Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Many Benefits of Pilates and Aerobic Fitness

A fitness craze is steadily sweeping across the globe as people realize the benefits a healthy lifestyle regiment can bring. Combining a well balanced diet with a daily fitness routine can go a long way towards obtaining that healthy regiment. Walking, swimming and tennis are prime examples of activities that can easily be incorporated into a daily routine. Another exceptional exercise option is joining the local gym for workout sessions.

All of these are tremendous examples of ways to get moving and keep the body in shape. Another great option that is growing in popularity is Pilates. This exercise program provides body shape results through a series of easy to follow techniques. Pilates provides a whole body response that can not be matched by other fitness programs. This is achieved through isolation and targeting techniques to tone and strengthen the core.

The composition of the core consists of the main muscles within the body.

From a fundamental standpoint, Pilates combines yoga, swimming and Greek Roman exercise with deep breathing techniques. Workouts can be completed in any position that an exerciser feels comfortable in. In addition to the flexibility in position, Pilates offers wide range of motions through techniques. For these reasons, a Pilates session can be completed on an individual basis or as a group workout. These group workouts can take place in a private home, fitness gym or anywhere else participants desire. Everyone from stay at home moms to celebrities are getting involved in Pilates.

With this trend in full motion, fitness trainers have been hard pressed to come up with new and innovative ways to conduct Pilates fitness workouts. This is where aerobics is introduced to the world of Pilates. In the 1980’s, aerobics was thought of as the best way to get in shape and stay in shape. Movements brought heart rates up and increased body sweat. These elements produced results that were believed to be the most efficient way to exercise. What better way to bring two exercise greats together than to create aerobic fitness and Pilates routines.

On the surface Pilates does not appear to be an aerobic fitness program. Like many other exercise programs, there are a few moments taken at the beginning to warm up the body and get ready for action. After this, aerobic fitness and Pilates moves works the body into a sweat and raise heart rates. This is achieved through upbeat movements that incorporate balls, exercise ropes and other related exercise equipment.

Numerous benefits are produced from engaging in an aerobic fitness Pilates program.

Keeping the body toned and shaped leads to less risk for diabetes, heart disease and strengthens the immune system. The great thing about aerobic fitness and Pilates is that it is an exercise routine than can be followed by virtually anyone. The range of participants goes from children all the way up to senior citizens. The senior citizen group receives extra benefits due to the fact that this type of exercise program maintains body circulation systems. The more aerobic fitness and Pilates one engages in, the quicker a healthy lifestyle regiment will start showing through a healthy body.

[Via http://aerobicnfitness.wordpress.com]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hey Dad, your baby weight is showing

There’s a definite baby boom going on as evidenced by all the strollers, slings, and Baby Bjorns populating my sidewalks these days. Heck, most of my friends are on their 2nd are 3rd babies right now which isn’t surprising since I’m a billion years old. What I have noticed however, is how BIG dads are getting these days. Is this something I missed or is it normal for new dads and dads- to- be to carry higher than their pregnant spouses? The complaints about baby weight that I usually get are from new mothers who want to lose or moms-to-be who don’t want to gain. Somewhere in there I forgot all about the poor fathers who find themselves too exhausted and stressed out to shave anymore let alone exercise.

Let’s give the guys a break shall we? becoming and being a father is a joyous and incredibly emotional experience for most men too. It also increases every anxiety they will ever have about manhood. They will have to ask themselves : do I know enough to teach my child? am I good at anything that I want to pass on? do I have enough money for my baby’s’ future? will my wife/girlfriend ever forgive me for the pain of childbirth? will she ever let me touch her again? will I still be one of the boys? Of course, moms know that the answer to all those questions is: Eventually.

Men just know that nothing will ever be the same and so they eat and drink sometimes in an effort to regain the old  joie de vivre of the Before Baby days. Truth is, the BB days are long gone and so is the youthful metabolism that hid their dietary sins. In its place is a fountain of the stress hormone cortisol fueled by a lack of sleep due to feedings, burpings, changings, wailings and dwindling savings. Hence the basket ball beneath his t-shirt and the stubble on his chin.We must help them. What does or did your guy do to lose the “daddy weight” ?

Here are some tips to get started:

Hang out with people that encourage your fitness: Yeaaaah, you probably shouldn’t listen when your friend tells you that pizza is a food group. You’re not ten anymore.

Treat fitness like work appointments: Put it in the schedule and keep the appointment. Could you skip a work meeting “just because”? then don’t blow off your workouts either

Do it early when you still have the energy: Take the baby for a run in the stroller while mommy sleeps ( you’re welcome, ladies) or better yet WITH mommy, ride the bike while watching the morning news but don’t postpone it until you’re too tired to move or it won’t happen.

Improve your court/field/rink skills for when your kid needs a coach: Join an intramural team and anticipate how proud you’ll feel when s/he says wow, teach me THAT Daddy!”

Remember, your health is your wealth: Plan on being a burden on your family in your old age or plan on walking someone down the aisle or on a family trek? it isn’t rocket science that prevention is the best medicine.

[Via http://fabulouslyhealthy.wordpress.com]

Eating Healthy Day 21: Ode to Breakfast

Good morning!

As I said a few days ago, breakfast has become more and more important to me every day. I love it. I love sitting down to take pictures of it and eat it. I don’t mind getting up early when I think of what I can eat. Weird? Probably. Don’t care. Don’t knock it till you try it.


