Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's Been Up!

Yes, it’s me again.

Not much new happening on the home-front, but I thought I’d post to say hi and to give you a bit of an update to what’s been happening.

As most of you are aware I am on a nice vacation and am staying locally because there is things I want to accomplish here. Plus I avoid the stress of packing, traveling and all the other stuff associate with a vacation away from home.

I am still planning to do my first 5K race on Saturday. I am a bit nervous and unprepared for it, but it still won’t stop me from crossing the finish line. I set this goal months ago and being a man of my word it’s something I plan on sticking with. I have only done a couple of trail 5K runs so I really don’t feel totally prepared for this. I guess I’ll find out on Saturday how well I do. To be honest it really doesn’t matter how I fare in this. What I feel is important is that I am sticking with it and  will do my best no matter how hard it might be. Who knows I might even surprise myself in how well I do.

I also had my fitness evaluation with Paul and as soon as I get those results I’ll be posting them as well on the Evaluation page. I didn’t do that well weight wise though for the 8 weeks. I only lost 3 pounds and I am not sure how the rest fared in all this. All I know is that it was a wake up call for me and come November when I have my next evaluation it will surely be a different story.

There are some other revelations that I have come up with as well and a big thanks goes to Paul for helping me realize some of the things that cause  me to sabotage my progress. The three things that really cause me to binge eat and to get off my program are:

  1. Negative and Self destructive thinking.
  2. To concerned and worried about what others think of me, how I look, act and present myself.
  3. Always reflecting on the past and the behaviours that caused me to gain the weight.

So these are the things that I will be working on and making sure I don’t allow these issues to hinder my progress and goals. By dwelling on these is only causing me harm and creating unhealthy patterns. So by eliminating them I am sure to move forward and live in the present and allow the past to be exactly that, the past.

I know there was more I wanted to say but I need to get back to studying the ACE. I also hope to stop by all your blogs for a visit as well.

All in all everthing is going quite well, busy, but well!

Hope you all have a  healthy, safe and enjoyable week-end.


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