Sunday, December 27, 2009

Trials,tribulations and good friends

Just as I was feeling good and strong, trouble struck. Well it had been coming and I had been trying to ignore, which is always a mistake. A few weeks ago the Thai boxing instructor persuaded me to partner another woman in his class after my workout. I said yes but forgot to put on hand wraps. Later that evening I felt some tingling in my fingers and an old elbow injury flared up a little. Thought nothing of it and this would probably not have become a great problem but for the repetitive nature of this month’s challenge…

I’ve been learning how to do TGU with more emphasis on the bridge. This has also meant for me that I spend longer balancing on one hand as the leg goes through. On my healthy side this was not a problem but on the weak side it was and the tingling got worse, I also started to get other symptoms asscociated with carpel tunnel syndrome. By this time I was up to 24 TGU on the right and 24 on the left, I’d been breaking them up with swings but that is a lot of repetition.When I was woken on Christmas night with a painful hand I decided that I should take a break and give up on the challenge. I sadly posted a comment on the kettlebell inc site at 4am and went back to bed.

With nothing better to do on Christmas day (us vegetarians don’t have to mess about stuffing turkey) I went back to kettlebellinc for a short look to see if anyone had been able to offer any helpful suggestions and sure enough both Jim and Lisa were straight there. Had I thought about double TGU? No need to put pressure on my wrist and I could do these in a variety of ways. Suddenly I was feeling better. I googled double TGU and got a few videos so that I could get the move generally right and disappeared for a quick practise- could I even do this? My partner did think I was nuts but then called me down to watch Dr Who. We are two of a kind!

So, with the help of friends, I am happily back on track. Double TGU can be performed in so many ways that the variety is making the challenge less mind numbing. My 27 TGU today (left and right because you still get up on 1 leg and so need to do both sides) included body weight versions, double 4kg(the biggest double weight so far, double 8kg next week?) and single bell options , holding by the horns, (8/12/16kg). Plus 300 16kg swings makes a respectable, if eccentric, workout. My right side is feeling better and the symptons of carpel tunnel are slowly going away. Thanks to all at Kettlebell inc and merry Christmas!


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