In the mix,

  • Oats: just enough to cover the bottom middle of the bowl
  • Plain yogurt
  • TJ’s almond butter: I always get unsalted almond butter, but I accidentally got salted. Fail.
  • Trader Joe’s strawberry spread
  • dried cranberries
  • Ground flax
  • Cinnamon


Pictures are stupid sometimes.

K. For lunch, I had leftovers from this deliciousness.

Kidney Bean Spaghetti

And, as I posted earlier, Cafe Med was for dinner with good friends. :) )

[Via http://healthyteacher.wordpress.com]

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Walkers Celebrate!

Today at 2:00 p.m., our community of walkers will come to Caffe Sportivo to celebrate their accomplishments. They have been on a “virtual” walk to New York City since last February. We had 4 people make it to NYC and many others had a good showing making it through multiple states.

We’ll be celebrating until 4:00 p.m. All walkers will have a chance of winning great prizes. Come celebrate with them if you have the time!

[Via http://caffesportivo.wordpress.com]

Training & Diet Week 3 Day 4 & 5

One of my Thai chicken curries


I ate two Dan Bing wraps, each with an egg, some cheese and tomatoes. Pretty healthy and it tasted pretty good as well.

I made some spicy pork that I had with some rice.


I started out the day with a milk tea and a banana smoothie. Before I left for work, I had a big green salad, with some leftover spicy pork and two eggs. It was pretty good.

When I came home at around 8PM, I made a green Thai chicken curry. I ate that with a bit of rice. I had some strawberry drinkable yogurt and an apple to finish the day.

[Via http://range.wordpress.com]

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Custom made workout program for you!

I get queit alot of emails from girls who want me to help them with training programs that only suits them

and I really want to help,but I don’t have that time so I can help everyone with it, so therfore

I am offering custom made workout program that suit you and your bodytype where I show exactly what and which

exercise you will do, how many times a week,reps and sets,when it is time to change your workout and put together

another workout routine for the next workout,and also I will write how many calories you must eat and if you need

to do more cardio or less, if your body needs higher or lower reps etc,and what types of food you should eat

(OBS I do not do meal plans in this program,ONLY show what kind of food is best for you and your bodytype)

This workout program is for 4 month,and then you can continue with it from “circle one”,I just help you to get right

in the beginning, cuz it is most important to take this first time seriously in the workout,cuz you have the most potential to grow faster in the beginning if you are doing it right in the first 1 year

If you buy this custom made program, you can contact me anytime during this time if/when you need help and I will help you with your question about it!

For 28 USD you will get a 4 month custom made workout that suit you and your goals

If youare  interested in a custom made workout program, please contact me at : fitandfun@live.se

and we will discuss more about it,what goal you have,if you have trained before,and if,what have you trained

and I need to know your age,hight and weight,and if it is possible, a picture of you(I wont show it to anyone!)

so it will be easier for me to see how you look like




[Via http://buttgirl77onlineshop.wordpress.com]

St Patty's Delight: Eating Healthy Day 19

After exercising hard on Monday (cycling was almost the end of me) and intense yoga yesterday (we did advanced class, and I’m still in pain), I decided to chill today. Well, actually my body decided. I thought I would go to the gym around 5 today. But, during the last portion of my day, I wasn’t feeling fantastic. I went home right after school and settled in to chat with the hubs for a second and take a nap. My cat nap turned from what I had planned to be half an hour to three hours. Woops. It felt good though, and I’m still tired tonight.

This morning, after eating Taco Tuesday, I was parched. I don’t take in very much salt these days, and that food left my mouth incredibly dry. I had 7 bottles of water between last night after everyone left and 5pm today. That’s a lot for me.

What better way to start St. Patrick’s Day than with a green monster? There is no better way. Don’t try to think of one.

green monster for st patty's

Lunch was my left overs from the yummy salmon patties with zucchini, brown rice, and carrots.

Dinner was at Bible Study. JerBear made us some corn beef hash with cabbage and potatoes. Amazing. The most tender meat ever.

The spread

Your mouth should water

Chris made green cupcakes!

Jerbear iced one for me to take a picture of

My plate

I hate half an uniced cupcake. It was delish and festive.

Yes, I have writing on my hand. I need to remember things. I can hear my mother telling me not to do that in my head right now.

The Baker

The ladies in green



Morgan and Aurora

And, speaking of Aurora, she hasn’t had a coke in a week! Yay! I gave her my soda speech a few weeks ago, so when she told me, I was soooooooooo excited! She’s also been walking at work. Aurora gets a round of applause! And, she told me she’d never do it:)

This is our celebration picture:))

I have a circle ghost on my face

St. Patty’s Day was mellow but good. Beth Moore was wonderful, as always. Now, I’m ready to shower and go to bed. I need to make my lunch, but I don’t know if I’m going to have time tonight. Sheesh! This daylight time change really screwed me up. I just can’t get back on track for some reason. Now, it’s almost midnight, and I have to get up at 5. Perfect. At least I got a nap in!

My husband is reading me an article about new cop cars. I seemed disinterested and he told me was mad because he has to listen to my food jargon, but I wasn’t listening intently to him. He’s gotta a point. I better go.

[Via http://healthyteacher.wordpress.com]