Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wipe Down The Treadmill...

I didn’t want to go running today…but I dragged myself out anyway.  My son, with his DS in tow,  made the trip out in the frigid winter weather (and high winds too…woot).   I made sure my son was settled in the lobby of our Y and approached the treadmill with something less than enthusiasm.  Even though the weather stinks today, if I had the proper gear, I would have run outside.  But money is tight and my gym membership is dirt cheap.

I hop on my favorite treadmill (I hate treadmills, but I do have a favorite one) and notice a regular to the gym, off to my left.  Lets just say, this particular person is not one of my favorite people.   Halfway through my run, he finishes his, gets off the treadmill and walks away.  It’s not just etiquette that recommends the wiping down of gym equipment after a workout – but simple common sense when it comes to the well-being of others.  Not being able to stand the idea of someone using a sweated on, uncleaned treadmill…I paused  mine and quickly wiped it down…this brings up another good idea when it comes to gyms – wipe down equipment BEFORE and AFTER use.

Because otherwise…ewwwwww.  On so many levels.  Ew.


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