Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obligatory introductory post

Helllloooo there!

Welcome to my new blog, Sustainable Eats. It’s just another food and fitness blog, but with an environmentally-friendly twist! Can you be healthy, happy, and eco-friendly? I think you can.

Over the last few months, I’ve been trying to lose weight and engage in a more active lifestyle. So far it’s been sort of slow going. We (my husband, Trevor, and I) get on the wagon and do well for a few weeks: lifting weights, making nutritious home-cooked meals, etc. But invariably, we fall right back off again. We keep cycling back and forth between being responsible and, well, NOT. Let me tell you, it’s frustrating.

So what’s different now? I realized the other day that my birthday is just under five months away. I’m going to be turning 27, and it seems to me that now is the perfect time in my life to establish some good habits. Before we have kids or a mortgage to worry about, before our metabolisms hit rock-bottom, before our waistlines expand to the point of (seemingly) no return. I firmly believe that if we can form healthy and sustainable life-long habits now, it will have a tremendous impact on our quality of life for the next fifty years.

And so my goals for the next five months are clear. I will aspire to make healthy eating, and rigorous exercise daily habits, instead of mountainous chores that we avoid or dread doing. As I’m constantly contemplating environmental sustainability, I’ll bring that mindset to each and everything that we do!

It all sounds so easy, but some things are easier said than done. Still, I have super-secret battle plans for making these things possible. One of those plans is this blog. My hope is that being more publicly accountable (even if no one ever reads it) may help me stick to my guns when I’m feeling particularly low in the self-control department.

So, stay tuned! At the very least, this little experiment should be entertaining to watch. ;)

[Via http://mollyawatson.wordpress.com]

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