Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fitness Hall of Shame, Part 1

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. At FusionSouth, we write about this subject often – there are no quick fixes in the fitness industry. There are no shortcuts when it comes to properly losing weight – and keeping it off – and because of this, it is imperative you do not fall prey to the plethora of fitness gimmicks on television and the Internet. In this post, we introduce you to Part 1 of the Fitness Hall of Shame. How many of these gimmicks have you, your family or friends fallen for? Stay tuned for more parts, coming soon to the Official FusionSouth Blog!

Avoid these dangerous, ineffective and useless machines, programs, and devices – the only way to succeed in losing fat and building lean muscle is through hard work. Hard work can be overwhelming and intimidating, but it is the only option available for you if you wish to lose weight and truly live a healthier lifestyle.


HydroxyCut | Absolutely Dangerous

Let’s start with the most dangerous one. There are countless things to say about HydroxyCut, and the claims that it makes as far as weight loss is concerned. All you really need to know (if you didn’t already) is this: on May 1, 2009, HydroxyCut was recalled by the Food And Drug Administration because it caused, among other things, liver damage, cardiovascular trauma and death.

Stay away from all weight loss pills – HydroxyCut, Hoodia, anything containing ephedra, and most other dietary supplements. If you must take one, please, please, please consult your trainer, nutritionist, and physician before beginning – most of them are dangerous, useless, and ultimately ineffective, anyways.

Electric Abdominal Belts |  The Laziest ‘Exercise’ You Can Do

This is one of the most ridiculous devices we have seen. Supposedly, wrapping a belt around your waist which sends electrical shocks to your core muscles will magically give you a six-pack and toned hips. The companies which promoted these products made claims including: 10 minutes with this device is the same as doing 600 sit-ups, and This device is 30 percent more effective than traditional exercise – both of which are ridiculous in and of themselves. First of all, electric stimulation (which many athletes use to help rehabilitate injuries) send such tiny charges to your muscles that it does not effectively build them at all.

But, the best litmus test for any fitness gimmick (which this one fails miserably) is the following: Can you simultaneously eat a pint of ice cream while “exercising” with the device? Yes? Then maybe, just maybe, this is a gimmick…It is also noteworthy and bizarre that some of these companies claim to be “FDA Approved,” even though their product is neither a food nor a drug.

Sauna Belts | Sweating Your Way To Stupidity

Instead of actually moving or contracting muscles to burn fat, the Sauna Belt claims to melt it right off like a form of some kind of thermal liposuction. What really irks us about the Sauna Belt, and sends it solidly into the Hall of Shame, is its complete and utter worthlessness. There are plenty of other fitness gimmicks that at least involve some sort of muscle contraction. The sauna belt offers a heated rubber belt which makes your stomach sweat – seriously, that’s all it does. Sweating is a good way to lose calories, but only if you are actually exerting effort when you sweat. The Sauna Belt simply sweats away excess water weight, and sheds no excess fat stores.

Based on our previous litmus test, above, the Sauna Belt also fails – simultaneously eating ice cream while “melting away fat” is not the way to true weight loss. Please don’t fall for this one!


Friends, there are no shortcuts in the weight loss game. There are no gimmicks that will keep the weight off and help you learn the proper nutritional and fitness habits. You must take the time to teach your body how to eat, move, function, and live properly. Weight loss does not come in a pill, or a device you can strap around your waist. Do things the right way, and your body will thank you for years down the road. Be well!

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