Thursday, October 8, 2009

p90x: Workout Hell

I decided to try p90x ( you know, the infomercials by Beach Body) after hearing from several friends that the program actually works. I have a membership to the YMCA, and I do go sometimes to muscle conditioning classes or to do a stint on the elliptical machine. But most of the time, I choose to do something instead of the y or put it off and then decide not to go altogether. I like working out at home because I can be terrible at the exercises and no one is watching me. When I go to the y, I feel like I need to dress up because so many people I know work out there. I end up feeling self-conscious and then I don’t get the full results of a decent workout.

p90x is a 90-day workout based on muscle confusion (a term I don’t completely understand). There is a video for every day during that period, and on the 7th day of each week, you have the choice to either rest or do a stretch sequence video.

I am on day four, which means today I will do Yoga X, which I guess means EXTREME yoga, since every video is INTENSE AND EXTREME (!!!).

  • Day One: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
  • Day Two: Plyometrics
  • Day Three: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
  • Day Four: Yoga X

The Chest & Back video basically consisted of push up and pull up variations. I can’t do a pull up. I’ve never been able to do any sort of pull up, even as a kid on the playground. So I at least tried every exercise and did most of the push-ups. The combination of the first day and the second day’s Plyometrics made my body ache and unable to climb stairs. The next day was brutal, especially the Ab Ripper X, a combination of 349 ab exercises, and I felt like a beached whale slowly gaining rigor. 

I’m about the do the fourth video, and I’m hoping the yoga won’t be some sort of extreme workout disguised as something I really enjoy. Wish me luck.

Inspiration of the day:

I’m a sales associate at Fossil and we just got the Maribelle leather bomber in.

It’s absolutely gorgeous, and with a hefty price tag of $200, definitely something I’ll be saving up for.


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