tanningbed, madness, insane, nurse, antibiotics, lotions, hairloss, patient, drugrehab, diabetes, prevention, protection, sight, pharmaceutical, medicalinsurance, nursing, healthcareplan, healthplan,

L’età degli antibiotici, antidolorifici, chirurgia laser, la ricerca genetica e promette meraviglie chemioterapia per il miglioramento della qualità media della vita umana: di conseguenza, ovviamente, capitelli massicci e grandi risorse sono investite annualmente dalla coscienza governi e le grandi multinazionali nel settore di ricerca e sviluppo per i vaccini, le terapie e pharmacons. Anche gli aspetti informativi della medicina e della sanità sono di per sé, un mercato di massa, dove la gente il desiderio di sapere quali sono le migliori pratiche per sentirsi meglio e che le soluzioni aiutano a vivere più a lungo, seguendo le più recenti scoperte e nuove soluzioni. Data la rilevanza del tema, che abbiamo sintetizzato un gruppo ricco di siti web presentati da http://www.thenew.com e http://www.euroserve.cn (con i servizi DNS http://www.esw3.eu ), il loro scopo è, naturalmente, presentando materiale prezioso sulla chirurgia plastica, le terapie ormonali, le prescrizioni farmaceutiche e di assistenza medica.

References: dentalinsurance, analcancer, bladder, blood, breastcancer, breastimplants, calculus, cardiac, cervicalcancer, cervix, cystectomy, davincicystectomy, denture, endoscopy, erectiledysfunction, fracture, genitals, genitalwarts, heartattack

[Via http://healthmedicineitalian.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's been a blog-reading night

Just when the voice at the back of my blogger’s conscience started bothering me about not having posted in what seems like ages (but in reality is only actually a few days), tonight the few blogs that I have read seem to really hit home in terms of what needs to be said has been said!

There is, for example, this matter that has been bothering me for some time – and is in fact why I started to write the Clinical Nutrition Series (which I have yet to continue faithfully…) – about certain blogs and bloggers who seem to adhere senselessly to certain schools of thought, each rallying up one alongside the other.  What naturally follows is a clique, and even on the online scene, that stuff can be intimidating.  Especially for loners like me!  Sometimes I tell myself that it’s all in my head, that bloggers are all objectively nice people – but face it!  That popular blog will always be the girl with the nice hair who you always wanted to sit beside at lunch be added to their blogroll.  And most the time, well, that just never happens.   I was just about to get started on my soapbox… and then I read  Sophia’s most recent post on how the blogosphere world is truly not much different than high school.  WINNER!  Although I am the first person to vouch for canned pumpkin and hummus (won’t apologize!), I think the underlying principle she addresses is really true – that popular divides, labels, and even trends can be pretty off-putting in the online community.

And then I thought about writing about dealing with negativity.  (The idea for such a post follows a discussion with my brother about things I want to do immediately after graduation. It went something like this:

Aletheia: I want to teach kids how to grow plants and hold food workshops in schools.


Aletheia (ignores): I want to teach them where their food comes from, so that they don’t end up like the typical North American who thinks that Wonderbread comes from a Wonderbread plant…

Jacob:  North Americans say that?

Aletheia: I want to run a Kids Yoga program and teach little children how to be flexible!

Jacob: Wow, I would HATE that.

Aletheia: It would be on an optional basis, so parents would sign their children up if their children expressed interest.

Jacob: MOM, DON’T SIGN ME UP!!! )

And then I read Jenna’s post on “Negativity and its complete worthlessness“. Indeed, think happy be happy.

Along the same lines, I was contemplating today at how my feet led me to the gym even though I was supposed to be writing my essay (or better yet, actually studying for finals).  And then I read Jenna (same Jenna) ’s post on Body First, Finals Second.  Although I can’t fully shirk the fact that I’m really a hardcore nerd at heart, there truly is a point (and that point for me came today) where my mental and physical faculties are just like “GET. AWAY. FROM. BOOKS.  GET. OFF. CHAIR. MOVE!!”

So now that everything’s already been said, I leave you with the remnants – images!

