Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Beginning

From a very early age I have always known that something inside me was different.  I’ve always been able to read peoples minds and manipulate them if I chose to, just by knowing how their mind was, what it really wanted and what it didn’t.  I have also had an inner energy tht has helped me learn and control how I have lived my life.  I’m not a very emotional person, but the reason for this is very simple and something I will explain at a later date in more detail.

As I grew, my energy also got stronger, my focus became precise, I became ultra fit, and already knew what I would do for a career.  I had to try out the hunting ability of my gift, afterall, that is what vampires do best…hunt.  We are born to hunt, not sitting around a room drinking cups of blood, or finding a partner to bite or cut so you can engorge yourself on them.  The blood issue has very strong bonds with me, another subject I shall go into more detail at a later date.

I shall also be introducing the Codes Of Honor.  These are very important to me as I have lived my entire life by them.  They will show to many others the true strength of the vampire for what we really are, and not for how people perceive us to be.  The sense and psionics honed and used correctly means your life will never be a negative drag.  Trust me on this.

The time has come for me to share my mind and soul about what is very close to me.  The media and commercial aspects of todays society has taken over the role of what a vampire is.  They have created an unrealistic view of how vampires live their lives and how people should perceive them, from the sanguine to the energy vampire, or psychic as some call them.  All having weak minds that have no real sense of psionics or abilities.

It’s a trendy fashion now.  Everybody loves the vampire, yet they are not taken seriously, and really, can you blame them?  The media has created a mythical superhuman.  I am here to enlighten others that the vampire has now evolved.  We are smart, clever, and use our psionic abilities to sense and know what is right, before it even happens.  Prediction is paramount for it saves much time in a society that really is based on lies and cheating.

Over the next few months I shall explain how I have used my gifts in various forms, how people can learn to hone this energy if they so choose, and what my thoughts are on all the other types of so called vampires, most of which I have come across.  I will explain how my life as a psionic vampire has evolved, and everything I write is based on real life experiences, all the things I have seen, done, and felt.  I hope to cover all aspects of the genre of vampires.  Some will not like what I have to say, some will.  This is fact based, not fiction.  I know it won’t change the whole outlook on how people view vampires, but this is very personal to me and it’s also my destiny to share what knowledge I have.


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