Saturday, September 5, 2009

The 5K Experience

First let me say that this first 5K race that I just completed was the most rewarding experience ever. I think that even though is was tough going at times, I am hooked on this type of running. At least I now know that I can do this. There are no more excuses for me.

I started off the day by getting up at 2:30 Am; mainly because I could sleep. I had a good breakfast of Steel Cut Oats and an egg white omelet. I thought that this would be a good combination to help give me the energy I need to do this run. It was a good decision, looking back at it now.

I did arrive to the race area a bit early and that got me a bit nervous because it gave me extra time to think about what I was about ready to embark on. This too was a good decision because it gave me time to really ingest the whole experience and get a feel of what this was all about. Plus the extra time allowed me to get my timing chip and music ready as well. The before I knew it 7 AM was here and the run was about ready to start and boy was I nervous, yet excited to be apart of this run.

I was in the middle of the pack and like a couple people suggested I did my best to start off slow. Boy was getting started tough, really tough. I wasn’t even into a ½ mile and I already doubted that I could finish this. That doubt didn’t last long though because once I start something I am the type of person that will finish what I started no matter how long it takes.

I then started getting a bit worried about my breathing and heart rate as well. I thought I was hyperventilating, but still not sure if that’s what it was or not. All I do know is that there was a period that my heart rate reached 182 (148 in my target HR). Inside I was really freaking out because my HR has never gotten that high before and the thing was that I wasn’t even running that fast. So in order to get it down a bit and get better control over my breathing I had to really slow down to a fast walk.  That slower pace really did help me get better control of the situation. All this occurred around the 1 mile mark.

It seemed like at the 1 mile mark I was doing a bit better with my pace and HR, which was now around 156 or so. That was something I was more comfortable with and my breathing at the same time was better as well. Now don’t get me wrong it was still rough but yet it was then I knew and gained the confidence that I could do this.

I think that the last mile or so were I might have picked up the pace a bit because I knew the finish line was in reaching distance. At this point I was even passing other person that passed me by earlier and that was a nice feeling. I was also not feeling any pain or discomfort at all, especially with my knee. All in all I was feeling pretty good about this and before I knew it I was taking the final turn and there is was… the FINISH LINE!!! What a site that was. This is when I really picked up the pace and sprinted the last 100 or so yards. The crowd was cheering me and others as we crossed the finish line and it really had me choked up inside.  I have been on this journey for a bit now and for the first time in my life, as I crossed the finish line, I felt like I was an athlete, a runner, a part of wonderful group of people, and that I was were I really wanted to be.

It’s hard for me to truly put into words the true depth of this experience. It was awesome to say the least. I felt a sense of pride in myself that I have never experience before.

After I caught my breath I then went were the other gathered as we waited for the awards ceremony and I had a chance to talk with a couple other runners before I headed back home. It gave me a chance to really be a part of this whole experience and one that I look forward to being in again.

Once I got home was hen the tiredness and leg soreness started to set in. It wasn’t too bad though and it’s something I could bare with; at least till I was able to sit in the hot tub. Now I just wonder what I’ll feel like in the morning. That’s when the real soreness usually set in on me. You know what though, it doesn’t really matter. I am feeling on top of the word and this accomplishment is just one of many that I plan on tackling head on.

My thanks go out to all of you for your wonderful support, encouragement and kind words. It all means a lot to me.

Now I just need a bit more chill time… Catch you all real soon.

So the results are (unofficial for now):

  • Time @ 35:12 minutes
  • Calories burned 1025 in that period
  • Overall Finish 117 out of 140
  • Pictures and official times will be posted as soon as I am notified.


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