The dehydrating madness continues…

Gena’s raw juice pulp crackers – Take 2.  As you can see, still have difficulty make them into squares.  (Or rectangles. Or triangles.  Possibly even circles.  At this point, I’m willing to take any kind of regular form.)  But alas, they somehow always end up turning into things that look like colourful-but-shriveled-up dried pork rinds.

A twist on Gena’s raw carrot falafel . I made it using regular green-and-orange juice pulp (aka not limiting myself to carrot), used only 1/2 a cup of sesame seeds, accidentally forgot to add in the olive oil, and didn’t put any celery, cilantro, or parsley in (I figured it was in the “green” pulp anyway).  So, in short, this thing may or may not even be Gena’s carrot falafel.  It’s more like Aletheia’s-what-the-heck-juice pulp-falafel-maybe. Maybe.

And I found out that eggplant dehydrates really well.  These are my special mustard eggplant crisps that I always talk about.

What’s for dinner you ask?  All of the above plus my standard bed of greens.

Yup – same old, same old.

Except for this baby:

Again, not telling you what it is.  Until maybe next time.  Because I like to keep people in suspense like that.  Inflicting sleepless nights upon blog readers over mysterious fruits and vegetables… MOUAHAHAHA.

Um, maybe I should have just kept it a blog-reading night.


[Via http://lafillenaturelle.wordpress.com]

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nonviolent Communication ... Empathy's Language

“Never give them the power to make you submit or rebel.” – Marshall Rosenberg

C.H.A.R.G.E. #026

Last week we talked about empathy and its life-changing potential.  When our needs are understood and our feelings connected with, all is right with the world.  Empathy feels great and when we feel great we are more willing to explore the opportunities for change … namely, behavioral change.  Now that we have a basic understanding of empathy, we can’t continue on without discussing Nonviolent Communication (NVC).  Developed by Marshall Rosenberg, NVC is a way of expressing empathy to others who may or may not be making it easy to know their feelings and needs.  In a sense, it blows out the flame of the other person coming at you.  Put another way, it’s “killing them with kindness” on steroids.  It is a calming, supportive, and peaceful form of communication.

The four steps and distinctions of Nonviolent Communication are:

  1. Make observations, not evaluations.  When we evaluate, we exaggerate, generalize, and judge … when we observe, we don’t do any of those things.  An example of an evaluation is, “I ate poorly yesterday.”  Whereas, an observation would be, “I ate several pieces of candy and no vegetables yesterday.”
  2. Express feelings, not thoughts.  We often confuse our feelings and thoughts.  When we differentiate between the two we are allowing empathy to do its work.  Examples of confusing the two are:  “I feel supportive.” “I feel that my spouse is critical.” “I feel ugly.”
  3. Identify needs, not strategies.  Just like the previous distinction, differentiating between needs and strategies is at the core of expressing empathy.  It is not uncommon to hear someone say, “I need to fill up my car with gas,” “I need to work out today,” or “I need to go to the post office.”  These are all strategies for meeting needs, not needs themselves.
  4. Make requests, not demands.  Once you understand another person’s feelings and needs, it’s time to confirm your understanding or to agree to a particular action.  Examples of this type of communication are:  “Would you be willing to write down everything you eat this week?” and “Would you be willing to increase your water intake this week?”  These questions “… respect both the autonomy of the person and the possibility of the moment.”  (WellCoaches Manual, Lesson 6, p. 6, 2006.)

Next week we will take a closer look at feelings and universal needs.  In the meantime, consider how using NVC on a daily basis may affect your relationships, stress level, your effectiveness to communicate, and help others to feel great.  The NVC concept is simple to understand, but fully implementing it as your normal communication style may take a little time. 

C.H.A.R.G.E. Questions:  What actions can you take to improve your communication skills?  Who can you practice the NVC steps on?  Who can you seek empathy from?  Who might you encourage to learn the skills of NVC?

* Information adapted from WellCoaches Manual, Lesson 6, 2006.

[Via http://maximumwellness.wordpress.com]

Gift Guide: fitness girly in your life.

This post is  part of a series of gift guides. NO it’s not THIS season’s must haves, it’s just, what an average everyday middle class working, beauty lovin, tech geeky girl like moi would want. — of course they’re all fairly practical and affordable too. :) Enjoy!

“Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it” —Plato

1. Soffe workout gear. Are you guys aware that Soffe carries a huge selection of stylish hip work out and lounge gear? NOT JUST SHORTS! They make comfortable tanks, cute pull over hoodies, adorable tees and tanks all at VERY affordable prices. I wouldn’t mind a fancy ribboned box filled with some Soffe gear to work out in under my tree! [if you order by 12/23/09 you can ge 20% off + Free Shipping w/ code: Holiday20] http://www.soffe.com

2. KOR water bottle. $29.95 each. I’ve been lusting for one of these bad boys for a while now. Talk about stylish, even Oprah loves them. One of these baby will instantaneously give you fashion points! Haha, They come in four beautiful colors and a part of the proceeds goes to charity. The charity differs depending on the color bottle of purchase. How gorgeous are these bottles? Who wouldn’t want one? *droool [Free Shipping on purchase $40+ til 12/25/09] http://www.korwater.com

3. Quality Candles in luscious scents. not only is it good for yoga, it’ll be good for a relaxing bath, an evening of winding down, a beautiful accents for the bedroom or bathroom the list goes on and on! A few of my favorites and fairly affordable accents includes Henri Bendel’s Vanilla Bean these babies are packed with fragrance. The scent is amazing, you don’t even have to light the candle for the scent to fill the room. Another favorite is Bath and Body Work’s White Citrus candles I love the clean fresh scent. :) * Both items can be found at your local Bath and Body Works or bathandbodyworks.com

Jade’s Edge collection

4. Quality Yoga mat, I’m always on the look out for a good quality yoga mat that can last me years. It’s an investment I’m willing to fork more than $20 into. I recently stumbled upon http://www.jadeyoga.com whose yoga mats are getting all sorts of raves from the yoga community. Not only are they long lasting, high quality mats, they’re environmentally friendly AND 50% of the proceeds goes to a good cause. A win-win situation! http://www.jadeyoga.com

Would are you getting the fitness conscious girlfriend in your life? :)

[Via http://agentnerdy.wordpress.com]

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making a Hula Hoop and Connector

I recently came across an extremely fun way to get a full body work out (very much needed). I get bored easy with “traditional” exercising so I needed something fun to do and to learn at the same time to keep my mind busy. I also need something that does not cost me much money. Hooping! It is often referred to hoop dancing and is starting to become popular in many countries for both men and women (and it can have you doing some sexy moves regardless of your body shape). All ages can do this. There is a great video showing and adorable white-haired lady hooping at hooping.org to prove it.

This is not the hula hooping you may have done as a kid. More on this later in another post. Here, I want to show you how to make your own hoop.

You can buy some fantastic hoops online and I will share a few links  near the end of this post along with a coupon I found. But when you first start learning, you will be rough on your hoop. Building your own can be much less expensive in the long run and you can also experiment with different diameters to suite you. You may also feel less protective of this hoop, allowing you to relax and just have fun trying to learn.

There are several kinds of materials you can use (see hooping.org link below), here I used coiled PVC. It was all I could find in my area. Once you find the materials, making the hoop is easy. It is the connector that can cause some problems. It has to fit and not leave a flat spot in the hoop. Though, you can use a hoop that has a flat spot, it looks funny and may goof up a few moves.


  • Coiled PVC (see picture above). 160 psi rating (so it is not flimsy). I used 3/4 inch diameter. I have seen it in red and white at Home Depot. I bought the white. No reason. I covered it with tape later. You can buy a large coil or a short one. The large is around 100 feet long but you can get many future hoops from it or share/sell with friends and it is cheapest in the long run. So far I have cut 4 hoops and I still have enough left for a few more. The shorter (15 feet?) will cost less up front but you only have enough for one hoop. Once you add the cost of  taping  it, you might as well order a pre-made hoop for a little more.
  • A Method of cutting the PVC -I used a pipe cutter. There are also PVC cutters. Both are inexpensive. I found the pipe cutter to have a cleaner cut.
  • A method to cut PVC length-wise under the curve. Here we used a Dremmel with cutting disks attached.
  • Marker that can mark plastic.
  • Pliers
  • Flat head screwdriver (optional)
  • Pretty tape. I used colored duct tape (from a craft store). It is less expensive and strong. It will get scratched up while you learn but you can upgrade to prettier tape later. If you are not concerned with decorating your hoop right now, you will want a little bit of duct tape to hold the ends together.

