Saturday, October 31, 2009

smart fit park

I caught a glimpse of this on TV (yes, I get the irony) …it’s an interactive video learning/activity game for kids, kinda like a Wii Fit but geared for a pre-school audience.  The kid, with a movement pad on which they stand, marches, runs, skips and jumps their way through various activities displayed on screen.  It’s like a virtual park.  They even get to customize their own avatar!

Alright, the exclamation mark after avatar really isn’t needed, but I was only trying to stress the silliness of it all.  It is silly isn’t it?  I mean, having your child simulate playing in a park instead of actually playing in one?  Or is it me?  I can see the use for older, shut-in types of people, but for kids?  Certainly, I see the connection to ‘real life’ by designing a game that ties the thrill of video/computers into the increasingly sedentary lifestyle of today’s youth in an attempt to get them active once again …but isn’t this a little over the top?  Shouldn’t someone have stepped back and looked at the obvious; ‘We’re designing a toy that simulates a playground so that the child doesn’t have to actually go to one’ …or something like that?

I have a better game idea …it’s called “Unplug the TV!”  You and your child get in front of your TV set and while it’s showing a favorite show, go behind it and pull the plug.  Neat hey!?  You get to stand there for a few minutes in the erie silence that now fills the room, until one of you finally offers up a suggestion for doing something real.  Maybe go outside?  Bike?  Walk?  Throw leaves at each other?  Invent a game?  Something!?  I’m sure that one of you will figure out something and in no time you’ll both be happier for not only doing something together, but for doing something real as well.  Heck, if you went to a real park you might even be able to make some new friends …imagine that.  Of course …the TV game will probably allow you to make your own friends as well.  So maybe that’s not a great idea.

Maybe I’m picking nits or something.  Maybe.  And of course the makers of the product would never endorse their game as a substitute for real activity.  The thing is though, providing an indoor simulation of an outdoor activity to a naturally active child is not doing the family any favours.  Kids are not bumps on logs …but parents, who may otherwise be busy, might reasonably expect this product to occasionally provide their kid with playparky goodness in lieu of the real thing.  It’s sad but true …so why even present the opportunity?

Smart?  Not really.
Fit?  Nope.
Park?  Definitely not.

Image from the FIsher-Price store.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nutrition Deathmatch #2: Special K Protein Shake v.s. Chocolate Milk

I think it’s time for me to find another health club.

Yesterday, while chatting with the “towel lady”, I noticed that they were carrying a new protein shake… Kellogg’s…  the makers of Eggo waffles, Froot Loops and Pop Tarts.

and now they’re making protein shakes.

I asked to take a look at a bottle of the NEW!!! Special K Protein Shake.


Here’s what the label looked like:

Looks pretty good, right?

I mean, except for the sucralose, corn syrup solids, acesulfame potassium, nutritive and nonnutritive sweeteners.

On the plus side, it has 190 calories, some carbs to re-fuel after your workout and a relatively small dose of protein.

Just like chocolate milk.

In fact, the macronutrient profile looks almost identical to the carton of chocolate milk that I picked up at the 7-11 across the street from the gym.

Calories about the same, protein about the same, carbs about the same. The milk had a lower fat content as I prefer the low-fat version post-workout.

So, why in the world would I spend $3.99 for a bottle of Special K Protein Shake with extra HFCS and nonnutritive sweeteners when I can get a carton of chocolate milk for $1.25?

I mean, besides the fact that Kelloggs is marketing their entire Special K product line as an effective way to get healthy….

and look like an airbrushed supermodel in short shorts.

But, maybe you’re not the kind of person who would fall for such obvious commercial manipulation.

Maybe you rely on the opinions of real people…like these bloggers:

  • Skinny Habits Review
  • This Mama Cooks Review
  • Yum Yucky Review

Either way, Kelloggs is working hard and spending a lot of money trying to convince you to buy the protein shakes and their healthy cereals and snack bars.

So, as a counterpoint to the advertising, I would like to offer my review of the Special K Protein Shake:

Don’t waste your money.

Chocolate milk is healthier and cheaper.


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Fitness Hall of Shame, Part 1

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. At FusionSouth, we write about this subject often – there are no quick fixes in the fitness industry. There are no shortcuts when it comes to properly losing weight – and keeping it off – and because of this, it is imperative you do not fall prey to the plethora of fitness gimmicks on television and the Internet. In this post, we introduce you to Part 1 of the Fitness Hall of Shame. How many of these gimmicks have you, your family or friends fallen for? Stay tuned for more parts, coming soon to the Official FusionSouth Blog!

Avoid these dangerous, ineffective and useless machines, programs, and devices – the only way to succeed in losing fat and building lean muscle is through hard work. Hard work can be overwhelming and intimidating, but it is the only option available for you if you wish to lose weight and truly live a healthier lifestyle.

HydroxyCut | Absolutely Dangerous

Let’s start with the most dangerous one. There are countless things to say about HydroxyCut, and the claims that it makes as far as weight loss is concerned. All you really need to know (if you didn’t already) is this: on May 1, 2009, HydroxyCut was recalled by the Food And Drug Administration because it caused, among other things, liver damage, cardiovascular trauma and death.

Stay away from all weight loss pills – HydroxyCut, Hoodia, anything containing ephedra, and most other dietary supplements. If you must take one, please, please, please consult your trainer, nutritionist, and physician before beginning – most of them are dangerous, useless, and ultimately ineffective, anyways.

Electric Abdominal Belts |  The Laziest ‘Exercise’ You Can Do

This is one of the most ridiculous devices we have seen. Supposedly, wrapping a belt around your waist which sends electrical shocks to your core muscles will magically give you a six-pack and toned hips. The companies which promoted these products made claims including: 10 minutes with this device is the same as doing 600 sit-ups, and This device is 30 percent more effective than traditional exercise – both of which are ridiculous in and of themselves. First of all, electric stimulation (which many athletes use to help rehabilitate injuries) send such tiny charges to your muscles that it does not effectively build them at all.

But, the best litmus test for any fitness gimmick (which this one fails miserably) is the following: Can you simultaneously eat a pint of ice cream while “exercising” with the device? Yes? Then maybe, just maybe, this is a gimmick…It is also noteworthy and bizarre that some of these companies claim to be “FDA Approved,” even though their product is neither a food nor a drug.

Sauna Belts | Sweating Your Way To Stupidity

Instead of actually moving or contracting muscles to burn fat, the Sauna Belt claims to melt it right off like a form of some kind of thermal liposuction. What really irks us about the Sauna Belt, and sends it solidly into the Hall of Shame, is its complete and utter worthlessness. There are plenty of other fitness gimmicks that at least involve some sort of muscle contraction. The sauna belt offers a heated rubber belt which makes your stomach sweat – seriously, that’s all it does. Sweating is a good way to lose calories, but only if you are actually exerting effort when you sweat. The Sauna Belt simply sweats away excess water weight, and sheds no excess fat stores.

Based on our previous litmus test, above, the Sauna Belt also fails – simultaneously eating ice cream while “melting away fat” is not the way to true weight loss. Please don’t fall for this one!


Friends, there are no shortcuts in the weight loss game. There are no gimmicks that will keep the weight off and help you learn the proper nutritional and fitness habits. You must take the time to teach your body how to eat, move, function, and live properly. Weight loss does not come in a pill, or a device you can strap around your waist. Do things the right way, and your body will thank you for years down the road. Be well!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Losing or Learning?

