Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's a brand new day!

So here we are… it’s Monday.  Usually Mondays are boring and we hate them because that signifies the beginning of the work week.  This particular monday however, is very exciting for me for a couple of reasons.  After years of dieting, not dieting, dieting again, not dieting again… I’ve finally decided to change my excercise and eating habits thus, changing my life.

Today is the first day of my new workout regimen where I will be training with my good buddy Patrick.  Patrick and I have worked together for a few years now and we’ve always gotten along pretty well.  At the gym though… it will be a whole different story.  Patrick has been working out, training people and hitting the books about excercise, nutrition and general health for a long time now and he’s all about getting his friends healthy and fit. 

I’ll be checking in daily to let you know how I’m doing and I’ll be posting my weekly video blog to show you what I’ve learned and offer tips that I pick up along the way on nutrition, excercise and what NOT to do.  Stay tuned and if you’re struggling with your weight then tune in here and we can support each other!  See ya!



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