As usual some of my pictures (below) tend to float around the page for some reason and mess up my paragraphs. I am working on it. Not sure if this is a Facebook issue or something I am doing wrong. I barely have time to post right now so I am going with it anyway.

The Hoop


Warning! Each end of a the coil of PVC will often have straightened out some. You will probably want to cut off about 6 inches or more from each end to avoid having a flat spot in your hoop. After removing the end, then start measuring for your hoop.


First of all you need to get the right size hoop. The size you used as a kid will not work.  For a beginner or someone who is on the heavy side, bigger is better than smaller. It will look huge at first. That is normal. Keep in mind when building the hoop, you can still pull it apart before you tape it and resize it if it is too big. Start big and go smaller if you need to. You cannot go from small to large.  Many people start with a diameter of around 42 inches. Another way to measure is leaning the potential hoop against you while resting it on the floor (you will have to hold the coil together). The top edge should land between your naval and chest. If you are very heavy, you may want to add more. Yes, you can hoop without a waste. ;)

Have someone hold the coil of PVC open to the diameter you want, either measure across or hold it up against you, and make a mark with a marker where you wish to cut.


I used a pipe cutter (left) because that is what I had. You put it where you want to cut and spin the cutter around the pipe. With each rotation, tighten it a little bit.

Do not rush it, if you over tighten each time you go around, the cut will not be as nice. Practice on the bad end of your coil first. You can also use a PVC cutter or a saw.

The Connector

The connector is a little bit more work to make but not so bad if you have a good method of cutting it lengthwise.

I have tried several pre-made objects to hold the hoop together but I always ended up with a flat spot. This was our solution. You may come up with something else. There is no “right” way as long as the ends are held  together to your satisfaction. I do suggest not having much of anything bulging out, such as from a wrap-around connector, unless it is soft. You are going to feel bruised enough when you first start with a smooth surface rolling all over your body. If something is sticking out slightly, you will know it.

We chose this method because the connector has the same curve as the hoop and it fit snug.


On PVC you are not using for your hoop, cut off about 4 inches. This does not have to be exact. A little shorter is easier, longer more secure. You can always cut more off if it is too long. The piece shown in these pictures is too long. We cut it down later. This was our third hoop and we were experimenting with different connector lengths.

Next, you will need to mark off about a finger-width section, length wise, under the curve or arch of this piece. You will remove this bit from the center of the curve. The lines can be rough. They are just a guide and this will all be hidden later.

Now use the method you have chosen to cut out this piece. If you use the Dremmel, cutting disks work well. Wear eye protection and a mask. Bits will fly up at you and you can breath in fine particles. Do not press down to hard. Just lightly go over the line several times. The plastic will melt if you press too much and you also risk breaking the disk in the groove. Neither is bad but it is better to avoid it. You can cut most of the way through and then just pry up the rest with a flat head screwdriver.

A flat head screw driver might help pull that last bit out so you do not have to saw all the way through.

Here the piece has been removed.

You might want to experiment with other, lighter material for the connector, should you have it, if you have trouble cutting the strip out.


Now one edge needs to be curled under the other edge to decrease the diameter of the connector. No need to be fancy with any of this since the connector will be hidden. You just need it to fit snugly inside of your hoop.

Take your pliers and crunch down the one edge. You will just work your way on down. Keep doing this continue  to work the first edge under the second edge. Long handles on your pliers may give you better leverage to do this but it is not needed.

When done, your connector will be curled in on itself and narrower.


Now it is time to stuff the connector into the hoop. The tighter you wound the connector, the easier this will be.

First, mark the center (you do not need to be exact) of the  connector so you know when you have inserted the connector far enough into one end of your hoop. Again, the piece we cut for the connector in these pictures was too long. We cut it down later.

While inserting the connector, use the pliers throughout. Do not be afraid to crunch it more narrow as you go. The pliers will give you a good grip and you can rock and twist back and forth as you go. Do try to keep the curve in line with the hoop as much as possible. My husband found it helped to press his thumb against the pliers to help force in the connector.

