Tuesday, January 26, 2010

66.1kgs or 145 lb and 11.60 oz

Really not very happy about the reading on the scales this morning. I really didn’t think they would be that bad. I weighed myself after going to the gym which may have had an effect as I drank a lot of water, but I just don’t see how I could have put on so much weight so quickly. I know I might have some bloating etc. at this particular time of the month, but given that I weigh myself every day and have done for a long time, I don’t remember a trend of such fluctuation.

I’m trying to channel the frustration and down feelings about it into doing something about it. It helps that at least the horrid scale reading comes after more than an hour in the gym. I know what I need to do (I say it often enough!) so just need to crack on. It is harder for me to feel positive about my body when I think it’s heavy though. I know it’s silly but that’s how I feel about it.

[Via http://bodyobsessed.wordpress.com]

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