Monday, September 7, 2009

Carrot or stick?

In this case the Stick is a massage stick which is used to massage key muscles. I confess to having mixed feelings because a person I trust in these matters is singing praises but I can’t yet feel immediate benefit, except when I’ve completed 850 kettlebell swings with full tension(I was aiming for more but form went), and am beginning to stiffen up.

At present I am massaging my bum, lats, hipflexor, quads and traps (I never thought I’d use those words together in a sentence and know what I meant!) 2 sets of 20 each side. My hip flexor, bum and quads should help my core and the traps and lats are working on shoulders. I do this 3 or 4 times a day. I dare not do bum and hip flexor at work, I’d get the sack if someone walked in on me! So usually nearer 3 times.

Along with that is joint mobility. I am a fan of this- really helped me when I hurt my back- in fact I was talking about the benefits of joint mobility only today with a colleague. A different set with feet and knees which I really like.

Next comes the stretches- reach and roll to activate my lats, ASLR and walkout (which is a killer!) to activate my reluctant core. Then first stage get up practise. As you can guess the warm up etc can take as long as the workout- but I’m flexible and well stretched and that is worth it’s weight in gold.

Today I didn’t return from work until 7pm and really want some sleep so am having a rest day-it’s too late to work out and I’ve some work to do tonight. This could mean two workouts together this week-oh well can’t be helped.Time for a massage whist I cook tea…


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