Saturday, December 19, 2009

Regular guy lifts car off girl

Like something out of the excellent movie, Unbreakable, an ordinary guy lifted a car off a little girl today.

Anatomical trivia time. Humans are born with every muscle fiber they will ever have. Massive body builders have no more muscle fibers than they had when they were regular sized people. Muscle fibers thicken themselves through use so that they won’t break when they’re called upon. Big muscles don’t equate to strength. They pretty much equate to a central nervous system that’s not afraid to use those muscles. So in theory, enough adrenaline (chemical will-power, if you will) or just plain will-power is “all” that’s needed for a regular guy to lift as much or more as your average body builder.

The fitness nerd in me wonders if this guy tore anything, seeing as how his muscles weren’t large (ie: weren’t conditioned for lifting heavy loads). He might still be too pumped up to know if he tore anything. LOL


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