When you hit the half way mark, stop. Now wiggle and twist the other side of the hoop onto the other end of the connector. Again, use the pliers to crunch the connector narrow as needed. If you need to shorted the connector the pipe cutter, etc an do the job even if the connector is curled up the way it is. We had to on this one.

The two ends of the hoop should now be flush and hopefully no obvious flat spot. You may notice a little wiggle room or gap on one side but that will be fixed with the tape. You are now mostly done! Whew!

Finishing the Hoop

If you do not decorate your hoop, you will want to at least secure the ends together with some duct tape. Tape the ends tight together and wrap a little more around that. This might be what you want to do at first if this is your first time hooping. You can play with the hoop awhile and see if this is the size you like. Be sure to give it some time before deciding unless you have plenty of PVC to make more hoops. If you feel you want a smaller hoop, peel off the tape, pull the ends apart, and cut some off of one end and put it all back together. You have to work harder with smaller hoops, this is why bigger is often better to start  (yes, you can get too big). In the picture, my husband found it was easier to wrap the hoop if he held it with his toes. :)   He made his black with some red stripes. Yep, he hoops too!

If you decorate the hoop, I still recommend some securing tape at the connector. I covered the entire hoop in a one base color and then added contrasting colors on top. It is all up to you. You can do spirals, stripes, dots, etc! I do not recommend tassels or anything else hanging off of the hoop. They snag in your hands.

Soon, I will post a short blurb about hooping itself and my newbie experience with it. :)   See below for additional links on making/buying hoops of various types  and to learn more about hoop dancing. The list is not long because I am just getting into this and I am still finding new sites to look at.

Additional links:

Here are some links I found useful or interesting. Unless I state otherwise, I do not personally know  the quality of any products listed at these sites.


http://www.hoopnotica.com Hoopnotica. They have DVDs, hoops, and other fun stuff. This one I found a coupon code for $5 off your order. It is AA0902. I do not think it expires. Let me know if it does, please, so I can remove this. So far I have ordered a DVD from them as recommened by a friend. I cannot tell you what I think yet because I am too new to be fair. I bought level 2 instead of level 1 since I had someone to show me the early moves. But they were fast with shipping and looking through the DVD, it seems to actually show you how to troubleshoot as well as how to do the moves so I do like that so far. Plus there is a work out routine you can follow.

http://superhooper.org Super Hooper. This site has hoops, supplies, tips, and listings on where to go for free classes. They will travel to various places and hold free classes if someone will host them. I was fortunate to recently attend a beginner’s class when they came through my area. It was a lot of fun. Lara, the lady who taught us, was very nice and a lot of fun. I learned much more than expected and never felt put down for being new. So do check that out. And no, no one wore funny outfits. ;)   Also, if you attend a class, you get free shipping on an LED hoop. Also, the classes included more advanced hooping, LED, and fire as well.

I also was able to look at and play with their LED hoops and I found them to be very well made. I hope to treat myself to one later on.


http://www.hooping.org This site has a little of everything, including making hoops of various types. There are tips, videos, links, and much more. It takes a little digging in a few places but it is usually worth it.

http://www.myspace.com/mariethomas108 This is a link to Marie. She is organizing a hooping club or class in the Destin/Fort Walton Beach Florida area. As of December, 2009 it is still in the rough and not yet organized. But if you are interested, contact her. She is nice. Tell her Amy sent you. ;)

Online Videos:

On Youtube, search out Hooping basics. They have a series on there I like very much because they will show you how to do each move as well as what  it is. Unfortunately it is not easy to know what order they should go in but you do have a general idea of the level of difficulty.

I hope to continue adding to these links.

[Via http://virtuallyamy.wordpress.com]

Wipe Down The Treadmill...

I didn’t want to go running today…but I dragged myself out anyway.  My son, with his DS in tow,  made the trip out in the frigid winter weather (and high winds too…woot).   I made sure my son was settled in the lobby of our Y and approached the treadmill with something less than enthusiasm.  Even though the weather stinks today, if I had the proper gear, I would have run outside.  But money is tight and my gym membership is dirt cheap.

