Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Training ride - 2/9/10


  • Distance:  27.2 miles
  • Avg speed:  13.8 mph
  • Avg HR:  150
  • Max HR:  171
  • Cardio:  39:20 in zone 3, 1:19:59 in zone 4, 4:08 in zone 5
  • Calories:  1840
  • Weather – high 30s, clear sky, brisk north wind 10-15 with gusts to 20


one variant of family of routes from my house to Central Market on North Lamar

View Interactive Map on MapMyRide.com


  • first couple of miles sucked–legs felt like big blocks of cement trying to move through gelatin
  • I hate wind.  If it’s true that headwinds build character, then I’ve got plenty.
  • GPS watch had some funky elevation glitches, pretty sure I did not ascend 1200 feet on that route

[Via http://oldguy2wheels.wordpress.com]

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