One of the phrases (and there were many!) that really stuck in my brain from WW training was, “You either have a losing week, or a learning week.” I LOVED this, because it takes away the notion of failure. If we don’t lose weight, what can we learn from that, from our behavior, that we can change if we want to have a losing (or maintaining) week the next time? I must repeat that refrain in my head a dozen times a day.

I am having a big-time learning week. First, I learned that it really IS hard to lose or maintain when I eat out in a restaurant like 5 meals in a row, even if I am trying to make healthy choices. Part of it is the food is just TOO GOOD, and I lose sight of necessary portion control.  Also, we really do not know for sure what is IN the food we eat at restaurants. Then, especially for me, there’s the social aspect, which is sooo distracting. All that adds up to, even with the best intentions, an inevitable weight gain.

As if that weren’t enough, I came home to even more of a delusional bubble. Some part of my brain seems to believe that as a WW staff person I have donned some invisible cloak of immunity, ie, I can do anything and not gain weight. NOT! OMG!  But there’s a little devil on my shoulder this week, poking me and saying, “This won’t count!” and other lies.

Here was my lesson for this morning.  I am particularly vulnerable in the fall, because of colder weather, upcoming holidays, and special things like PUMPKIN TREATS. I am such a sucker for pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bars, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin EVERYthing. I especially love pumpkin muffins. But I have resisted them… until today. I just freaking wanted one. So I got one. And I ate it.

And this is what I learned:

  1. It tasted really good.
  2. But not THAT GOOD.
  3. I felt a little bit sick after I ate it, because I am not used to eating sweet carbs for breakfast anymore.
  4. It did not sustain me. I was hungry pretty quickly, like 90 minutes after I ate it.
  5. I really don’t know how many points it was, but it was anywhere between 6 (best case scenario, which I doubt) and 11. (ACKKKKKK!) Which is like half of my points for the ENTIRE DAY.
  6. It probably was very very bad for my blood sugar but I did not test it right away so I don’t know.
  7. Bottom line? Yeah, it tasted good, but ultimately….. NWI. (NOT WORTH IT)

So yeah, I learned! I could’ve just craved and desired that pumpkin muffin all day- all week or month- but I am actually glad I ate it because now I know. I know it was fine, but y’know? I don’t need to do that again. Instead I am going to search out some low-point pumpkiny treats, and make those instead for the next time the pumpkin urge hits me.

I’m learning! I’m learning!

(pumpkin muffin photo – and recipe -courtesy of my friends over at Muffin Top!)

lots of debauchery over the weekend

Yep – that’s right.  Drinking and eating and camping with the kids.  Lots and lots of fun, but very little exercise.  It took me a day to dry out.  Actually that was kind of nice.  When was the last time you could truly just let you hair down and relax 100%.  It was very nice.

Was looking forward to hitting teamcrossfit today, but work demanded that I spend time there instead.  So until I get back to TCF, I need to pay close attention to my eating habits.

Until next time

Never, ever give up!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are we coming or going? -Part 3

What are we trying to fit in?  Eating right, exercise/activity, and stress management are all going to make it into your life.  This is the part where I ask you to get out of your own way.  Try not to succumb to that little voice that says “you’ve got to be kidding me.”  Thinking the way you’ve been thinking all these years has not gotten you on the path of living well thus far.  Change is good so embrace it!

Go and find that paper that you used to map out your week.   Take a good hard look at it and see what days are your “light” days.  Let’s face it.  Some days are better than others.  Take those better days and look at them as opportunities.  You don’t need to find huge chunks of time.  Remember, three 10 minute chunks of moderate activity, is as effective as 30 consecutive minutes. First try and see if you can find at least one 30 minute chunk.  If you can, use it!  Find an activity that you enjoy and fits your current fitness level.  If it’s fun you’ll be more likely to do it… see!

If you can’t find something you really love, just find something you don’t hate. Something I try to tell myself is “you only have to do it for 10 minutes”.  This is usually enough to get me started and of course I end up working out for more than that.  One thing that is inevitable is feeling better when your activity of choice is all said and done.  Keep a variety of choices for activity in your bag of tricks.  This will keep you from getting bored or injured.  Walk everywhere you can. Take the stairs whenever you can (even if it’s not a piano). Move quickly throughout your day. Carry things instead of pushing if you can.  Whatever it is that you are doing fitness-wise, make an effort to do a bit more every week.  Changes in your body and overall health depend on making progress.  Just a wee bit more time or effort can reward you many times over in the future.

Every day you should try and take a few moments to close your eyes and breathe.  Take a 7 second inhale, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 7 seconds.  It works like magic and you should try it now. This blog isn’t going anywhere, I’ll wait.  Also try and listen to music that moves you. It doesn’t need to be a song you want to dance to, but it could be. It could also be music that calms you or brings back a favorite memory of yours. Compile a “happy track” on your ipod/mp3 thing.  It will be your savior on a particularly stressful day.  Try some silence.  Instead of flipping on the TV or the radio every morning when you come into your kitchen, try nothing.  If you start out every morning in silence, try your “happy track”.  Change it up and see what feels good to you.  Simply changing what you hear can have an effect on your mindset for the day. This will also probably catch your family off guard and everyone knows how much fun that can be.  Often times we don’t know we are in a rut until we make a change. Make a change!

Until next time….Live Well! – Toni Kuhel

Three Important Fitness Questions - Finally Answered (Part 1 of 3)

Fitness should never be a complex string of timed workouts, counting reps, and worrying if what you’re doing is working. Women of all ages should use weights to help sculpt and tone their muscles as well as to help build and maintain bone mass. Cardiovascular activity should also be a part of everyone’s fitness regimen in order to burn fat and strengthen the heart muscle…and it shouldn’t ever be confusing!

Here’s what the experts say about exercise routines and fundamentals:

According to researchers at the University of Victoria in BC, subjects who strength trained within 24 hours of a rigorous cardio session were able to do more reps than their counterparts who waited for less time (about 408 hours). Further, a study done by Bringham Young University in 2005 showed that starting with cardio will get you better results when you pump iron. Lead study researcher, Pat Vehrs, Ph.D., found that subjects burned more calories after their workout when doing cardio, then weights (in that order). The other thing to consider is that when your muscles are fatigued after a weight lifting session, your cardio performance will lack. Get the cardio done first and then tackle the weights for maximum results!
The Mollen Clinic out of Phoenix, AZ found in 2005 that 75% of morning workout buffs stuck with it after 12 months versus only 25% of evening and 50% of afternoon exercisers. Chief Exercise Physiologist, Cedric Bryant, Ph.D., found that study participants who stopped working out in the afternoons and evenings did so because life got in the way. Everyone can relate, I’m sure: errands, late hours at the office, homework with the kids, etc. gets in the way at the end of the day. Fitness Magazine reported in their October 2005 issue that studies done by Dr. Michael Smolensky have consistently shown that between the hours of 4 pm and 6 pm, our bodies’ core is at its warmest temperature. They go on to say that our muscle strength, reaction time, flexibility, and heart and lung functions are at their optimum. The verdict: if you can exercise in the afternoon/early evening, you’ll perform better. However, for a more consistent result, time your workouts for the mornings.