I hop on my favorite treadmill (I hate treadmills, but I do have a favorite one) and notice a regular to the gym, off to my left.  Lets just say, this particular person is not one of my favorite people.   Halfway through my run, he finishes his, gets off the treadmill and walks away.  It’s not just etiquette that recommends the wiping down of gym equipment after a workout – but simple common sense when it comes to the well-being of others.  Not being able to stand the idea of someone using a sweated on, uncleaned treadmill…I paused  mine and quickly wiped it down…this brings up another good idea when it comes to gyms – wipe down equipment BEFORE and AFTER use.

Because otherwise…ewwwwww.  On so many levels.  Ew.

[Via http://shawn3k.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to Truly Believe in Somebody

There are many athletes pursuing some kind of dream. This dream could be to go to college and play their sport, then move on to play professionally, and finally, to get paid to do something they love. For those of us that work with athletes on a regular basis, how do we communicate a credible, helpful belief in the people we work with without enabling a delusion that can be destructive for years to come?

There seems to be a prevalent idea that says: “To believe in somebody you have to go along with THEIR ideas regardless if there is any reliable, tangible, ongoing information to base that belief on.” Who of us would place our trust in someone that has shown zero evidence of tangible information in the area of hope? Have we become so disconnected from quality impact on those we love that we have resorted to blind trust? Why do we engage in this? We do it because we are afraid of crushing the spirits of those we love. In essence, we believe a dream that is delusional is better than growing a new dream that is founded on evidence associated with the possibility of accomplishment. The real tragedy here is that people are lacking the truthful, loving information that leads to deep trust and closeness that helps us truly experience life-changing relationships.  It is these current relationships [that are the only hope for people] that may allow delusional thinking to take them down a road of destruction.

Why does athletically gifted people that live their personal lives to the point of destruction shock us? It shouldn’t. The degree of truth these people hear from those closest to them about how they live their lives and the important topics of family, marriage, and purpose, has to be small.

I hope we learn a lesson from these fallen giants by talking to our kids about their lives and what goes on inside them rather then focusing all of our attention on their performance at the expense of everything that is vital to their significance and overall well being. Is it possible that we have traded deeply loving relationships that often include conflict, confrontation, fight, and accountability for a dream that maybe is too good to be true? Believing in another person involves loving them enough to tell them what they need to hear, realizing we have not trained people very well for this type of conversation. Believing in somebody involves challenging them to build their lives on hard work, perseverance, and personal strengths grounded in a deep purpose that can only be revealed through the wise coaching and counsel of others that have dared to go down this path.

Lets go down this path together.


[Via http://mentaledgenow.wordpress.com]

Shëndeti dhe Mjekësia: Artikuj rreth Farmaci, Kirurgji, Terapi dhe Fitness

Nëse ambicja është rinia ethernal, bukuri e përsosur, e shëndetit të forta apo jetëgjatësi të gjatë, ne mund të shtetit që mjekësi, kirurgji dhe kurat, në forma të ndryshme dhe me prioritete të ndryshme, kanë qenë gjithmonë qendrore, si disiplina dhe si aftësia, në shqetësimet e çdo qytetërim. Kulturat e lashta na kanë përcjellë një trashëgiminë e madhe e njohurive tradicionale rreth herbs, masazhet, ointments dhe mjete të tjera natyrore (disa prej të cilave mbajnë potencial mbresëlënës). Këto zgjidhje janë ende popullore, të rëndësishme, të zbatuara dhe admiruar nga grupe të mëdha njerëzish në shumë vende, me rezultatet që ndonjëherë duket shumë pozitive edhe sipas standardeve moderne shkencore. Sigurisht, qasja bashkëkohore scientifical për problemet e kujdesit shëndetësor dhe Wellness ka zhvilluar dhe zgjeruar në mënyrë dramatike pafundësisht fuqi, ndikim, efikasitetin dhe prestigjin e punonjësve mjekësorë dhe mjekë të shoqërisë njerëzore, në sajë të aftësive të tyre për të zgjasin jetëgjatësi, për të hequr shqetëson , për të mposhtur sëmundjet dhe për të kuruar infeksionet, kufizimi dhimbje dhe shërohet energji.

