Thursday, December 3, 2009

resolved shredheads

Always looking for yet another challenge, the Shredheads leaders, Kristen and Bill have put out a challenge for the month of December.

December can be a difficult month, with it snuggled in between two major holidays (well three, if you count the New Year), both of which are the eating-est holidays of the year.

Plus it’s cold, kids are out of school, the motivation to work out seems to leave the building. And forget trying to eat healthy.

But we’re challenging you this month, Shredheads, to take on your New Year’s Resolutions, well at least your fitness ones, early.

That’s right. Don’t use December as an excuse to gain more weight and get more behind the curve. Start 2010 with the ball already rolling.

This is why the Shredhead movement of the Blog-lands and Twitter-verse has been so successful. We are always challenging, empowering and inspiring one another. We are there holding one another accountable to our goals. We are there with advice and information that keeps our workouts fresh and effective. The holidays is a hard time to keep a fitness program going. I look at the big calendar in the kitchen with the entire circus acts’ daily activities and appointments listed and I sometimes wonder how and when am I going to get a run or a trip to the gym in. For me, calling myself a Shredhead makes me make the time. I don’t intend to slack off this month because I can’t. Bill, the Shredhead, will never let this lie if I do slack. He is just that way.

Like Bill, I have a pretty definite goal (as opposed to a resolution because I don’t make resolutions) to keep me on track this month and into the next year…the Tiarathon, better known as the Disney Princess Half Marathon. There are quite a few Shredheads signed up and running like crazy to be there…all to celebrate our strength, our power, our commitment to better health…and to celebrate my birthday. For my birthday, I will be here:

This month begins my training to get to the Tiarathon and I am committed to it. I have ran several 5K races, a 10K for Thanksgiving as well as a 10K next weekend with Kari. She is also in training for the Tiarathon. My goal this month is primarily sticking to the training regimen that I have planned out for me. It will be a challenge fitting it in with everything else that I have to juggle, but fit it in I will. It helps knowing that I am posting what training I do here as well as the fact that I have signed up for the race itself, booked the travel and will be sharing a room with Kari, whi I imagine is grateful for the fact that I don’t snore…but I am a cuddler! My eventual goal for this month is that I will not only finish the half marathon, my first, but I will finish it in at around 2½ hours. When I first signed up for this last July, I designated that I could finish it in under 3 hours. Now I know that I have the ability to finish even faster. I just have to stick to my training and my goals.

Do you have fitness-minded goals you want to commit too? Would you like toi get a jump on a New Year’s Resolution to get into shape? Get started now and join the Shredheads this month. The coolest thing about this month’s challenge is that it is different for everyone and the fabulous prize this month is available to us all…a leaner, stronger, faster and healthier you and me


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