The University of Florida at Gainesville has found that women who exercise at home actually lose more pounds than those who go to the gym. It’s not that your home gym is a better-quality piece of machinery; it’s more likely that slashing the inconvenience factor of driving out to the gym has a more positive impact on whether or not we actually follow through with our workouts. Michael Perri, Ph.D., the study author, goes on to explain that having to be at the gym for a class at a certain time can simply become an obstacle to being there. On the other hand, if you are the type of person who likes to socialize at the gym, needs different types of machines to stay out of a “boredom rut”, or would like to have more classes, machines, and options…a gym membership is probably best. The other plus to going to the gym, says Dr. Cedric Bryant, is that there are less family-related distractions at the gym and therefore, there is less of a chance of walking away in the middle of the workout to do something else. Bottom line: workout at home if you need the convenience, but join the gym if you are likely to get burned out or distracted by a home workout.

These three tips will help get you on the path to better fitness and health. As women, we have lots of different people and “things” pulling at us from all sides. When we take some quality time out to focus on ourselves, our fitness and health, we receive stress relief, health benefits, and our loved ones will have us around for much longer! To better health and fitness…you go girls!

Parts 2 and 3 will be published this week…

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Saturday. Ouch. I’ve gotten four runs in with one recovery day. After meeting for breakfast with a childhood buddy, I grabbed Jake and roped up the dogs and took off. I mapped a new course last night that is a little bit longer and takes me through a different area of the neighborhood. I thought it would be nice scenery to run by the lake that is part of the neighborhood.

This morning was the first time I ran while I could see the sun. And when the sun comes out, so does everything else. 10 things I learned this morning:

1. Lakes attract geese and ducks.
2. My dogs go crazy when they see geese and ducks.
3. It’s difficult to keep pace when you’re tied to an animal that is chasing a goose or a duck.
4. Running later in the morning means most everyone is awake.
5. People with pets let them out in the morning when they wake up.
6. My dogs are very social and love to roll around with other dogs.
7. It’s difficult to keep pace when you’re tied to an animal that is more interested in rolling around with another dog rather than running next to its companion.
8. Fingers and ears get very cold in temperatures under 40° F.
9. It’s fun running with Jake
10. Even with proper warm up and cool down, I hurt.

Friday 1.91km
Time: 12:32
Pace: 6:33 km

Saturday: 2.39 km
Time: 16:42
Pace: 6:58 km

Why Would Anyone Do This on Purpose?

That’s what I used to think when, once a year, I laced up my shoes and hit the streets because I had decided that running was just the thing I needed in my fitness regime.  This usually occurred in the two-week balmy transition  between dreary winter and brutal summer.  (Also known as “spring” in Texas.) A sort of fitness-spring-fever hybrid, I suppose. 



And a fever is probably the only explanation for my sudden desire to run.

Here’s what would happen:

  1. With care, I dress for the endeavor, eager to feel the cool-edged spring warmth.  I imagine myself striding through our neighborhood  like the model in a fitness magazine I had picked up the night before.
  2.  I warm up and step outside.    I’m ready for this.  I can feel that I’m a  runner.
  3. I begin, giddy  with thoughts of how far  and how well I will run.
  4.  My shoes slap against the unforgiving pavement. The impact jars my body to the top of my skull. 
  5. Can this really be healthy for me?  Isn’t something about this supposed to feel good?
  6.  I am wheezing, gasping,  emitting sounds that no one under the age of ninety-nine should produce.
  7.  Legs trembling,  I bend over and brace myself against whatever solid  object is closest to me. My face is hot. My skin seems to throb.  But I did it! I ran around the entire block.
  8.  I stumble home and into the shower, wondering what sadomasochistic goofball coined the term “runner’s high”. 
  9. I’m grateful not to be in the hospital.

Apparently, twelve months was the length of time it took  my body to believe that the previous years were aberrations, that this year, I really was a runner,  because I repeated this nonsense every year for several years.

So how did I get to the point of  enjoying running so much that I dream about the day when I can do it again?  I’ll save that for another post.  But I promise, I made it there without self-torture, hypnosis, or a lung transplant.


Eager to run again,


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Time Is Now!

Everyone wants to improve their health and fitness levels, but only a select few actually pursue their goals.  We all know people who say they are going to do things, but never end up following suit; is that you?  Well theres only one way to change that and that’s by taking that first step.  Set your goal and pursue it.  Nothing happens magically!  If you want it badly enough, you’ll be patient and stick with no matter how painful it is.  What are you willing to sacrifice in order to take a step in the right direction?  Don’t put it off and say that’s “one of my new year’s resolutions!”  Why waste your time, get a head start.  Why not start today?  Whether you’re looking to lose weight or add muscle.  Brad Nelson and I can help you reach your goals.  We provide proven systems that will change your life for the better!  Contact us A.S.A.P!  Come to Kinetic Edge.  Try our bootcamp classes; Rad Boot Camp.   Don’t let your time spiral out of control.

Week Two: Wrap up

Better late than never! I haven’t been updating, but I have been following this program! I thought I would go ahead and post for the past weeks. Starting with…


  • September 5th: 137.6lbs
  • October 12th: 138.8lbs
  • Weekly Loss: +1.2lbs
  • Total Loss: 0.8lbs


Eating Well

I did manage to shop for a healthy pantry, keep my food journal, and practice mindful eating in that second week. However, I didn’t always eat what I should have.

Getting Fit

I didn’t workout at all. I know I should have, but I really couldn’t find my motivation at all. Which is most likely why I had a gain. Normally I work out enough to counter-balance my less than perfect eating habits.

Feeling Good

This I managed to do! The 5 minute breather and practicing mindfulness each day kept me sane and focused even when I wasn’t doing everything else I should have been doing.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Recharged: It's All New Again!

It’s so funny. I used to have a very contentious relationship (in my head) with WW.  There were times when I loved it (actually, this was wayyyy back in the beginnning, when I first joined in 1997), times when I felt “eh” and other times when I was outright angry. I was one of Those Members who sat in the back row, arms folded, with an “I dare you to tell me what to do” look on my face. There were times when I paid to go to meetings for three or four months and my weight never budged. Or it went up and down the same two pounds over and over. I just was not ready (or willing, at ALL) to do the program. I’ve never had any doubt in my mind that if you do the WW program, it will work. The problem is all the junk in the way of DOING it.

Yesterday I received my leader prep materials for November, plus a preview package of some things that are new to the program for 2010. I got so excited! I pored over every single piece of paper, word, drawing with huge eyes. WOWEE! I kept nodding my head, saying, “Yeah, that’s right!”

But I remember getting those weekly booklets and just tossing them into the recycling. At one point, it was just all “blah blah blah blah” like Charlie Brown’s teacher. There was just no reception for it.

Last night I did a little practice bit of a meeting, no more than two minutes, at my regular meeting. We are supposed to share something about our own personal WW journey. As I talked, I was surprised (no? should I be surprised? Ha) that I got a little emotional about it.

