Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Diet - Days 1 + 2

It’s been 6 months since the wedding and I’m tired of toting around the extra 10 pounds that somehow stowed away sometime after/during the honeymoon. I didn’t realize domestic bliss translated into weight gain, but I should have realized that this might happen. I’m still active – I work out 5-7 days per week, but during the year before the wedding I was so busy with school and planning that I rarely had time to cook let alone bake. I’ve been indulging in culinary adventures quite a bit over the past several months and I’m paying the price.

I’ve been attempting to “diet” on and off with no real success. I decided that making a public announcement (although I’m not sure how public it can really be since the readership of this blog has dropped off to nearly nil) might do the trick.

So, in the spirit of old-fashioned accountability, I hereby declare that it is my goal to lose 10 lbs in the next 6 weeks. For workouts, I am following the Intermediate Women’s Health Running for Weight Loss program, but adding cross-training cardio on the strength training days. I have successfully completed days 1 and 2 of this program.

I am yet to successfully start the diet part of my weight loss plan – I am attempting to follow the “deadline diet” women’s health plan, at least as an inspiration. This plan involves eating 5 small meals a day, incorporating lean protein into almost every meal, adding lots of fruits and veggies, avoiding processed sugars/flours etc. and all that good stuff. I’ve had good results with this “diet” before and consider what I am doing more of getting back into line with a lifestyle rather than a “diet”. I’ve been using food as a reward way too much lately (mostly to make up for what I perceived were the hardships I endured when I was too busy to cook last year) and I’ve indulged myself enough. So, tomorrow will be day 1 of the diet and day 3 of the workout. I will be running 30 minutes, stretching, and skating for at least an hour.

If you happen to read this – feel free to post encouragement or share your own fitness goals! I could use the support : )


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