Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Rule 2: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

My second offical rule is:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

I dont think we realize how the food we buy at the grocery store is not “real”.  I highly reccomend the book titled “In Defense of Food: An Eaters Manifesto“. This rule is directly from it.  It’s all about the Western Diet.  It gives you a new look on how to eat food that is actually good for you body, not just the basics that are keeping you alive.   About how most foods now are super refined so it will stay on the shelfs for long periods of time, and by doing this they take all the “good” stuff out of our food because thats the stuff that molds faster.  About how ingredient lists should only contain 5 or less items.  If you can’t pronounce an ingredient in the item, you shouldn’t eat it.  About how we shouldn’t HAVE to look at the nutrition labels, since what we shouldn’t be eating crappy things anwyas.   My favourite rule is that you shouldn’t buy anything in the super market your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize. Imagine her in the cereal/cracker isle.  She would be so confused.  This book is actually life changing.   Organic ORGANIC ORGANIC!! I’ll probably bring this rule up over and over.

In other news, I had a great swim today, and ate 90% organic food.  Excellent day :)

Have an amazing, peaceful, loving evening!!!!


[Via http://joceycakes.wordpress.com]

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