I talked about how I first joined WW in 1997 when I was preparing to go to a high school reunion. I wanted to look good, or at least decent. I probably was 25-30 lbs over my high school days at that point. So, I got allllllmmmmmmmmost to my goal weight, but not quite. I was about 4-5 lbs shy at the reunion. Then it was over. I went home. All my incentive had evaporated. I stopped being “OP” (on plan). All that weight (plus more) boomeranged right back at me. That was my first mistake: to have a specific goal, and then not replacing it with a new goal right away. Oops.

Thus began my in-and-out, love-hate relationship with WW. I came and went many times more over the next several years, but never really had the same enthusiasm as my first time. Then it was replaced with dread and hatred as I failed over and over again. Until this last January, when I was in such a state of desperation with my diabetes diagnosis. Even then, I sort of slunk in to the meeting. I sort of did the program.

It wasn’t until I was within fingers’ reach of my goal that I woke up and realized what it had all done for me. And then I started maintenance, which is a whole ‘nother ball of wax, as they say. It’s then that I started really paying attention, and really complying. Really reading the materials and seeing what value they had for me. Really GETTING IT.

I don’t want to get all WW-evangelical on y’all, but this training has really opened my eyes even MORE to what a good, solid, comprehensive program this is. And if people engage with it, and really take in everything it has to offer, it’s such good stuff. Truly.

I Got My Swine Flu Shot Today (and Albert Camus Would Have Gotten His Swine Flu Shot Too)

“No man is an island. Each is a part of the main.”

This afternoon my wife, my three and five year old daughters, and I all went to the doctor to get our swine flu shots. We got our regular flu shots and our pneumonia vaccinations last month. How about you? Will you be protecting yourself, your family, and your community from the spread of a global pandemic (which hits pregnant women and children hardest)? Will you rise to the existential occasion?

A few months back, Obsidian Wings invited a guest blog post on swine flu, co-written by an immunologist and bioethicist. The advice that they offered on swine flu amounted to a list of Albert Camus-like existential responsibilities that we have to one another in the midst of a potential pandemic. I couldn’t help but think of Camus’s novel, The Plague, and the novel’s protagonist (the good Dr. Rieux) as being akin to the two doctors who wrote the post. Here’s one of their recommendations:

One possible social distancing measure that public health authorities could ask us to undertake is to stay at home for a period of time. A basic principle of emergency preparedness is that each of us should have sufficient food and water in our homes to last our families in such an eventuality. Now is the time to make sure that your family is well provisioned, not only to protect yourselves but also out of recognition that some families do not have the money or stable housing required to stockpile food. If those of us who have the means take care of our own needs, it will be easier for the government and community organizations to take care of those who do not.

And another:

If you haven’t done so already, now is a good time to get to know your neighbors. Find out if any of them may need a little extra help dealing with this public health threat. People who live alone, for example, may appreciate your checking in with them from time to time, and elderly neighbors may need your help stocking up on food.

Read their full post here.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rest week fail

I woke up this morning full of nervous energy about starting my job tomorrow.  I took Milhouse for a walk and realized that it was an absolutely gorgeous day out, and my legs were finally starting to feel normal again.  So I decided to run just for the fun of it.  I mean, look at this–blue skies, green grass, pretty leaves, 55 degrees.  I couldn’t ask for nicer running weather.

I decided to keep it short and keep it in the neighborhood, where the hills aren’t very steep.  I ran about 2 miles in 20:00 and then did a short cool-down walk.  Unfortunately, the run wasn’t as enjoyable as I had hoped–my lungs just do not like chilly weather.

Rewind: when I was little, I had REALLY bad asthma.  I couldn’t go outside in the fall (I’m incredibly allergic to most trees and dead leaves are the worst), and I couldn’t do any physical activity.  Gym class was miserable for me–I remember having to run “THE MILE” twice a year and just wanting to die.  I would get so nervous about it because I KNEW I was going to fail.  I would try to run with my friends but I just couldn’t.  I’d fall back and be embarrassed and try to push and wind up coming in last and having to go to the school nurse for my inhaler.  I don’t doubt that this is part of the reason I avoided exercise growing up.  By junior high, I was starting to outgrow it, and now, until I recently started running outside, I haven’t had trouble with it since then.  I went off my asthma medications, and I can do just about everything without having breathing trouble.

Except run outside.  Today, I got home, and for about half an hour, I felt like I was being absolutely strangled.  Now I’m coughing and wheezing.  It’s the scariest feeling.  I hate to admit it’s back, but I think it is, and I think I need to go back to the doctor for some kind of treatment.  I can’t let this stop me–I’ve got a half marathon to run!

What are your physical challenges?  How have you overcome them?

Let Me Back Up A Little

I had threatened to leave my ex-husband when our son was just a few months old.

I was already very dismayed by the game of golf. The infatuation was growing and the game was taking on a new role in his life. Everything he did, he did so that he would have more time to play golf and then he would always say that it was never interfering with family time.

He owned and operated an auto detailing business and he eventually found employees to work the business for him. He would leave for the day and play golf while his workers stayed and worked.

I threatened to leave and take our children with me because of this event I am writing of next.

He had planned a golf overnighter with a buddy of his that took him three hours away from home.

First understand that golf is always a preplanned event and usually is not something that is ever cancelled. Second, and this became a joke that wasn’t so funny after a while, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.

So he has a golf trip planned that is in fact a “once in a lifetime opportunity.” In the morning, before he leaves, our daughter wakes up not feeling well and has a fever so I can not take her to day care.

Because I am so easy going I say that I will cancel all my appointments at the salon and see if they want to come to the house.

This, mind you, I have wanted to stop working and my husband keeps telling me no, that it isn’t time yet for me to quit.

So I Have clients come to the house that day.

After the day is done and my children are in bed sleeping I became extremely mad and angry. I couldn’t believe what I had allowed to happen. I began to write a letter to my husband. I wrote down many things and then I pieced it all together.

When my husband returned from his “once in a lifetime opportunity” I was waiting for him with the letter. I handed it to him as he walked in the door and I asked him to read it and when he was done he had some thinking to do because I was very serious. I told him things had to change.

Honestly, I’m really not sure how things really changed or if they did.

I had told him in the letter that I could not believe how completely convenient I had made his life for him.

I was never the wife who told him he could or could not do something. I let him go, do and be. He was very blessed because all I ever heard from his friends was “I wish my wife was like you.”

Four years later we moved to Arizona. To a golf resort. We built custom spec home for a living and we were very successful. We had purchased two lots sight unseen in Arizona and we finally sold out of Colorado and made the move. I was excited because I wanted warm weather.

Things went pretty good although before our first year was up I flipped a gasket one night. I actually threw something at him. I do not recall what I threw. I had never done anything like that before. I was enraged. Definitely something I don’t enjoy remembering. There I am completely enraged and he LAUGHS at me.

That hurt. As I look back on it and writing about it now. He just didn’t care. He was going to do whatever he wanted anyway. The pattern was already set in place. He could go, do and be.

I obviously just lived with it. I just played along like I had the perfect husband and the perfect marriage. And to tell you the truth, I don’t think I played as in pretended, it’s just the way it was.

He still to this day says “you shouldn’t have let us move to a golf community resort then.” “You knew where we were going.”

Yes, that’s all fine and true. We were moving here to make a living building custom spec homes. So once again while he was out playing golf. “I’m doing business.” “Tell people when they call that I’m in my office.”  And, I did. And when my husband called so I could send faxes, look up papers etc… I was the mom, the wife, the business worker and then I was expected to go “out” and I did all those things. We had babysitters constantly. I played along. This isn’t the family life I wanted. This was so out of control.

