Thursday, September 24, 2009

Watch out Roger Bannister!

YEAH!!! I finally was able to get back to Crossfit.  Thank goodness. For a true non-gym rat, I do really enjoy going to the Crossfit gym.  Why do I like it?  It is similar to me.  Not real fancy, but very reliable and a little old school.  Yep, that works for me.  So today’s WOD was fairly simple, 1 mile run for time.  Now as a little background is needed here.  Some years back I was doing some running on a regular basis.  Like most Crossfit exercises, running requires very little equipment.  It really only needs shoes.  Well, I was running and continued for a while, but then, I got an injury on my foot.  Initially I thought it was just a pulled muscle.  I continued to run because after I started the pain started to fade and then I was fine.  Then one day, the pain, especially in the morning, was SO bad that I could not walk to the bathroom.  I had to crawl on my hands and knees from my bed to the bathroom.  I could put no pressure on my foot at all.  Still after a while, it would be ok but this was definitely not normal and I went to a doctor.  He stated that I have partial shredding of a tendon which goes from the ball of the foot to the heel.  The pain was amazingly bad and he remedy was to put ice on it and wait.  That’s it.  Ice and time.  Lovely.  Well since then I have been very cautious about running.  But the WOD was running so, I was running.  We actually had a small debate if we should run or go 2k of rowing.  I encouraged us to run.  Yep the guy with the painful memory said let’s run.  So out we go.  I knew I would be last of the group (I think there were 6 of us).  I am by far the most out of shape. I was keeping pace with Sarah for about 1/4 of a mile but then she started to pull away.  I only walked about 5 steps which I thought was pretty good.  My time was 10:05.  I was hoping to not break 10, but as I had no real reference I guess 10:05 is ok. The hard part of the run was the breathing.  The air quality in LA is really bad right now.  There is a fire in the near vicinity and after the run my throat hurt, bad.  It felt like I swallowed glass.  Still hurts now.

Oh, and after the run, I decided to continue the work out and I did 5 pull ups followed by 20 sit ups.  I did 5 reps of these.  My stomach was tight so I had to be careful about the stomach cramp.

The first part of the workout however was the left test. We ran that 3 times. Since the second rep was shorter I will skip that time.  My first run was 24.30  and my second was 24.33.  I was pleased with this.  The hard part believe it or not was the last part, the sprint.  The transition was difficult to execute correctly to get the  most out of it.

Now as you have seen, I have had some difficultly in being able to make the time to exercise.  I still have my weigh in tomorrow morning though.  So to help compensate I have worked more on my diet.  I have finished the zone, and I am going to re-read some parts.  In a nutshell, to eat appropriately on the zone have a lean piece of protein surrounded by veggies.  The protein should be about the size of your palm.  Ok I can follow that. Based on my preliminary weigh ins, I should be in good shape for tomorrow. But the midnight twinkie fairy needs to stay away.

Now here is an interesting factiod.  Although I am still getting tired and pooped after the workout, I am recovering much faster.  I assume that all goes hand-in-hand, but it is interesting.

Well, that is it for today.  Wish me luck for tomorrow’s weigh in!

Until next time

Never, ever give up!

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