Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Running

In order to loose weight (I need to loose about a stone & half, preferably more) I started running last November.  I had some issues to begin with – Im not exactly built for sports and I’d never been very athletic at school.  I’d tried running earlier in 2009, but my chest bought me unwanted attention and the humiliating horn honking was enough to put me off for 6 months.

However, the cooler weather November brought made it easier for me to get out there and run due to the fact I had to cover up in layers against the cold (of course, that means I am dreading the coming spring & summer where my over-excessive boncing will be drawing unwanted attention again, but I’ll face that when it comes).

I have been completely shocked at how much I have enjoyed running, even in the cold, and especially in the rain. I’ve just got in from a 4.5mile (7.2km) run which took me a few minutes over an hour, and despite the fact it was cold and humid out, I feel fantastic!! It’s the runners high you get after a great run, and yes, I’ve had bad runs, some so bad I’ve given up after 15mins and walked home, but runs like this one make it all worthwile.

I wish my milage was a little higher. I had to take a break over the Christmas period due to a cold on my chest, then it snowed, and snowed, and snowed some more, before I caught another cold, so I picked up running again in the last week of January and was pretty much back to when I started in early November. But at last I feel Im getting somewhere again. I’ve lost about 6lbs, which isn’t much and certainly isn’t showing yet, but I know I’m going about loosing weight the right way, plus my fitness is up, and I get to have legal highs like the afterglow I’m experiencing now. It’s awesome!! :D

[Via http://subangel.wordpress.com]

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