References: plaster, pharmaceutical, myweight, addiction, dentalplan, tanningbed, madness, insane, nurse, antibiotics, lotions, hairloss, patient, drugrehab, diabetes, prevention, protection, sight, pharmaceutical, medicalinsurance, nursing, healthcareplan, healthplan,

Moshën e antibiotikëve, dhimbje-vrasësve, kirurgjia lazer, kërkimet gjenetike dhe chemiotherapy premton mrekulli për përmirësimin e cilësisë mesatare e jetës njerëzore, pra, e qartë, kryeqyteteve masiv dhe burimet e mëdha janë investuar vjetore nga vetëdijshëm qeveritë dhe multinationals të mëdha në fushën e e hulumtimit dhe zhvillimit për vaksinat, terapi dhe pharmacons. Edhe aspektet informative e mjekësisë dhe të kujdesit shëndetësor janë, në vetvete, një treg masiv, ku njerëzit dëshirojnë të dinë se cilat janë praktikat më të mira të ndjehen më mirë dhe cilat zgjidhje të ndihmojë për të jetuar më gjatë, këto zbulime të fundit dhe zgjidhje të reja. Duke pasur parasysh rëndësinë e temës, ne kemi përmbledhur një grup të pasur faqet e internetit të paraqitur nga http://www.thenew.com dhe http://www.euroserve.cn (me shërbimet dns http://www.esw3.eu ), qëllimi i tyre është, sigurisht, duke paraqitur materiale me vlerë për kirurgji plastike, terapite hormonale, receta farmaceutike dhe mjekësore ndihmë

References: dentalinsurance, analcancer, bladder, blood, breastcancer, breastimplants, calculus, cardiac, cervicalcancer, cervix, cystectomy, davincicystectomy, denture, endoscopy, erectiledysfunction, fracture, genitals, genitalwarts, heartattack

[Via http://healthmedicinealbanian.wordpress.com]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Get a workout within fifteen mins with Power Plates

The vibration plate is the Most recent fad to hit the fitness market. It is a craze among celebs, and many gymnasiums and body trainers have spotted its effectiveness and offered it to their clients as a complement to standard workout programs.

With a program of muscle contractions and isometric exercises, you improve results with vibration plates than conventional workout programs.

The best thing about vibration plates is they provide explosive improvements, in a short period of time.

With its platform and handles, the Vibration plate may be mistaken for a treadmill, though in place of the treadmills moving track there is a vibrating plate. The handles support your body as you take up different positions on a power plate. Your body can now handle a busy workout.

The vibration plate is prominent for the short time period needed to get results- professionals have concluded you need just three weekly sessions of 15 minutes each.

The vibration-plates cause the muscles to quickly contract and expand, up to 50 times each second compared to standard training’s twice per second, allowing the muscles to get more work and become more toned..

The great draw of the vibration plate is that in 15 minutes you can attain similar results to the ones you’d get thru an hour of standard training.

There are numerous provisions in plates for stretching, massaging and resistance. Beginners have to go with 9 minutes of practice with plates and after increase it slowly.

The plates vibrate at different concentrations, so the most effective way for beginners to get used to the sudden changes of pace and direction of muscle contractions is to start at the lowest levels and continuously increase the intensity as they are going along.

The guide that comes with the machine recommends holding the position for approximately a minute to get the wanted muscle toning and the maker promises studies to support the safety and usefulness of the machines done over a 4 year period..

If you’re trying to find effective exercise equipment than look no further than vibration plates – The final fitness aid.

Working out with these machines promises all kinds of physical benefits..

Get a session for 15 minutes with Power Plates

[Via http://thefitnessprofessionals.wordpress.com]

Take on your weaknesses

Somewhere in between not racing road bikes at all and bodybuilding, some mild depression along with 26 pounds of fat and too much muscle from the neurotic weightlifting, I’ve come to realize I’m not what I think I am anymore.  I am really being honest.  I’d look in the mirror or at the photos people took of me and think, “I know I let myself go a little but not this…God…”

So with the help of a video cam and a desire to change myself I took some home movies of myself riding, did a little body-fat and body mass index measuring.  So, here is the hard truth.  First, I look very muscle-bound for a cyclist.  Two…I really am the not-so-proud owner of 28 pounds of excess fat.  Three.. .I talk about doing things too much, rather than doing them.

And here is the white elephant folks. 

I am a hypocrite.