We had it made. We had a great marriage, two beautiful children, a great place to live, and money. We didn’t have to worry about anything.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

so I tried

Okay, I set out today to work out to the 30 minute shred on exercise TV on OnDemand.  I already knew I was out of shape but I realized I have a bigger and more uncomfortable issues. I am lets say a big chested girl of the G cup variety. even with a supportive bra on it was actually painful to do jumping jacks or anything that caused the boobs to bounce. I don’t think I can do this program.

I’m going to find another mix of exercise programs and walking to help me get fit and toned.

The Benefits of Core Strength

Everybody wants a flat, toned stomach (or maybe even six-pack abs!), but what is so important about core exercises?  At FusionSouth, we stress core exercises in almost every training session we put clients through. We all know that core exercises are important from a superficial standpoint as well as from a physiological standpoint, but what makes that so? In this post, we will discuss why core strength is so important to the daily life (and looks) of every person interested in living a healthier lifestyle.

The Physiological Benefits of Core Strength
Abdominal exercises are crucial aspects of any health and fitness regimen for those who are suffering from back problems. If you are a back pain sufferer, then you must start doing proper abdominal exercises to take pain and pressure away from the problem areas. Abdominal exercises strengthen the muscles around the back and help ameliorate pain and discomfort around those problem areas; by doing proper abdominal exercise, people with back problems can avoid future back issues, as well as improve their pre-existing condition through better posture, stamina, and back strength.

The Superficial Benefits of Core Strength
Everyone wants to look trim, fit, and healthy, and most people want their clothes to fit and look better. The best way to look and feel trim, fit, and healthy is through proper body posture and tone. Regular abdominal exercises are essential to maintaining proper body tone and posture, and are crucial to help prevent excess fat, bulkiness and bloating around the stomach and waistline. By maintaining your waistline, stomach, and hips, core strengthening exercises help in posture, which in turn helps your clothes to fit and look better, and makes your time in a swimsuit at the beach that much more enjoyable.

So remember – core strength is important for all athletes to possess. Treat your body and your lower back well in the future by building a strong, flexible and fit core starting today! Be well!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Working Out With Weathereye

As you all know, I am in superb physical condition. I had to stop going to the beach because the sight of my rippling upper body has been known to cause people to faint at the sight of it. “You look like a condom stuffed with walnuts,” one woman said earlier this year. I took that as a compliment.

I just got in from a triathlon — I do them for fun, every morning — and it occurred to me that I should share some of my workout wonder-tips with the rest of you. After all, who wouldn’t want to look like a 40-something guy who spends most of his time in the basement, on the Internet, eating Doritos? Hey, I understand, and it’s okay to be jealous.

Here are some workout tips I have picked up over the years. They have made me the man I am today:

  1. Forget going to the gym. Those places are just excuses for people in spandex to sneak a look at you while you’re in the shower. And the machines are tricky to use, and usually sweaty. My local YMCA is all right, but the snack bar serves nothing but juice and salads and healthy sandwiches. A man needs a burger after a good workout, you know?
  2. Set yourself up at home. You need a sweatband to go around your head, a pair of shorts, running shoes and a clear area to warm up. Warming up is crucial. Stretch, bend, wave your arms around. You can often go right from warming up to cooling down and it will look like you’ve had a good workout.
  3. Crucial to the home workout environment: a television. Place a TV where you can see it. This way you can get caught up on your shows while you catch your breath. Catching your breath is very important and makes up 95 percent of any workout. Just sit still and breathe. This is key.
  4. Buy a pair of dumbbells. If you have to wear a short-sleeved shirt and someone you like is coming over, pump the dumbbells as many times as you can. Your arms will get all pumpy for a while and you will look buffilicious.
  5. Running long distances is really important. What you do is get your significant other to drop you off at the beginning of the running trail. Bring a bottle of water. Start running. As soon as you’re out of sight, slip into the forest and sit there reading a comic for about an hour. When you’re due to be picked up, pour your water bottle over your head and start breathing heavily. Works every time! What a workout!
  6. Carry a water bottle everywhere you go. It’s okay if it has beer or pop in it, as long as it has a gym logo on the side. This indicates you are serious about your fitness.
  7. Wear athletic clothing all the time. This allows you to squeeze in a workout wherever you are, and that shit is very comfortable, too.
  8. A home gym machine can be really handy, and they’re always for sale on Kijiji and Craigslist, because a lot of losers buy them but never use them. Mine is right here beside me, with that box of comics on it. Every afternoon, I spray it with water so it looks all slippery and sweaty, then I sit on it watching TV. Breathing heavily works in this circumstance. It’s really handy for drying clothes, too.
  9. Don’t waste money on those “power bar” things. They cost like three bucks each. You can get the same effect from the two-for-a-dollar candy bars at the back of the grocery store. O Henry is really nutty, and nuts offer the protein you need to be hot like me.
  10. Control top nylons aren’t just for women.

Follow some of these tips, and you too can look like a podcaster.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Deadpool Mega Muscle Mass Workout – Part Four

Continuing on from Part 3 of the Deadpool Mega Muscle Mass Workout…


Hip Flexion

In most of my clients, I see the unfortunate combination of weak yet chronically tight psoas (hip flexors).

So, for this muscle group, I like to combine strength training with an aggressive flexibility routine.

So, if you are going to train your hip flexors with this program, you NEED to balance it with some flexibility work.

  • Heavy Partial: N/A
  • Isos: Flexing your hip, push your knee/thigh into an immovable object and hold for 2-5 seconds per rep for 3-8 reps. Options include the underside of a table with your upper-body weight pushing down on the tabletop, or leaning against a wall & driving your knee into a stability ball placed against the wall, or this supine method shown in the video

  • Plyos: N/A
  • Vibrations: High Knees -  3-8 reps per leg

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Hanging Leg Raises – 3-8 reps


Hip Extension

  • Heavy Partial: Partial Deadlifts or Good Mornings out of a Power Rack – 3-8 reps
  • Isos: Using the same Power Rack, grab an unloaded barbell and Deadlift or Good Morning the bar up into the Power Rack pins. It’s your muscular force pulling up into an immovable object (the power rack) (see the iso bicep curl video for reference) – 3-8 reps
  • Plyos: Broad Jumps – 3-8 reps

  • Vibrations: Bodyweight Hip Thrusts -  3-8 reps – move as quick as possible

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Hip Thrusts or Deadlifts or Good Mornings – 3-8 reps


Knee Flexion

  • Heavy Partial: Partial Glute-Ham Raise (holding DB or band resistance) – 3-8 reps
  • Isos: Partner assisted Isometric G-H Raise or Leg Curl (have a partner resist your movement) – 2-5 sec hold for 3-8 reps
  • Plyos: N/A
  • Vibrations: Seated Band Leg Curls -  3-8 reps per leg – move faster than the big fella in the video

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Glute-Ham Raises – 3-8 reps


  • Heavy Partial: Partial Squats out of the Power Rack – 3-8 reps

  • Isos: Iso Squat out of the Power Rack (barbell or hip squat belt) – hold each rep for 2-5 seconds per rep for 3-8 reps.

