Sunday, March 7, 2010

Picture 65

So this is a really poor picture, but I forgot to take one earlier. I went to the gym tonight for the first time in a couple weeks, and my plan was to take a picture of the treadmill when I had finished running. Due to unexpected complications, though, it slipped my mind. I haven’t been good about keep my New Year’s Resolution of going to the gym these last few weeks because my sister and little niece were in town, and I wanted to hang out with them while I could. They left about a week ago, but I’ve had such a random work schedule, plus I went out of town for a few days.

Now that everything has calmed down again, I’m renewing my focus. And I’m committed to turning myself into a runner. It doesn’t hurt my knees as much as I seemed to remember, so that’s a good sign. I ran a mile about two weeks ago and felt pretty good about it, so I thought I’d try again tonight. You know- slowly work my way up. About 3/4’s of a mile in tonight though, it felt like my lungs were collapsing (that’s probably a slight exaggeration, but you get the point). I had to slow to a walk and really concentrate on catching my breath. I’ve never smoked a cigarette (or anything else for that matter) in my life, and I’m not that out of shape, so I’m a little concerned. I have trouble breathing from time to time, but I always just assumed it was anxiety since it would hit me at weird times, and never really impacted my daily life. I’ve never been gasping for air or anything like I always imagine asthma attacks to be like. After tonight though, I don’t know anymore. I’m not going to give up on running, but it sucks that now I have to worry about this, too.

Any runners out there, I’ll take advice/tips on how to get over hating it :)


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