Friday, September 4, 2009

It’s Friday and so far this week I have done really well.  This morning I was 146.8 lbs!!!  I have lost 3.2lbs since September 1st.  I know, I know, it’s just water weight, but it’s encouraging none the less.  I noticed that there are certain times of the day which I find more difficult than others.  For example, I find the mid afternoon and evenings difficult.  Usually I try not to eat anything before bed, but last night I was so hungry that I had a few dry roasted unsalted nuts and a glass of skim milk.  And what do you know, I woke up weighing one pound less than I did yesterday!  I also stuck to my planned workouts all week.  I do not go to the gym on the weekends because the kids are home and there’s just too much going on with the boys’ hockey and school work, etc.


One thing that has caused me to overeat in the past is that I really don’t like to feel uncomfortable emotions, such as anger, loneliness, boredom, worry, etc.  I have gotten really good at not feeling strong emotions by just eating whenever I felt stressed.  The food would calm me down and I could just ignore what I was feeling.  But last night I was upset and I just had to deal with it.  My son’s bike was stolen (and it was kinda my fault) and everyone was very upset.  I felt so bad!  After it happened I just wanted to go in my bedroom and binge on some chocolate.  Then I said to myself: you feel bad – so what?  Just wait a few moments and the feeling will pass.  It’s just feelings after all!  And it worked!  The feeling passed, and I didn’t ruin all the progress of my first week by pigging out.


Soon I will be putting up new pages with details of the eating and exercise program that I am following!


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