  • Plyos: Depth Jumps – 3-8 reps

  • Vibrations: Jumping Squats – Bodyweight only -  3-8 reps

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Squats, Front Squats, Zercher Squats, Bulgarian Squats – 3-8 reps



  • Heavy Partial: Partial Standing Calf Raise (Machine)
  • Isos: Using a barbell & a Power Rack, set the rack pins so that you can calf raise up into the pins (just like the iso bicep curls) 2-5 seconds per rep for 3-8 reps.
  • Plyos: Ankle Bounces – 3-8 reps

  • Vibrations: Light weight Calf Raises -  3-8 reps

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Standing Calf Raises – 3-20 reps



  • Heavy Partial: Partial Seated Calf Raise (Machine)
  • Isos: N/A
  • Plyos: N/A
  • Vibrations: Light weight Seated Calf Raises -  3-8 reps

Immediately after completing the wake up exercise, proceed to a set of heavy/explosive Seated Calf Raises – 3-20 reps


Alright, that’s it for Part 4 of the Deadpool Mega Muscle Mass Workout

In Part 5, I will wrap this series up by showing you how to put together your own workout as well as introducing you to the Deadpool Getting Ripped Workout



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  • The Deadpool Mega Muscle Mass Workout – Part Two
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  • HIIT: The Aerobic Version
  • The 25 Fittest Men in the World – Part 2
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  • Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool Workout Plan
  • WARNING: Tabata Workouts WILL Cause Fat Loss
  • HealthHabits – 4 Steps to a Great HIIT Workout
  • HIRT Training

Ooooo! Kettlebells!

A lady came in and asked me about kettlebell training yesterday.

She had read in a magazine how it is…

“the ultimate form of training for fat loss and conditioning…”

…and how she is not going to bother with any other kind of exercise anymore.


I’ve seen and heard this mistake many times before (I used to make this mistake myself when i was younger!).  What makes an “ultimate form of fat loss and conditioning” is not the tool you use…it is YOU and the way you do it!

You need to work your heart, lungs and muscles hard through lots of Movement & Variety.  Choose a few, good tools to help you do this, then work hard and enjoy yourself.

Use kettlebells if you end up working hard.  Or use dumbells, or barbells, or tree trunks, or kegs of beer!  Or my personal favorite, use a stopwatch.  It doesn’t really matter that much what tool you use, as long as you use it properly!

As for kettlebells themselves…I’ve haven’t used them yet myself, but I have it on good authority that when used properly they can be a fantastic part of a workout!  Lets face it, they are big heavy things that are hard to handle…of course they can help make you better!

But remember, they are only one tool, and you should have a toolbox full of different tools for different jobs.

“It’s the carpenter that makes the difference, not his chisel”.

Its's the carpenter that makes the difference, not his chisel.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Musculação X Ética

Instrutor x Etica


Nas palavras de FREIRE (2002, p.73) ”Existem vários tipos de professores: professor autoritário, competente, sério, amoroso, frio, burocrático, vaidoso, etc… Nenhum deles passa pelos alunos sem deixar sua marca”. Na musculação há muitos professores que fazem uso de métodos de ensino diferentes, mas hoje para grande massa de instrutores só existe um tipo possível de treino na musculação.

É impressionante o que “Os Caras” falam mal de seus companheiros de profissão em livros, na internet e até em Congressos.

O que eles deveriam saber é que nenhuma verdade é absoluta! Lembram do Doutor Cooper e à Aeróbica nos ano 80, tudo esta mudando, com advento da internet as pesquisas estão cada dia apresentando novidades neste mercado de fitness.

O que mais me aborrece é a quantidade de Instrutores com 1 ano de treino” 45 cm de Braço” e dizem para seus alunos que está tomando WHEY PROTEIN.

O pior está ainda por vir, colegas que se aproveitam da profissão para cantar todas as alunas da academia inclusive a “Jovens Senhoras” mal resolvidas.

Fica essa crítica – reflexiva para os donos de academias e um apelo não contrate esse tipo de gente que só é “bunitinho e bombadinho”.

Why Skin Care - What You Must Know

There’s really nothing else important when it comes to beauty than proper skin care. Your skin is what folk see first when they look at you, particularly the skin on your face, and so you actually want to make certain that you take proper care of your skin to keep it looking fresh and pretty for the entirety of your life.

When you’re creating a skin care regime, one of the most significant things to fret about is moisturizing and moisturizing your skin. Drinking enough water is critical. You must attempt to drink at least six to eight tumblers of water each day. Keep in mind that there’s water in food as well and so if you are not in a position to drink enough water you will still be getting it thru the food you are eating.

You’ll also need to moisturize your skin daily for a correct skin care regime. Choose a moisturizer that’s going to lubricate your skin but not leave it feeling greasy or oily. The best idea is to moisturize your skin after you clean it, which also helps to close up the pores after they’ve been opened from you washing your face.

Staying Young With effective skin care

Anti-aging skin care is particularly vital for skin care, because this is what will keep those fine wrinkles and lines off your skin. You do not have to turn to surgery to keep yourself looking young, and there are some wonderful revitalizing skin care products that are available on the market these days. Remember that prevention is the best step here, so always take care of your skin before fine lines and wrinkles become an issue.

Sun lotion is important, because this will help to protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of the sun. You should generally wear sunscreen before going tanning or perhaps doing daily activities if you’re going to be out in the sunlight for an extended period of time. You may even wish to make it simpler and just employ a moisturizer which has sun lotion already in it, as this can make the method much easier.

Sleep is also important if you need to steer clear of wrinkles, because sleep is needed for healthy, radiant skin. When you’re sleeping your body finally has the time to repair itself and if you don’t get enough sleep your skin will begin to appear dry and lifeless so you want to try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

If you love this article, you may also like another article on flat screen tv wall mounts which gives some information about flat screen tv mount and related info.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Go Go Go!! Marathon Weekend in Chicago!!

Happy Marathon Weekend Chicago!!! Best of luck to all my friends running this weekend & to the 40,000+ people making their attempt at the marathon! You don’t know how proud your friends & family are of you, and how many people you inspire by taking on this goal. Marathon weekend is a perfect time for anyone (runner or not) to take a look at themselves & do a little inventory on their own personal goals. 

Committing to a marathon training program is actually a bigger goal than doing the race itself. When you commit to do a marathon, you are committing your mind, body & spirit to 18 weeks of focused workouts, hours spent stretching and caring for a body that you are really putting through the paces, & sacrificing things like sleep & relaxation time to ensure you are running enough miles to be ready for the big day. 

Take a look at your own goals & determine if you’ve made a “marathon commitment” to them, or if you are actually sitting on the proverbial fence with those goals. You cannot expect to run a marathon & slack off in your training. If you do, you will end up in the medical tent on race day – if you even make it to race day. You have to follow the proper steps to ensure success & accomplishment of that goal of running 26.2 miles. How does your personal goal commitment compare to the commitment that marathoners make to their goal? 
Have you picked a clear end goal? It could be a certain weight, a certain ability-like doing 20 perfect pushups, a bodyfat goal, a clothing size goal, a goal of making fitness part of your regular lifestyle by achieving 5-6 days/week of exercise from here through the foreseeable future. 

