Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How To Ward Off Holiday Weight Gain, Part 1. By Dan & Jennifer Polimino.

The average American gains three to five pounds over the holidays, and to make matters worse studies show that those holiday pounds are rarely lost. In fact, most people put on an additional two to three pounds by year’s end. That’s around eight pounds in one year.

Let’s face it—holiday celebrations include seriously good food. So instead of depriving yourself, why not head into the holidays down a few pounds. Then if you gain some weight it won’t be such a big deal. Let’s say you’re comfortable at 175 pounds. Come January 180 might not feel so good, but what if you went into the holidays weighing 167 pounds? Now let’s say you gained five pounds due to a few splurges and indulgences. You might hit January at 172 pounds, but that’s still three pounds under your norm of 175!

Even though it’s already December it’s not too late to develop a good nutritional game plan for the holidays using this or any of a few other strategies we have up our sleeves. Below are the first five of 10 tips that will get you though the holidays feeling great, enjoying your favorite foods and still slipping into your favorite jeans come January.

1) Start exercising and eating right now. The average person following a good nutrition and exercise plan can lose up to two pounds per week. By Christmas, that’s six pounds.

2) Plan in advance how you’ll deal with parties and other potential pitfalls. Simply robbing yourself of your favorite foods isn’t going to work. Instead, try eating a small healthy meal before the party so you can sample your favorites without overindulging.

3) Drink adequate amounts of water before social events. Two to three glasses of water before eating will help you feel full.

4) Taste everything, but keep portions small.

5) In the buffet line fill your plate with fruits and vegetables first, leaving less space for the higher calorie foods.

Next week we’ll take a look at the final five tips to help you avoid holiday heftiness.

Book Dan Polimino to speak at your next meeting or event today. For program information contact us at info@BookDan.com, visit www.BookDan.com or call 303-683-4795.

[Via http://danpolimino.wordpress.com]

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