I know better than this.  At one point over a year ago, my diet got so bad my cholesteral was over 450.  That’s Elvis on the toilet seat bad.   I’m a fitness PROFESSIONAL, so  what’s with all this self-destructive behavior?!  Its call labeling. For example, “I’m a cyclist.  I am a bodybuilder.  I am a dad.  I am a songwriter”…and so on and so forth into eternity.  In some way, we all have these self-imposed lables.  The weight of these titles is often so much that it causes a crack in the psyche.  For me personally, I’ve put so many expectations upon my goals that I no longer am present in my own experience as a human-being (limitless and without labeling).

Recently, I’ve decided to ditch all the titles and just start riding for the love of it.  Two months later I have done a hard reset.

So then, how do you start again?

1.  Don’t reinvent the wheel.

I got real good at doing training for 6 months.  I’d win some races, have fun, get fit, and then miss riding for a week.  Suddenly, I would feel behind in my training and then lose interest in cycling all together.  You don’t start again because you’re not that person any more.  You are someone new, in this moment.  You are still a cyclist, but the cocoon is gone now and here, before you, is another longing for a new experience.  This isn’t just an affirmation!  This really part of you.  Desire is a flower of fire and it is consuming.  Desire is just one part of this new life and approach you take each time you “start again.”

2.  Eating the right foods for the kind of rides and post ride food and rest is more important than anything else.  Don’t separate and compartmentalize your life rather just have the lifestyle that mirrors your desire.  After you’ve done something 10 times, psychologists call it a “habit.”  Not that hard when you think of it in these terms, right?

3.  Don’t be what your not.  Please don’t be a Cat 3 lifer.  Don’t isolate the people in your life that want you to be in the best shape you can be in by having an elitist attitude.  The people you owe responsibilities to make a series of personal sacrifices in their lives because then BELIEVE in you.   And for God’s sake, get some non-cycling friends that you and your wife can hang out with (and who can help balance out your lust for the sport with a beer now and then).  They have this wonderful way of reminding you that there is a world outside of all this focus.

Face your weaknesses and overcome them with planning, preparation, and the love of those around you that share the same profound drive.

Love to ride..TAKE IT ON:

Click on the pics to enlarge


AKA The Highway Man

[Via http://akathehighwayman.wordpress.com]

Sunday, December 6, 2009

LifeSpace Guide to the Holidays

LifeSpace Guide to the Holidays – December, 2009

The holidays are here again and LifeSpace Community can help you maximize your time and experience this season. We are highlighting some great articles and resources all month long so use this guide to enhance your holiday season in all areas of your life.

Ideas, Articles and Resources:

Winter Workout Tips

This winter, don’t let the cold weather keep you from keeping up with your exercise goals. Use these great tips to help stay on track and in shape.

Easy Holiday Nutrition Tips

Easy Healthy Holiday Tips; including healthy holiday food and exercise ideas, as well as fun and easy ways to manage calories and weight management during the holiday season.

20 Tips to Help Stay Within Your Holiday Budget

With so much money at stake, it never hurts to refresh on the fundamentals of intelligent, budgeted holiday shopping.

World’s Best Holiday Light Displays

Check out this slide show for some amazing holiday light displays all over the world!

Ways To Give This Holiday Season

The holidays are not only a time to spend with family and friends, they’re a time of reflection. If you are in a place to do so, why not take some time to give back? There are plenty of charities and volunteer opportunities to keep you busy throughout San

Holiday Travel Tips 101

Traveling during the holidays can be a hectic and stressful time. These tips help you plan ahead to enjoy the most of your time and money.

Cut-Your-Own Christmas Tree

It’s never too late to start a new tradition – going out to cut your own Christmas tree is a great way to spend time with friends and family, and to get ready for holidays!

Christmas Crafts Projects

Great Christmas decoration and gift ideas – with easy to follow directions and pictures! These decorations can turn any home into a winter wonderland!

Hanukkah Recipes

Get great ideas and recipes for traditional Hanukkah dishes and lighter alternatives, as well as main and side dishes.

10 Things to Know About Hanukkah

Here are 10 great facts about this December holiday. Happy Hanukkah!

Take a Perfect Holiday Photo

A photo on a holiday card doesn’t need to be formal — or feature matching reindeer sweaters. These tips from photographers and readers will help you create picture-perfect season’s greetings.

Recommended Goal Templates:

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