Thursday, December 17, 2009


My goal weight to reach by December 31, 2009… has been achieved! In fact I am 2 pounds below it! This is the weight that I was 7 years ago after I graduated from high school and spent the summer teaching in South Carolina. (Ever since then, I have consistently been up in weight) Kinda surreal, but incredible!

Total weight loss to date: 47.5 pounds

You know, a couple of weeks ago I was internally discouraged that it has taken me almost 12 months to lose 45-ish pounds. My journey started in January, with “The Biggest Loser” competition that the mission organization I had been working for at that time- Pioneers, was putting on to promote health among their employees! During the competition I lost 16 pounds. Then, that spring, I began seeing the best doctor I have ever had in my life, Dr. Scott Van Lue, with Everything Well. I started his weight management program and also began treating my recently discovered thyroid and progesterone deficiencies! Then, life got crazy that summer with beginning my internship and I got off track for a couple of months (where I also managed to put on 10-15 pounds… however, still not at my original weigh in…thank God, didn’t gain it all back!) The fall, I refocused on my goals, took up running and continued to be deeply encouraged by the staff of Everything Well and my cheerleading friends and family.

Now, do I really have any reason to have felt discouraged because I “only” lost 45 pounds in 12 months? Not really, it stems from a completely irrational thought process and belief structure. Nonetheless, it was there and I was aware of it. My latest appointment with Dr. Van Lue bridged the gap and disconnect in my brain for me. He celebrated my weight loss of 45 pounds and initially I felt he was more excited than I was in that moment. Then he told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. Moments later he came back to the room and placed a 45 pound weight in my arms. It was HEAVY (and I am a strong girl!)! He basically told me, ”THAT is the weight you are no longer carrying around with you on your body!” It was such a crazy moment for me because I felt this connection between my cognitions and emotions- they finally got on the same page and I celebrated as a whole person! It was the connector that I needed and I am committed to continuing to move toward health so that as much as is within my realm of responsibility, I am not hindered in the work the Lord has called me to.

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:12-14


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