Saturday, October 24, 2009


Saturday. Ouch. I’ve gotten four runs in with one recovery day. After meeting for breakfast with a childhood buddy, I grabbed Jake and roped up the dogs and took off. I mapped a new course last night that is a little bit longer and takes me through a different area of the neighborhood. I thought it would be nice scenery to run by the lake that is part of the neighborhood.

This morning was the first time I ran while I could see the sun. And when the sun comes out, so does everything else. 10 things I learned this morning:

1. Lakes attract geese and ducks.

2. My dogs go crazy when they see geese and ducks.

3. It’s difficult to keep pace when you’re tied to an animal that is chasing a goose or a duck.

4. Running later in the morning means most everyone is awake.

5. People with pets let them out in the morning when they wake up.

6. My dogs are very social and love to roll around with other dogs.

7. It’s difficult to keep pace when you’re tied to an animal that is more interested in rolling around with another dog rather than running next to its companion.

8. Fingers and ears get very cold in temperatures under 40° F.

9. It’s fun running with Jake

10. Even with proper warm up and cool down, I hurt.

Friday 1.91km

Time: 12:32

Pace: 6:33 km

Saturday: 2.39 km

Time: 16:42

Pace: 6:58 km

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