Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Patty's Delight: Eating Healthy Day 19

After exercising hard on Monday (cycling was almost the end of me) and intense yoga yesterday (we did advanced class, and I’m still in pain), I decided to chill today. Well, actually my body decided. I thought I would go to the gym around 5 today. But, during the last portion of my day, I wasn’t feeling fantastic. I went home right after school and settled in to chat with the hubs for a second and take a nap. My cat nap turned from what I had planned to be half an hour to three hours. Woops. It felt good though, and I’m still tired tonight.

This morning, after eating Taco Tuesday, I was parched. I don’t take in very much salt these days, and that food left my mouth incredibly dry. I had 7 bottles of water between last night after everyone left and 5pm today. That’s a lot for me.

What better way to start St. Patrick’s Day than with a green monster? There is no better way. Don’t try to think of one.

green monster for st patty's

Lunch was my left overs from the yummy salmon patties with zucchini, brown rice, and carrots.

Dinner was at Bible Study. JerBear made us some corn beef hash with cabbage and potatoes. Amazing. The most tender meat ever.

The spread

Your mouth should water

Chris made green cupcakes!

Jerbear iced one for me to take a picture of

My plate

I hate half an uniced cupcake. It was delish and festive.

Yes, I have writing on my hand. I need to remember things. I can hear my mother telling me not to do that in my head right now.

The Baker

The ladies in green



Morgan and Aurora

And, speaking of Aurora, she hasn’t had a coke in a week! Yay! I gave her my soda speech a few weeks ago, so when she told me, I was soooooooooo excited! She’s also been walking at work. Aurora gets a round of applause! And, she told me she’d never do it:)

This is our celebration picture:))

I have a circle ghost on my face

St. Patty’s Day was mellow but good. Beth Moore was wonderful, as always. Now, I’m ready to shower and go to bed. I need to make my lunch, but I don’t know if I’m going to have time tonight. Sheesh! This daylight time change really screwed me up. I just can’t get back on track for some reason. Now, it’s almost midnight, and I have to get up at 5. Perfect. At least I got a nap in!

My husband is reading me an article about new cop cars. I seemed disinterested and he told me was mad because he has to listen to my food jargon, but I wasn’t listening intently to him. He’s gotta a point. I better go.


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