Have you determined what the training plan should be for that goal? People don’t accidentally get fit, just like they don’t accidentally run 26.2 miles. You have to have a plan for any goal to be accomplished – what are you going to do, how are you going to progress it, when are you going to be progressing by, what are you going to eat, how often are you going to stretch, what are you going to change to ensure you have time to train for and reach your goal? If you don’t know how to do this, you’ve got fitness pros like myself ready to answer personal questions & help you set up a training program, and there are hundreds of books out there, just make sure if you choose a book, that you’re picking one that is right for your goals & that was written by someone with half a brain for fitness.

Have you focused your mindset on your goal? There’s not a workout that goes by for a marathoner that they are not thinking about the end goal of running the race & completing it. When you’re working out, do focus your mindset during the workout on what you want the end result to be? Or do you think over and over in your head, “this is so hard,” “I don’t want to be doing this anymore,” “I hate this”? Remember that your mindset is one of the most powerful tools you have in your quest to accomplish a goal. Make it work for you by focusing your mindset to the end goal & the appreciation of the training you’re doing to accomplish that goal. 

Good luck to everyone who has a fitness goal – it may not be to run a marathon – but it’s a noble goal if it’s one you can get behind 100% and commit to!

Special good wishes to: TINA!! LONGRY!! GLEN ELLYN RUNNERS!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

p90x: Workout Hell

I decided to try p90x ( you know, the infomercials by Beach Body) after hearing from several friends that the program actually works. I have a membership to the YMCA, and I do go sometimes to muscle conditioning classes or to do a stint on the elliptical machine. But most of the time, I choose to do something instead of the y or put it off and then decide not to go altogether. I like working out at home because I can be terrible at the exercises and no one is watching me. When I go to the y, I feel like I need to dress up because so many people I know work out there. I end up feeling self-conscious and then I don’t get the full results of a decent workout.

p90x is a 90-day workout based on muscle confusion (a term I don’t completely understand). There is a video for every day during that period, and on the 7th day of each week, you have the choice to either rest or do a stretch sequence video.

I am on day four, which means today I will do Yoga X, which I guess means EXTREME yoga, since every video is INTENSE AND EXTREME (!!!).

  • Day One: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
  • Day Two: Plyometrics
  • Day Three: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
  • Day Four: Yoga X

The Chest & Back video basically consisted of push up and pull up variations. I can’t do a pull up. I’ve never been able to do any sort of pull up, even as a kid on the playground. So I at least tried every exercise and did most of the push-ups. The combination of the first day and the second day’s Plyometrics made my body ache and unable to climb stairs. The next day was brutal, especially the Ab Ripper X, a combination of 349 ab exercises, and I felt like a beached whale slowly gaining rigor. 

I’m about the do the fourth video, and I’m hoping the yoga won’t be some sort of extreme workout disguised as something I really enjoy. Wish me luck.

Inspiration of the day:

I’m a sales associate at Fossil and we just got the Maribelle leather bomber in.

It’s absolutely gorgeous, and with a hefty price tag of $200, definitely something I’ll be saving up for.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Closer to the Big Day

As I get closer to the day of the Chicago Marathon, and am tapering down my runs, I’m really trying to put together my mental plan of action.  This sport of running really requires as much mental fitness as it does physical fitness.  I’m working on visualizing the course, and most importantly visualizing myself crossing the finish line.  Tiger Woods visualizes the ball going into the cup when he gets ready to putt.  There is definitely something to that exercise!  Here is a quote that I wanted to share that kind of ties into this. 

“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”
-John Bingham, running speaker and writer

I believe having the courage to start and visualizing yourself crossing the finish line will help you achieve your attainable goals.  What a great feeling!

Health and Fitness Magazines

Today, maintaining health and fitness have become more important than ever before. With illnesses becoming more often, we have to equip ourselves with everything necessary to maintain health and have a good quality of life. One of the best ways to jumpstart your way to better health is through reading health and fitness magazines. These magazines offer helpful tips, advice and recent discoveries about health that should come handy. Note that although fitness magazines are aimed mainly at body- and health-conscious audience, everyone will surely benefit from all the information they provide. Here are some of the most popular health and fitness magazines today:

Muscle & Fitness Magazine

This magazine was released mainly for bodybuilders. However, if you are conscious about your health and do workouts, you can use vital information on this magazine. There is a version of this magazine called Muscle and Fitness Hers aimed mainly towards health-conscious ladies. This magazine contains tons of information that can range from bodybuilding foods, diet programs, weight loss strategies, workout information, supplements, and other recent discoveries.

Shape Magazine

Shape Magazine has been edited to help you get a better understanding of fitness. It features articles from experts in the fields of nutrition, exercise, beauty and psychology. Shape is mainly geared towards fitness enthusiasts who surely will benefit from each and every bit of information that the magazine contains. It highlights news, step-by-step guidelines, recipes, and tips in beauty, fashion, style, and everything in between.

Men’s Fitness Magazine

Men’s Fitness is also a magazine designed for the modern health conscious men. It contains articles containing important details on maximizing workout, optimal diet and nutrition necessary for perfect fitness. Each issue is aimed at showing you how to properly workout your specific body parts, look better, unleash your sexual drive, and essentially put adventure back into your life.

Subscribing Health and fitness magazines cover everything a health and body-conscious person needs to know. If you are aware of the importance of maintaining tiptop health, and are actually doing something about it, a subscription to these types of magazines will provide you great discounts than buying them at the newsstand. Health and fitness magazines are usually offered in an attractive price package through websites.

Consider subscribing to a health and fitness magazine as an investment for your health and yourself. There is nothing more important than valuing health. Today, it may seem like an added financial burden but the long-term benefits that reading about health can give are far worth it. Besides, you can get subscriptions at rock bottom, discounted prices. However, be careful with the website you will subscribe to. Trust only the most reliable website that has a good reputation online.

In Health & Fitness Magazines section you will find many tips on how to maintain a healthy body and general well-being. Share reviews of allergy medicines with other sinus sufferers, recommend vitamins to improve memory, exchange dieting tips, find the right tread mill for your home, and much more. Discount Health and Fitness Magazines

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

fiber rich foods

fiber rich foods

fiber rich foodsfiber rich foods
In this article I will reveal some little known facts about the fibers and the beneficial effect they have over your body.First of all let me explain what fiber is… Fiber is an indigestible part of all plant foods. It is found in fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Your digestive system cannot stomach fiber, so it is excreted undigested. Well, you may think you don’t need fiber, because it’s excreted undigested, but that’s not true.Let’s imagine the following picture:You overeat at least once or twice a week, more often at weekends, and your regular menu doesn’t include much fiber. Well, this might be your life style; however you should consider that it may cause you lots of health problems like:- indigestion – discomfort stomach aches – gases in the digestive tract – constipation – hemorrhoids – you got tired faster – can’t concentrate on what you’re doingI mean you become less productive at work and more irritable at home. Besides all this, you gain weight and that’s the moment when you realize you have a problem.In order to solve a problem, you should first find the reason for it. In this case it’s the lowered intake of fiber-rich foods and respectively – the higher intake of foods containing no fiber (like meat). The average amount of fiber intake is about 25-30 grams per day. Unfortunately most people regular diets include less than 10-15 grams daily.You should start consuming more fiber-rich foods:- all bran cereal – beans – peas – spinach – sweet corn – wholemeal brown bread – red cabbage – carrots – baked potato with skin – apples, bananas, oranges and all fruitsThere are two types of fiber – soluble and insoluble. If you start eating more food rich in fiber, you’ll be amazed of its beneficial effects over your body, health and way of life.Soluble fiber forms glue like gel in the intestinal tract. The gel softens stools (no more constipation) and improves your digestion (no more indigestion).Fiber slows down stomach emptying and you feel fuller longer. This effect helps you eat less, your body burns additional calories to digest fiber and you can lose weight.Insoluble fiber is an excellent natural laxative, because of its abilities to hold onto water and to push waste faster along the intestines – this way fiber decreases the risk of colon cancer.In conclusion I’d like to tell you that you won’t be sorry if you start eating more fiber-rich foods. Like many other people I used to take not enough fiber, and I suffered stomach aches. Then I started to eat more fruits and fiber-rich foods in my daily menu. I must admit that it really worked for me, and now fiber-rich food is the most important nutritious part of my regular diet.
fiber rich foods

