Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Work out goals I can keep

After traveling the world, I had lost a lot of muscle mass. I was weak, and I was at my heaviest. When I was traveling, my weight didn’t bother me, but it was hard coming home and hearing all the whispers about how everyone thought I would loose weight and not gain weight. How could I explain that I didn’t overeat, but that trading my health food diet with a high carb diet that cost less than 2$ a day was going to have consequences. You should try eating rice and coca cola for a year and see how that goes for you. I came home with just 2 outfits that had holes in them, and when I went shopping I sat in the old navy dressing room, and cried. Nothing fit.

When I first started working out, I felt like I didn’t belong at the gym. I felt like a gym poser. I would have my sisters inspect my shorts and t-shirts to ask if I looked like I could fit in at the gym without looking like I was trying to hard. Doing the elliptical at a low resistance (1 or 2) for just a half hour felt like running a marathon. Just five minutes on the stair master at a super slow speed, made me feel like I was gonna pass out. I met with a trainer for my gym orientation, and he asked me what my gym goals were. I told him I just wanted to move my body. He thought that was a ridiculous goal, and instead replaced my goal with things like loose x # of pounds/ fat/ inches. His goal made me frustrated because it wasn’t something that I felt like I could really master without failing at over and over. So I rejected the trainers plan and came up with my own goal. I will move my body for at least an hour 4 times a week. I even allowed my self flexibility with this goal like I could just work out a half hour, and do the other half hour another day. This was a goal I could keep, and week after week I felt proud of myself because I was succeeding every week. If I didn’t want to do cardio, I didn’t, I did light weights. If I was tired, I did yoga. If I felt good, then I pushed myself. The point, I was moving.

I naturally got better, and now I work out at least five days a week sometimes multiple times a day just because I like it. And I slowly lost weight/ inches without ever stepping on the scale or trying.

Find a workout goal that you can keep and succeed at. It doesn’t have to have anything to do with the scale!

Just move your body to be healthy, you would be surprised how much joy this can bring you!

[Via http://elizabethuhles.wordpress.com]

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