Sunday, February 21, 2010

DDR is helping states put a dent in child obesity

Good news out of Tennessee, according to an article in The Tennesseean: the  child obesity rate in that state is headed south.  Tenn. is third in the country for pediatric obesity, so this is especially good news.  Dance Dance Revolution in school PE programs is getting part of the credit, along with eliminating sugary sodas and juices from most schools.

West Virginia made news a few years ago by putting DDR in all its high schools and middle schools, and they are even hosting a statewide DDR competition for school kids later this year.  That garnered praise from First Lady Michelle Obama, who told a meeting of governors yesterday that they have DDR at Camp David, called it “addictive” and “the president still can’t do it”.  Just keep your feet out of the center square, Mr. Prez.


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