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Can't Afford a Gym Membership? - How to Stay Fit Without Going to the Gym

Where is the best place to exercise and get fit? If answering “the gym” makes you cringe because you can’t afford to go, don’t worry. With the state of the economy and our limited budgets, many people who would like to go to the gym often can’t afford it. Very frequently this leads people to give up even though they don’t have to. You CAN get physically fit without stepping inside a fitness center, starting today.

The healthiest exercise plan consists of both cardio exercises and strength-training at least three times a week. One of the most tried-and-true methods is going for a jog in the morning. However, if you’ve been sedentary for some time, don’t attempt to run a full 30 minutes – you will be left out of breath and with sore muscles. If you’re just starting out, the best way to start would be to take a 10-minute brisk walk for two days in a row. The next few days, walk for 9 minutes, run for a minute, and repeat. Then walk for 8 minutes, run for two, and repeat. Gradually increase your run time as you increase your stamina.

Jogging every day is even more effective when you have a dog to beg you every day, or if you bring a friend along for moral support. However, if you live in the South, running in 100 degree weather may not be an option for you. If heat stops you from jogging, check out your local swimming pool. Not only does the water constantly refresh you, but swimming combines strength-training as well as cardio due to the added resistance. In fact, swimming laps for just 15 minutes can potentially burn the same number of calories as running for an hour. (Just don’t forget your sunscreen.)

There are plenty of options available when it comes to exercise. If the term “working out” sounds like the least fun thing on your mind, maybe you need a change of mindset. Think of what you like to do. If you love nature or are environmentally inclined, go for hikes with your family or volunteer to pick up trash. If you enjoy dancing, expand your horizons – try ballroom, tap, ballet, or bellydancing. If you are video-game inclined, invest in a Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution. You can keep track of calories burned as well as listen to some of your favorite music.

Remember, exercise does not have to be completed all at once. Lift 5-10 pound weights while watching TV, then do two sets of sit-ups and pushups during commercial breaks. Drink plenty of water throughout the day so you stay well-hydrated. Last but not least, take fitness one day at a time. Physical fitness does not happen overnight, but rather the little things we do each day to achieve it.

Jay Lanigan has a love for fitness. Jogging, swimming, cycling and mountain biking are a passion of his. If you enjoyed this article, visit his website about Mountain Bike Helmets and read his review of Louis Garneau Helmets.

As Promised

So everyone!  Here I am again about to post a picture of myself in the “after” affect of losing weight for 2 months.  Now I gotta say that all the ass kicking did some good things.  First I want to explain that I did not alter the picture besides cropping the sorroundings, so this really is me

Alright so down to business!  I worked my ass off for 2 months and lost a total of 10 pounds!  I won’t tell you my weight but let’s just say those hips I was talking about went down 3.5 inches!  YESSS!  I’m going to keep this short but sweet cause I have to go to bed real soon and wake up early to leave on vacation.  I hope that this picture shows some that this can be done with a bit of hard work and no issues with sweat!  I hope that this proves to other than you can get off your butt and get down to business!  I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished in two months and I am going to continue going for as long as possible!

I’m outta here for a whole week!  Gonna enjoy myself with my husband and family in California for our much needed vacation.  But while I’m out there I hope I get some good responses to this blog……  But no matter what the response is, always give me your opinion!  God Bless and Till the 12th!!!!

Good night and Good luck!



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fit Kids Need Playgrounds

Fear of dangerous strangers is keeping our kids and teens from using their neighborhood playgrounds and parks.

Instead, they stay inside and play virtual table tennis on their Nintendo Wii.

It’s not the same thing.

Researchers in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta, looked at perceived opportunities and barriers to physical activity in an inner-city neighbourhood in Edmonton.

Study data revealed three themes that influenced youngsters’ opportunities for physical activity, with positive and negative factors for each.The first theme identified was “neighbourhood characteristics.”

Positive neighborhood characteristics include “walkable” neighborhoods with plenty of parks and playgrounds and nearby amenities.

Negative neighborhood characteristics include perceived “stranger danger” fears related to drug users, bullies, prostitutes, gang members and fear of abduction deterred children and youth from visiting these places.

The second theme was “family involvement.”

Researchers found that while children and youth were rarely allowed out alone, involvement by a family member, for example, accompanying them to a park to play, increased their engagement in physical activity.

The third theme was the “availability of adult-supervised programs.”

On the positive side, we have neighborhoods with a large variety of programs offered by dedicated, hard-working staff and volunteers.

Conversely, neighborhoods with minimal resources; poor staff and volunteer recruitment and retention, and little public knowledge of program availability suffered badly. Even when kids did sign up for available programs, there was a high dropout rate.


If we want our kids to grow up fit and strong and healthy, we need to:

  1. Take back our neighborhood parks & playgrounds (easier said than done)
  2. Get involved with our kids’ lives…not just drop them off at the rec center
  3. Push our governments for more public fitness programs


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Not the Barefoot Contessa

Have you tried running barefoot lately? I’m fascinated by, what I will call, the Running Barefoot Phenom. Since I am always ready to go out on a limb, I want to give this a try.

Did you read “Born to Run”? I actually listened to it while running. Wonderfully written and totally engaging tale……I, at least, totally recommend it – even if you are not a runner.

Anyway, now there are these foot covers (I hesitate to call them shoes) that fit like tabi sox and are made w/ Vibram soles. And they mimc being able to run barefoot. I haven’t seen anyone wearing these but I’m sure i will soon……I read REI is selling them. Hmm, so at least I can go touch them, maybe try them on?

The premise is that the foot is naturally designed to strengthen through use. Mankind evolved as runners, hunting and traveling on foot. And none of us had engineered tennies to do it all in. This rings true for me. My feet are far & away more comfortable without shoes. Now, they’re not always warmest but they are more comfy. My last 6 years in FL were heaven for my feet…..virtually no shoes! I did a little shoeless beach running but not much, not enough.

And 15 years of Tae Kwon Do have definitely been shoeless and I think contributed to foot strength. Recently a friend said to me that our feet get flatter as we age. I have not experienced that? Have you? Anyone heard this theory?

Well I think that the more we use ourselves, the stronger we become. Any body part, physical or mental. I look forward to strengthening my feet and my mind, shoeless or not.