Friday, September 25, 2009

do you know how long thirty seconds is?

kind of a redundant question isn’t it? right now you’re scratching your head and thinking to yourself, she’s really gone off the deep end now. i went jogging the other day. that’s right i said jogging. you run for thirty seconds then walk for four and  half minutes and slowly build up your time, increasing your running intervals and decreasing your walking time. it was my first time out, armed with my new stopwatch, i set out for the bike/hike trail near my house. i did three intervals before it started to rain lightly, i started heading back and by the fourth interval it was pouring down rain, i did one more interval before walking home. by this time i was soaked.

i had my session with leslie that day, i did an hour of weights and abs and then went home and jogged. did you ever think i would say that? two knee surgeries and three years later i am running through the woods, timing myself in a downpour. my one year anniversary with jenny craig is coming up next week, and i still have a ways to go before reaching my goal weight. i have no one to blame but myself. i have another holiday season to get through while dieting. but i am determined to get there.

while running in the rain, i was reminded on an old goldie hawn movie, anyone remember the movie the wildcats? goldie is angry because her students broke her father’s stopwatch. they have no respect for her as a female football coach. she challenges them to a contest. all the teenage boys (watch for woody harrelson) are running by her, hotdoggin’ it. slowly but surely they drop one by one until the last man is down. goldie takes it one step at a time, putting one foot in front of the other. slow and steady wins the race. not only can i apply this to my jogging, and my weight loss, but it also applies to my finances and my overall life plan in general. slow and steady wins the race.

every day i must make a choice, to work out, to work hard, to eat right, to stick to the plan. i don’t always make the right choices but i believe i will get there. i weigh in tomorrow and hope for better results this week. i’ll let you know next week how it goes.

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